Gun Room, Shrewsbury, MA

Went in there because I was in the area. No insults thrown at me although certainly not the friendliest shop I've ever been in. Picked up some ammo at a decent price.
Called them a few months ago about doing transfer for a pre-ban Glock. The out of state seller I was buying it from did say he has shipped the same glock to the Gun Room in Shrewsbury in 2006. I was going to be in Shrewsbury, so why not call these people up?

So I called them up, talked to some rude guy on the phone. I was trying my best to be courteous. Told him I would be in the area and would like for him to do the transfer. He started asking a ton of questions about why there, who said they had one shipped there last year, and then said "Glocks are illegal in MA unless your a cop." I then lost it and told him to go .... and hung up. Its seemed like they really had no use for my business. (I seem to think Firearm transfers are a no-brainer for dealers, its Tax Free money for twenty minutes of labor)

Oh well, I had it shipped to FS instead, who were very accommodating, and pleasant, but it was out of the way for me at the time. Should of not wasted my time and read this thread first.
I drove by the shop and noticed that it was closed at a time that it used to be open. I stopped and looked at the hours sign and noticed that they've cut back their hours of operation.


I don't know any business that's thriving and then cuts back their hours.

Place sucks.
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My memory isn't all that great, so I may be off on this, but... I remember hearing about a gun shop out in that direction that got stung pretty good by the state for....something...I can't remember what. It *might* be that shop, and it *might* be that they only cater to the folks they know. I'm not defending them in any way, shape or form, however, if it was them, it might have made them leary in dealing with new faces or folks who don't have a license as yet. I don't know...either way, they won't increase sales. [roll]

Not that one. There used to be a guy who ran a shop out of his garage behind Spags. His prices were cheap, and he had decent inventory. He then moved the store to Boylston. Soon thereafter, he got nailed smuggling guns to china through an airport. He went to jail for a good long time. Not sure whatever happened to him.

He ran a decent shop. Too bad he did something stupid.

Not that one. There used to be a guy who ran a shop out of his garage behind Spags. His prices were cheap, and he had decent inventory. He then moved the store to Boylston. Soon thereafter, he got nailed smuggling guns to china through an airport. He went to jail for a good long time. Not sure whatever happened to him.

He ran a decent shop. Too bad he did something stupid.


You are thinking of ARMCO.
If you are in the Shrewsbury area and need a transfer I strongly recommend you go one town to over and deal with Mike Wheelock at Tite-Group in Northboro. He knows what he's doing, no fuss and a pleasure to do business with.

I don't like to gossip, but I was in the Gun Room about 2 months ago and as I stood at the front counter the owner was telling someone on the phone (in the open and very public) that his MD thought he may have lukemia and he was waiting on test results. Maybe that explains the change in hours and the overall shop attitude? Who knows. [thinking]
Not that one. There used to be a guy who ran a shop out of his garage behind Spags. His prices were cheap, and he had decent inventory. He then moved the store to Boylston. Soon thereafter, he got nailed smuggling guns to china through an airport. He went to jail for a good long time. Not sure whatever happened to him.

He ran a decent shop. Too bad he did something stupid.

It was Steve Holmquist. The shop in Boylston was in the basement of a house, but was huge, nicely organized, and had loads of everything including full auto. Some info may be found at

I went to the liquidation auction, but didn't buy anything. The only deals were on the full auto - some stuff actually went for more than retail, including a batch of Ravens (yikes!!). I had hoped to pick up a few compensated custom 45s that were simply listed in the catalog as "Springfield 1911", however, someone else had the same idea and was willing to pay quite a bit more than the bargain I was looking for. One of the more interesting items was a "shipping container" of 12 gauge shotgun shells from China, for auction price plus duties owed.
If you are in the Shrewsbury area and need a transfer I strongly recommend you go one town to over and deal with Mike Wheelock at Tite-Group in Northboro. He knows what he's doing, no fuss and a pleasure to do business with.

+1 for the experiences had at the Gun Room.

+1 for Mike being a nice guy. I did a transfer there once. Nice enough, quick, no hassel, and an all around great experience. However he has recently raised his transfer prices AGAIN and its now up to $40 bucks a whack. Pretty steep IMO.

With that said, Brian Wooley of B&K sales in Natick is a SUPER nice guy, very accommodating, and his fee is a mere $25 bucks. He's also a new member here, Bamp. While he doesn't have an inventory he's happy to help you find anything you may need. Worth a look for sure. He's the only one I go to in Central Ma for the most part.
Called them a few months ago about doing transfer for a pre-ban Glock. The out of state seller I was buying it from did say he has shipped the same glock to the Gun Room in Shrewsbury in 2006. I was going to be in Shrewsbury, so why not call these people up?


He has also had some LEGAL issues since then....[thinking]

And I don't understand. WHY is it an issue if someone doesn't want to do something...because well they just don't want to! It isn't always about the $$$$$$ !

The state being what it is... I don't know if I would want to do an out of state transfer either! And how are you doing it anyways? Doesn't it have to be in the state before the new Consumer Act!!
Law Enforcement Guide to Firearms Law 12th Edition

Massachusetts Handgun Sales Information

Pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws chapter 140, section 123 all handguns not lawfully owned in Massachusetts as of October 21, 1998 must be tested in compliance with clause 18-21 of said section 123 prior to their sale in Massachusetts. In addition, 501 CMR 7.00 establishes an "Approved Firearms Roster" whereby handgun models tested by a state approved independent testing laboratory will be listed on a roster. Upon publication of the roster, the sale of any handgun not exempted shall be evidence that the dealer violated section 123 (a 10 year felony) if said handgun model is not listed on this roster.

Important note: The "Approved Handgun Roster" under 501 CMR 7.00 is entirely separate and unrelated to the Attorney General's regulations set forth in 904 CMR 16.00. Inclusion on the roster does not guarantee compliance with the Attorney General's consumer protection regulations, and exemption from the Attorney General's regulations does not indicate compliance with the statutory provisions of c. 140, sec. 123 or guarantee inclusion on the roster.

Law Enforcement Note: While there is a law enforcement exemption for the Attorney General consumer protection regulations, there is no such exemption for the statutory testing requirements. As such, if a handgun is not listed on the roster once it is published, it will not be able to be purchased from a Massachusetts dealer even by law enforcement officers or their departments. Law enforcement officers and their departments however can purchase such handguns from dealers or distributors in other states under federal law. These out-of-state law enforcement acquisitions do not violate Massachusetts law.

Conflict with exemption dates: The statutory exemption date for which guns need not be tested under chapter 140, section 123 is handguns lawfully owned in Massachusetts prior to October 21, 1998. The Attorney General's regulations exempt handguns manufactured prior to that date regardless of where they were owned.
I'm sure he would be welcome to introduce himself to the forums, and answer any questions to clear up what are obviously misunderstandings.

The last time I was there (this goes back a couple of months), I was chatting with one of the employees. He mentioned that he'd attended an NES shoot and spoke well of the members. Since he was friendly and helpful (yeah, surprise), I didn't want to embarrass him by pointing out the rep that the store has made for themselves here. I did consider suggesting that the store should get on the forum and clear the air (huh - I guess that was a pun -- if you've been there, you get it.)

I've been visiting Gun Room occasionally for few years now, and while I can't praise their customer service skills, I haven't had any problems with the owner or the other employees (and that goes for the Rambo dude back in the day... he was fun to talk to, but probably not the kind of guy I'd want dating my daughter). They're kind of stand-offish with people they don't know, but tend to change their attitude when you show an ID. I've overheard the owner mention that they've had some thefts, so I guess I can't blame them for being suspicious, but then I also don't particularly like being sized up as a potential criminal every time I walk in a store.
I thought Peter was out of business....

Is Phil working out of the old Village Gun Shop? It looked like a Volvo dealer the last time I drove by :)

Thanks for the contact info.
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If it's of any assistance, Murphy is at The Gun Room on weekends and as usual, is a ton of laughs. Should head up there this Saturday after I finish doing the spring shots for my horse thingie.
I thought Peter was out of business....

Is Phil working out of the old Village Gun Shop? It looked like a Volvo dealer the last time I drove by :)
Yes, he is. Doesn't always return calls real promptly, though, so if there's a particular piece on his website that you want, you may want to call him a second time if your call goes to voice mail.
Is that the one where he's abducted by Aliens and returns to a birthday party of which he's compelled to spin a yarn? He tells of his abduction and, of course, everyone get's a big laugh out of it. I have it on tape.
rumour has it that they have a new "piece of work" behind the counter whom insults anyone that comes through the door. [crying][rolleyes]

This is different from before how?

I've been there just once, with a couple of friends, and we were not even allowed into the store. I guess they didn't think much of scruffy student types. (Even if they're a group of scruffy student types with LTCs and money to spend. Oh, and the group included the assistant coach of our rifle team.)

From what I've learned since, I think getting thrown out was a better outcome than actually buying something there would have been.
This is different from before how?

I've been there just once, with a couple of friends, and we were not even allowed into the store. I guess they didn't think much of scruffy student types. (Even if they're a group of scruffy student types with LTCs and money to spend. Oh, and the group included the assistant coach of our rifle team.)

From what I've learned since, I think getting thrown out was a better outcome than actually buying something there would have been.

Please elaborate. How were you "not allowed" into the store? Did they ask to leave as soon as you crossed the threshold? Were you actually barred from entry?

This I gotta hear...
Please elaborate. How were you "not allowed" into the store? Did they ask to leave as soon as you crossed the threshold?

That's basically it. We walked in and they told us to get out. It was a few years ago, but the dialog I remember was something like "hey, they've got lots of stuff we can check out", "no, you can't", "but-", "you're leaving. now."

Their store, their rules, we left. I'm making an assumption that it was based on our appearance; not sure what else they'd have to go by, and none of us had set foot in the place before.
gunroom service

take your pick; could have been anyone of thier inept brothel of help. most likley the owner himself [laugh][shocked]
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