Gun owner? You must be a white racist


NES Member
Feb 6, 2012
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The researchers' examples of "symbolic racism" includes things such as "wanting longer prison sentences for criminals" or "being opposed to government programs such as welfare". What the hell?
All this racist sh*t is stupid. I've been told everything from "you must hate blacks" to "racism only goes one way" and it's all rubbish.

It's just an excuse when they have nothing else. Yes, there are racist people out there. Of every color. Doesn't mean everyone is. Or is and hiding it. Most of us have more things to worry about than the color of someone's skin
So African Americans don't own guns? Is that the gist here? This article is ****in racist.
This is one of the ways you know liberals have lost their argument. It's like when little kids resort to name calling. This is just name calling dressed up as a "study". The problem is, the low information voters eat this crap up and think they don't even have to argue the "gun issue" anymore because "gun people" are just a bunch of neanderthal racists not worth engaging in any sort of dialogue. The whole liberal machine is built on dirty tricks. The only way to fight them is to get as many people shooting as possible. And if you have any non white friends, especially, get them interested in shooting.
John Lott (of "More Guns, Less Crime" fame) kicked their butts

In brief, he notes they only ran their analysis on Whites, which was very suspicious. When he replicated their analysis on Whites and separately on Blacks, he got results suggesting one could also say Non-Whites who are racist against Blacks are more likely to buy guns - which makes no sense at all.

LOTT: "Given the discussion is racism here, wouldn’t it be useful to note that over 91 percent of blacks are murdered by other blacks. Similarly, 84 percent of whites are murdered by other whites. One thing is clear, whites aren’t getting guns to kill blacks."

"O’Brien, the lead author told the New York Daily News that “we couldn’t make sense of why there would be resistance to gun reform in the U.S.” and an Australian newspaper that “we found the arguments for opposing gun control counterintuitive and somewhat illogical.”

Looks like if the Brits and Aussies think Americans oppose severe gun restrictions/bans, we must be bad people. They looked at and concluded we were Racist but, as Lott points out "This paper arbitrarily uses only a subset of the factors that can account for gun ownership. For example, here is a list of some of the variables that could have been accounted for but were not: religion and church attendance rate, marital status, party registration, home ownership, the state that the lived it (not just whether they were in the South, but even other other parts of the country or particular states), and who they supported for president."
I would treat anyone that broke into my house in the middle of the night and tried to kill my family exactly the same.
I have always wondered why the NRA was not an all black organization being that the first gun control laws were aimed at keeping blacks from owning guns and protecting themselves. Every black friend I have is Pro2A.
Don't people realize that ideas like this are what's perpetuating racism in this country?

Just let it go.

when the race card gets turned in, what do some folks have left for ammo?

it's like rock, paper, scissors--RACE CARD.

basing opinions of someone solely on race, gender, or creed is ****in' retarded.
The researchers' examples of "symbolic racism" includes things such as "wanting longer prison sentences for criminals" or "being opposed to government programs such as welfare". What the hell?

The retarded part is that what they're basically saying is " black people are criminals" - and - "black people are all on welfare".

Yet they're too stupid to figure this out.
when the race card gets turned in, what do some folks have left for ammo?

it's like rock, paper, scissors--RACE CARD.

basing opinions of someone solely on race, gender, or creed is ****in' retarded.

That race card crap drives me ballistic.

A number of years ago I was in Lowell - it was my last day of work before I was going to be out for 2 weeks doing a massive renovation on my house, so it was one of those " nothing can go wrong today " type of days. So I'm at a light - it turns green - and WHAM - the guy behind me slams into the back of my car.

My windows were open and I just said - very loudly - WHAT **** IS WRONG WITH YOU! - or something like that. It was the first thing that came into my head.

So I get out to look at the car - there wasn't any obvious damage - and the other guy gets out of his car - and the first words out of his mouth were : " I didn't do that" - " Do what? " I said. " That" - and he points to some rust spots on the side of the FENDER of the car.

So right away I know I'm dealing with a moron - and he's pissing me off already because I know where he's going - he's trying to deny he even hit me. So I told him there's no way he could have done that - it was rust. I told him I was pissed because he hit me - and of course - he denied it. So that started an argument. After a couple of minutes - he pulled the race card and said: " You're only doing this because I'm black" - and he was barely black - he looked mixed race to me - and he was an immigrant to boot because he had a wicked accent.

So I told the guy : " look - you ****ing smashed into me - and denied it right to my face - then you started arguing about stupid shit - like a rust spot that you couldnt have possibly caused - and now you're pulling this black shit - do that one more time and we are REALLY going to have a problem".

He shut right the hell up after that.

I think the race card gets pulled because people keep getting away with it. They need to be told to STFU.
That race card crap drives me ballistic.

A number of years ago I was in Lowell - it was my last day of work before I was going to be out for 2 weeks doing a massive renovation on my house, so it was one of those " nothing can go wrong today " type of days. So I'm at a light - it turns green - and WHAM - the guy behind me slams into the back of my car.

My windows were open and I just said - very loudly - WHAT **** IS WRONG WITH YOU! - or something like that. It was the first thing that came into my head.

So I get out to look at the car - there wasn't any obvious damage - and the other guy gets out of his car - and the first words out of his mouth were : " I didn't do that" - " Do what? " I said. " That" - and he points to some rust spots on the side of the FENDER of the car.

So right away I know I'm dealing with a moron - and he's pissing me off already because I know where he's going - he's trying to deny he even hit me. So I told him there's no way he could have done that - it was rust. I told him I was pissed because he hit me - and of course - he denied it. So that started an argument. After a couple of minutes - he pulled the race card and said: " You're only doing this because I'm black" - and he was barely black - he looked mixed race to me - and he was an immigrant to boot because he had a wicked accent.

So I told the guy : " look - you ****ing smashed into me - and denied it right to my face - then you started arguing about stupid shit - like a rust spot that you couldnt have possibly caused - and now you're pulling this black shit - do that one more time and we are REALLY going to have a problem".

He shut right the hell up after that.

I think the race card gets pulled because people keep getting away with it. They need to be told to STFU.

That's a f'd up situation, but unfortunately typical whenever there is an unfavorable situation between blacks and whites. What was the final outcome of the incident? I think at the point where the race card started getting thrown around, I would have involved the police just to cover my ass, but I try whenever possible to handle things myself.
That's a f'd up situation, but unfortunately typical whenever there is an unfavorable situation between blacks and whites. What was the final outcome of the incident? I think at the point where the race card started getting thrown around, I would have involved the police just to cover my ass, but I try whenever possible to handle things myself.

Literally right after I finished yelling at the guy and telling him he was really going to have a problem if he pulled that black crap again - a Lowell Fire pumper pulled up (we were in a busy area) - and one of the guys leaned out and asked if there was a problem. I replied " not really - he smashed into me - then he denied it - now he's claiming I'm pissed because he's black - and I just finished telling him he better shut his hole or I'm only going to get more pissed off".

The guy laughed and said the police were on their way. She (female officer) - showed up about 1 minute later - asked what was going on - I basically gave her the same rundown I gave to the guys in the fire truck - the other guy started spewing bullshit again - and then she let HIM have it.

All in all it worked out well - I ended making some money off the guy because the claim was there was some damage to the bumper system. But I honestly think if I hadn't been so forceful and had my shit together - AND hadn't shut him right down when he tried to pull the "you're only doing this because I'm black" bullshit - it would have gone a completely different way.
The researchers' examples of "symbolic racism" includes things such as "wanting longer prison sentences for criminals" or "being opposed to government programs such as welfare". What the hell?

It's a false application of otherwise irrelvant statistics. Kind of like saying "I hate soda" and having someone else turn around and tell you that means you also hate water, because soda is over 90% water. It's perfectly OK to like water but hate soda. Throw them a twister. Tell them you hate soda but love beer. "but that's not possible, you can't both hate and love water at the same ---- (their brain just exploded)"
Really want to argue with someone on this study?

1) The study results are what they are. Unless you've got the education and intelligence to dispute the method with concrete facts relating to method and findings WITHOUT bringing unnecessary baggage into the discussion, just avoid disputing the method at all - You'll lose.

2) Don't dismiss "racism" without understanding specifically what they're talking about. For a crash course, start at, proceed to, and finish at Maybe take a few of the assessments at The standard failed argument tactic for this argument is to say "that's not racism - Merriam Webster defines racism as..." Understand the differences in the types of racism in the links, and...

3) Realize that liberals are guilty of it as well (, A correlation between gun ownership and symbolic racism can't be more damaging to one's argument than the correlation between non gun-ownership and support for forced race-based selections...Some affirmative action tactics are in and of themselves not discriminatory (JFK, and LBJ's executive orders), the methods mandated for their implementation frequently are.
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The people that ran the study are the real racists as are so many democrat politicians. They call the republicans racists for wanting to reduce welfare (general term) spending and say it's because republicans hate any race but their own, ignoring the fact that not all republicans are white. The fact remains that the main reason for wanting to reducing welfare spending is because it is so often misused by those receiving it. Wanting someone to pick themselves off of their feet and support themselves is not racism. Expecting others to work as hard as you is not racism. Now treating minorities like they are less than you and treating them like children, that's real racism. Not expecting them to be as smart as you, not expecting them to work as hard as you, that is racism.
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