Gun Show Etiquitte?

Jul 22, 2009
Nu Mung Ba
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While waiting in a very long line at a recent show, a young gentleman came from the back of the line and struck up a conversation with the person close to the front of the line. Before you know it he is inline up front.

Is this an accepted practice?'s pretty rare for someone to say's one of those MYOB.

I save spots in line for friends all the time,I had one guy complain once like 40 people back and I asked him if he wanted to cut infront of me too.He scowled and went back to staring off into space.
I've never been cut in line to a gun show But some punk teenager cut in front of me and the wife once at the movies. I asked him what he was going to see, After he stated what movie I told him that's the what we were going to see and if he didn't get back to his spot in line I would sit behind him and kick his seat through the whole movie. He laughed apologized and got back in his spot in line. We weren't even seeing the same movie.
happens everyplace. It's the whole "me first" attitude everyone has now. We deal with it a LOT at Disney but have our "spread out and block" tactic perfected much to others disliking. You start behind me, you stay there!
Not long ago, a couple of young adults cut in front of me at the drive through at DD. I tapped the horn, put my hands up a bit. The wise kid at the wheel laughs and and puts his hand out. OK, action --I get out of the truck, I say to him in my best command voice, " Now , I'm going to give you the opportunity to be a gentleman here, pull your vehicle out of line, exit the lot, and get at the end of the line." He actually did it. I wanted to see if he had the hair to tell me "bleep off" to my face. I'm disappointed in this younger bunch.
happens everyplace. It's the whole "me first" attitude everyone has now.
A lot of the time, it's not even that. Some people are off on their own little planets and oblivious to what's going on around them.

Nothing drives me more nuts then going to a restaurant and having someone else, oblivious to the world try to split up my group (of two) when being seated by the matre'd.

No situational awareness.
KMS said:
I save spots in line for friends all the time,I had one guy complain once like 40 people back and I asked him if he wanted to cut infront of me too.He scowled and went back to staring off into space.

lol, you know he wanted to
Things not to do while travelling the world A list of faux pas to avoid

[quote name='Bob Ariyamitr' timestamp='1163187507' post='45939']

This was listed under Canada:

Not waiting at the end of a queue for your turn ("cutting in line") is considered extremely rude.

I thought it was rude all over the world (if not MOST of the world)

While waiting in a very long line at a recent show, a young gentleman came from the back of the line and struck up a conversation with the person close to the front of the line. Before you know it he is inline up front.

Is this an accepted practice?

It's only OK if he conducted one of those illegal gun purchases that Michael Bloomberg keeps talking about.
People are just plain rude and out for themselves now a days... Had a guy try and drive off on unpaid gas today... Ran him down, he told me he thought he did pay... Told him to look at the pump(has no CC slot) and hauled his ass in to pay
People are just plain rude and out for themselves now a days... Had a guy try and drive off on unpaid gas today... Ran him down, he told me he thought he did pay... Told him to look at the pump(has no CC slot) and hauled his ass in to pay

Ha, I would love to see the look on his face.
I'm telling you unless its act the only place I see young adults <21 or kids behave or have manners is the gun club! Last worsth thing I seen was 3 mid teem kids basically barge around a women entering MacDs and not even attempting to hold the door. The women was pregnant. The pregnant women proceeded in a polite and nice way for everyone to hear telling the parents of the children how horrible a job they have done raiseing their children and politely calling them pos. To mu surprise the parrents of the horrible kids actually became up set. Begain to apoligize.......pregnant women completely changed her demeaner and told them to F off..........the 12 or so patrons began to clap or laugh. The women of the children began to grab her kids and run out of MacD 's. This is something I would expect from my grand mother. Who took no lip from anyone. The pregnant women looked no more than all hope is not lost. I have noticed a change in service help as of late. Nicer that is.
I try to teach my kids and have been told by people they are very polite. One time we were at Disney and one of my kids asked for some junk toy and I told them no so they just put it down and I told them to put it back where they got it from and an employee thanked me, she said no one ever does that.
I try to teach my kids and have been told by people they are very polite. One time we were at Disney and one of my kids asked for some junk toy and I told them no so they just put it down and I told them to put it back where they got it from and an employee thanked me, she said no one ever does that.

Great post. My girl told me the other day that she saw a father screaming at his daughter at her work because of a shirt she wanted. He then dragged her by the shirt out of the store. I told her after that maybe 50% of parents weren't meant to be parents. I see so many sh***y parents that it is unbearable. If you are a miserable POS, do us all the favor and don't bring an innocent child into this world whom you will ignore/pester/abuse (physical or mental). I'd love to punch fathers in the mouth when they are acting tough to their child. Sorry for the rant but it pisses me off.

RayB, I know you're a great Dad from our conversation at the NES meet. Remember what I told you, for your next purchase buy a shotgun. It is the best to have in the house to protect your wife in 2? kids. Have a good night.
Yup 2 kids and I took your advice and got a shotgun, a used 12G Norinco model 98, nothing special but it will do the trick :)

Also not to defend that guy but I have had to drag my kids out of a store before, I said they couldn't get or do something and they threw a fit so I had no choice, my youngest has gone as far as to grab and hold onto things in protest to leaving without getting her way haha, it's ugly but sometimes has to be done, I dont yell though because I dont want to bring anymore attention to our situation, sometimes I do raise my voice a little and that gets em to listen, my oldest especially because she will get embarrassed being 14 now
I wouldn't put up a stink about someone holding a space in line for their buddy, but if someone just walked up and placed themselves in line amongst a bunch of strangers, that's a different story. You are a dick head.

One of the rudest things I see at gunshows, and it's happened to me many times is this: I'll be standing at a vendor's table looking at their stuff. Some f*ckstick will actually squeeze right in front of me like I'm not even there so he can look. WTF?! #1, you're being a selfish inconsiderate jerk. And #2 you actually had to brush your ass against my crotch to squeeze in front of me and then bend over to get a close look at whatever you think you're going to swipe out from under me. Seriously guy?!! I'm no homophobe but that makes me pretty uncomfortable. So much so that I won't even say anything to the dude because it's such an awkward situation. I hate you for that, you weirdo butt-shuffling ghoul!!! Go to hell!!!!
I wouldn't put up a stink about someone holding a space in line for their buddy, but if someone just walked up and placed themselves in line amongst a bunch of strangers, that's a different story. You are a dick head.

One of the rudest things I see at gunshows, and it's happened to me many times is this: I'll be standing at a vendor's table looking at their stuff. Some f*ckstick will actually squeeze right in front of me like I'm not even there so he can look. WTF?! #1, you're being a selfish inconsiderate jerk. And #2 you actually had to brush your ass against my crotch to squeeze in front of me and then bend over to get a close look at whatever you think you're going to swipe out from under me. Seriously guy?!! I'm no homophobe but that makes me pretty uncomfortable. So much so that I won't even say anything to the dude because it's such an awkward situation. I hate you for that, you weirdo butt-shuffling ghoul!!! Go to hell!!!!

This is gold

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I wouldn't put up a stink about someone holding a space in line for their buddy, but if someone just walked up and placed themselves in line amongst a bunch of strangers, that's a different story. You are a dick head.

One of the rudest things I see at gunshows, and it's happened to me many times is this: I'll be standing at a vendor's table looking at their stuff. Some f*ckstick will actually squeeze right in front of me like I'm not even there so he can look. WTF?! #1, you're being a selfish inconsiderate jerk. And #2 you actually had to brush your ass against my crotch to squeeze in front of me and then bend over to get a close look at whatever you think you're going to swipe out from under me. Seriously guy?!! I'm no homophobe but that makes me pretty uncomfortable. So much so that I won't even say anything to the dude because it's such an awkward situation. I hate you for that, you weirdo butt-shuffling ghoul!!! Go to hell!!!!

Being the ass I am, I would probably grab his hips and ask if that was an offer
The line cutting is like driving on the highway in traffic and the ass who tries to drive in the breakdown lane, move over and block him
While waiting in a very long line at a recent show, a young gentleman came from the back of the line and struck up a conversation with the person close to the front of the line. Before you know it he is inline up front.

Is this an accepted practice?

I wouldn't say anything...he might be one of those gun nuts!
I wouldn't put up a stink about someone holding a space in line for their buddy, but if someone just walked up and placed themselves in line amongst a bunch of strangers, that's a different story. You are a dick head.

One of the rudest things I see at gunshows, and it's happened to me many times is this: I'll be standing at a vendor's table looking at their stuff. Some f*ckstick will actually squeeze right in front of me like I'm not even there so he can look. WTF?! #1, you're being a selfish inconsiderate jerk. And #2 you actually had to brush your ass against my crotch to squeeze in front of me and then bend over to get a close look at whatever you think you're going to swipe out from under me. Seriously guy?!! I'm no homophobe but that makes me pretty uncomfortable. So much so that I won't even say anything to the dude because it's such an awkward situation. I hate you for that, you weirdo butt-shuffling ghoul!!! Go to hell!!!!

Weirdo butt-shuffling ghoul?!?! hahahahaha [laugh2]
I wouldn't put up a stink about someone holding a space in line for their buddy, but if someone just walked up and placed themselves in line amongst a bunch of strangers, that's a different story. You are a dick head.

One of the rudest things I see at gunshows, and it's happened to me many times is this: I'll be standing at a vendor's table looking at their stuff. Some f*ckstick will actually squeeze right in front of me like I'm not even there so he can look. WTF?! #1, you're being a selfish inconsiderate jerk. And #2 you actually had to brush your ass against my crotch to squeeze in front of me and then bend over to get a close look at whatever you think you're going to swipe out from under me. Seriously guy?!! I'm no homophobe but that makes me pretty uncomfortable. So much so that I won't even say anything to the dude because it's such an awkward situation. I hate you for that, you weirdo butt-shuffling ghoul!!! Go to hell!!!!

Why didn't you give him a HARD BLOCK?! [laugh]
I wouldn't put up a stink about someone holding a space in line for their buddy, but if someone just walked up and placed themselves in line amongst a bunch of strangers, that's a different story. You are a dick head.

One of the rudest things I see at gunshows, and it's happened to me many times is this: I'll be standing at a vendor's table looking at their stuff. Some f*ckstick will actually squeeze right in front of me like I'm not even there so he can look. WTF?! #1, you're being a selfish inconsiderate jerk. And #2 you actually had to brush your ass against my crotch to squeeze in front of me and then bend over to get a close look at whatever you think you're going to swipe out from under me. Seriously guy?!! I'm no homophobe but that makes me pretty uncomfortable. So much so that I won't even say anything to the dude because it's such an awkward situation. I hate you for that, you weirdo butt-shuffling ghoul!!! Go to hell!!!!

...and they usually smell like they haven't taken a shower in a year [puke2]
I wouldn't put up a stink about someone holding a space in line for their buddy, but if someone just walked up and placed themselves in line amongst a bunch of strangers, that's a different story. You are a dick head.

One of the rudest things I see at gunshows, and it's happened to me many times is this: I'll be standing at a vendor's table looking at their stuff. Some f*ckstick will actually squeeze right in front of me like I'm not even there so he can look. WTF?! #1, you're being a selfish inconsiderate jerk. And #2 you actually had to brush your ass against my crotch to squeeze in front of me and then bend over to get a close look at whatever you think you're going to swipe out from under me. Seriously guy?!! I'm no homophobe but that makes me pretty uncomfortable. So much so that I won't even say anything to the dude because it's such an awkward situation. I hate you for that, you weirdo butt-shuffling ghoul!!! Go to hell!!!!

Toss an assortment of condoms on the table in front of the butt-shuffler next time and ask him which one he prefers, that might get his attention [laugh]
What does cutting in line have to do with a gun show? It's rude and stupid and I would have said something. Just like the douche bag with a Liz Warren sticker on her Saab who cut in line in front of me at Dunkin Donuts.
Courtesy is sparce nowadays. If someone pushed their way infront of me and ass rubbed my junk and would probably just act like nothing happened and apply firm pressure against them to weird them out.

To je25ff I hate when people speed across lots just to cut in front of you. If I am coming into a drive in and someone lets me go when they have the right of way, I will pull to the side and let them into the drive thru before me just to return the courtesy.
I wouldn't put up a stink about someone holding a space in line for their buddy, but if someone just walked up and placed themselves in line amongst a bunch of strangers, that's a different story. You are a dick head.

One of the rudest things I see at gunshows, and it's happened to me many times is this: I'll be standing at a vendor's table looking at their stuff. Some f*ckstick will actually squeeze right in front of me like I'm not even there so he can look. WTF?! #1, you're being a selfish inconsiderate jerk. And #2 you actually had to brush your ass against my crotch to squeeze in front of me and then bend over to get a close look at whatever you think you're going to swipe out from under me. Seriously guy?!! I'm no homophobe but that makes me pretty uncomfortable. So much so that I won't even say anything to the dude because it's such an awkward situation. I hate you for that, you weirdo butt-shuffling ghoul!!! Go to hell!!!!

Your damn right, but I almost fell off my chair laughing the way you have phrased this issue.
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