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NES Member
Jun 24, 2008
Winchendon, Mass
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Obama Lies To Gun Owners As Holder Reveals Gun Attack Plan

As a presidential candidate, Barack Obama deliberately and repeatedly lied to America's 90 million gun owners across the country when he insisted that he would not try to take away anyone's firearms, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said today.

CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb, reacting to yesterday's remarks by Obama's Attorney General Eric Holder that the president will seek to reinstate the ban on semi-automatic firearms, said Obama "knew he was lying to the nation because his own website touted his plan to revive the gun ban and make it permanent."

"We warned America that Obama's 'support' for the Second Amendment was empty rhetoric," he stated, "and now Holder's disclosure has confirmed it. Obama was lying, and now gun rights may be dying."

Several times on the campaign trail, Obama told voters "I'm not going to take your guns away." He said it at rallies in Duryea, Pennsylvania and in Boise, Idaho. He also told a news conference that "Lawful gun owners have nothing to fearÂ...I think people can take me at my word."

"Right now," said Gottlieb, "I wouldn't take Obama's word if he said it rains a lot in Seattle. Apparently, law-abiding gun owners have nothing to fear unless they own sport-utility rifles, semiautomatic shotguns, handguns and any other firearm that Obama and his anti-gun attorney general don't like.

"Thanks to Eric Holder, who has been far more honest than his boss about his anti-gun philosophy, it is now clear that the new president doesn't support the Second Amendment at all," he observed. "American gun owners should remind Democrats in Congress that the Second Amendment means what it says, especially when the president doesn't."
Ken, that's crazy talk... next thing you know you'll be saying he's socialist. A gun grabbin', steal from the producers, socialist. A gun grabbin', steal from the producers, buy votes from the lazy masses, socialist. A gun grabbin', steal from the producers, buy votes from the lazy masses, anticonstitutional, socialist. A gun grabbin', steal from the producers, buy votes from the lazy masses, anticonstitutional, America hating, socialist.

Oh wait, he is all that...
Obama didn't lie. He isn't going to take our guns away, that's Holders job. If the congress-critters pass the bill, and it lands on Obamas desk, he'll be forced to sign it because that must be the will of the people. [frown]
So we are just realizing this now? There is a reason for the recent frenzy to buy guns and ammo. I dont think anyone with an IQ over 75 believed him. So a word to the wise, buy many guns and much ammo and make them become mysteriously LOST.

This clown will be impeached before his first year in office. After all you cant be the president of the USA if the USA is no more.
This type of shit is really getting old I'm tired of worrying when they are going to take our guns or tax ammo 500% or strip us of all our rights. I feel like the USA we used to live in is gone. We need to wake up and take our country back.
Give me one example of when he told the truth! Besides redistributing the wealth, when he wasn't on the tellalieprompter.
Look at this rationally. Fear and lies elected him. Fear and lies put us in debt for many years. Fear on our side drove the price of guns and ammo way up. States that collect sales tax are loving your fear, because you are buying at inflated prices. More revenue for the state. I work at a University. Even the Liberals there realize the mistake that was made. If you buy into what he is selling, for most of use it is a negative, he wins. Don't change your life, do everything as you did before. If the day comes that some bizarre bill is proposed, then speak out. Use the system. Stating that someone is going to reinstate a ban that did nothing to begin with is a waste of breathe. My AR's without flash suppressors are real nice rifles. My AK74 w/ out a flash suppressor or muzzle break does not bother me a bit, it never had one! I guess it could be the "new" post ban as far as mags go. Don't worry about this bum. I thought the term "empty suit" from a professor said it all.
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Question: How do you know when a politician is lying?

Answer: Their mouth is moving.
He didnt lie. he's not going to take anyone's guns away. He's just not going to let you buy any new guns...nor any ammo for the guns you have...nor.... you get the point.
Well basically he isn't trying to take them away. He is just making it impossible to buy any more so he will say he didn't lie. I think he would take every gun away from every American law abiding or not if someone gave him the chance.

I think its too late at this point. The liberals will get what they want. The only thing we can do is ride the storm out and hope our boat is still afloat when it is all over. You know what they say though "Hope don't float!" [thinking]
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Ken, that's crazy talk... next thing you know you'll be saying he's socialist. A gun grabbin', steal from the producers, socialist. A gun grabbin', steal from the producers, buy votes from the lazy masses, socialist. A gun grabbin', steal from the producers, buy votes from the lazy masses, anticonstitutional, socialist. A gun grabbin', steal from the producers, buy votes from the lazy masses, anticonstitutional, America hating, socialist.

Oh wait, he is all that...

I agree with most that posted. We always knew it was a lie. He may let us keep what we own, but it will be too expensive to maintain and use them. Look at all he doing, this ridiculous stimulus plan is useless and will only cripple the country even more. Someone has to pay it back and it will be our children. Reminds me of that old cliche saying "robbing Peter to pay Paul". Illegals are out of control here and he will do nothing about it ever. They will keep working for less, paying 0 taxes and putting out inferior product. The only ones that will truly pay for any of this are the American citizens.

Makes you wonder how McCain or Ron Paul would have handled things.
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