Gun Violence report in the hands of DeLeo

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The ONLY way to teach a politician a lesson is to kick them out or at least make them sweat a re-election.

Unless you go donate to and volunteer for their opposition and make the freedom haters pay, all the calling/letter writing means NOTHING - merely teaching them that you bark loudly but have no bite.

Go put your hard earned dollars and whatever time you can spare into biting a few MA politicians where it hurts them - at the ballot box.
Susie Lee is a solid 2A supporter. the current State Rep for the 2nd Franklin district is a Deleo lap dog.
I do not condone the idea of giving anything up. Gun owners for too long have compromised on something that is a natural right. I'm almost at the point now that I wish they would try an outright or defacto ban. Some of you on here are actually excited because you might be able to drop the AG regs. And for what?

I hear all the time on here about "go time" and "don't give an inch". Now the populous on this thread is to sit down at the table and bargain. Seriously? What the hell? Have we not learned ? We've been doing that for years and that is exactly why we are in the state we are in.

I call my reps. I tell them NO PART of this bill is acceptable.

Sorry I cannot accept that any longer. If that is GOALs stance then they will not receive a penny more from me.

I'm not telling you to charge the hill in insurrection, I'm just saying stop compromising and conceding. In the long run it only hurts us. And at the point it will be to late.

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I do not condone the idea of giving anything up. Gun owners for too long have compromised on something that is a natural right. I'm almost at the point now that I wish they would try an outright or defacto ban. Some of you on here are actually excited because you might be able to drop the AG regs. And for what?

I hear all the time on here about "go time" and "don't give an inch". Now the populous on this thread is to sit down at the table and bargain. Seriously? What the hell? Have we not learned ? We've been doing that for years and that is exactly why we are in the state we are in.

I call my reps. I tell them NO PART of this bill is acceptable.

Sorry I cannot accept that any longer. If that is GOALs stance then they will not receive a penny more from me.

I'm not telling you to charge the hill in insurrection, I'm just saying stop compromising and conceding. In the long run it only hurts us. And at the point it will be to late.

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you don't agree with stiffer penalties on some of the laws? or an extended grace period? or not LTC class B? School resource officers?

just asking, I was shown the error in my thinking earlier, if we strip out all the stuff that actually effects gun owners (leave the suicide number on my ltc, I don't care) and the bill passed that way... that would be the best scenario that actually has any chance of occuring

obviously my dream would be no mag restrictions, no AWB, Shall issue across the board or even constitutional carry, etc etc
you don't agree with stiffer penalties on some of the laws? or an extended grace period? or not LTC class B? School resource officers?

just asking, I was shown the error in my thinking earlier, if we strip out all the stuff that actually effects gun owners (leave the suicide number on my ltc, I don't care) and the bill passed that way... that would be the best scenario that actually has any chance of occuring

obviously my dream would be no mag restrictions, no AWB, Shall issue across the board or even constitutional carry, etc etc

Why support increased penalties for violations of MA gun laws? They don't enforce them on the gang bangers, only on regular folk.
Remember 1998 give a inch lost a mile

- - - Updated - - -

Go to huff post and read comments from linDA rose
I think most police depts are against this. Because, if the state fails to do their job licensing in time-the local pd gets fined. There was a lot of talk about this at work today-the police aren't happy. They see nothing addresses crime.

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Why support increased penalties for violations of MA gun laws? They don't enforce them on the gang bangers, only on regular folk.
because what difference does it make if its one year or five if it's rarely enforced? not worth arguing over to me

and I am with you guys, I don't like any part of the bill either, I can find something wrong with every single part of it, but no one will want to listen to me pick the whole thing apart
Because if it's one year it doesn't make you a federally prohibited person for life, but if it's 5 it does?

Carjacking and home invasion are still felonies as far as I know, so they're DQs already. They can make them capital crimes for all I care. PSGWSP
Carjacking and home invasion are still felonies as far as I know, so they're DQs already. They can make them capital crimes for all I care. PSGWSP

There are parts of this bill that increase penalties for storage violations, failure to report lost or stolen guns, etc.
There are parts of this bill that increase penalties for storage violations, failure to report lost or stolen guns, etc.

This one is a head scratch form me. I mean seriously, other than making you unsuitable because you lost your gun, how does reporting a stolen gun prevent gun trafficking. The LEOs are not going to investigate this anymore than a normal theft of under a thousand dollars or a normal house break so I really do not see the utility to fight "gun trafficking." Why not increase the fines for having an "unregistered gun" or when one actually commits a crime with one? I know others have said it, but most of these are "got ya" offenses for the unwary and not the hard-core gun criminal.
I tried to reread through and really understand this bill and the only conclusion I can come up with is that they locked some drunk, retarded monkey in a conference room and had him throw shit against the wall and this is what came of it. Seriously, some of the stuff in here and you just have to laugh out loud....and then call an out of state realtor.
I think most police depts are against this. Because, if the state fails to do their job licensing in time-the local pd gets fined. There was a lot of talk about this at work today-the police aren't happy. They see nothing addresses crime.

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Great - another disincentive to issue new licenses [angry]
Why not increase the fines for having an "unregistered gun"

So those people who moved into the state with guns should be incarcerated? How about those for whom the old blue card were damaged and lost?

Do you understand that the vast majority of guns in this country are owned with no tracking at all? How is it that Maine, Vermont and New Hampshire are not giving Detroit and Chicago a run for their money?
Keep giving until it's all gone. Maybe in 6 years they will let you keep a bolt action shotgun.

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This one is a head scratch form me. I mean seriously, other than making you unsuitable because you lost your gun, how does reporting a stolen gun prevent gun trafficking. The LEOs are not going to investigate this anymore than a normal theft of under a thousand dollars or a normal house break so I really do not see the utility to fight "gun trafficking." Why not increase the fines for having an "unregistered gun" or when one actually commits a crime with one? I know others have said it, but most of these are "got ya" offenses for the unwary and not the hard-core gun criminal.

Theoretically, it's supposed to reduce bulk straw purchases (as if that's a problem here in MA [rolleyes]).

The thinking goes that if person A engages in bulk straw purchases, and any of those firearms turn up at a crime scene or in the possession by a felon, and it's traced back to person A, he/she can simply claim that they were stolen and face no charges.

By making it illegal not to report stolen firearms, the reasoning goes that at least they can prosecute the straw purchaser for something.

If they think they can avoid that possibility and report their straw purchases as being "stolen", it's going to send up a red flag after the 3rd -4th, etc time they do it.
Apparently they do.

I'm surprised they didn't want to make it even more illeegaler, and make it a 2 year+ sentence for the first offense so the person charged would become a PP at the Federal level.

I am shocked that "thought crimes" are not a part of this legislation. They can simply say that everyone is potentially unsuitable.
I am shocked that "thought crimes" are not a part of this legislation. They can simply say that everyone is potentially unsuitable.

There are a lot of folks in the PRM who think that anyone who wants to own a gun is obviously unsuitable. If they were suitable, they wouldn't have that desire.

It's the MA version of Catch-22.
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