Gunpowder disposal?

While cleaning up the basement yesterday, I came across 2 cans of fff black powder and about a 1\4 can of idea how old. What's a proper way to dispose of these? Thanks!

Very simple, you have several options. You can flush it (might not be good if you have a septic), you can dump it on your lawn, you can shoot it ...

You can have some fun, if you have a place for a fire outside, you can make a trail up to it with the BP and light it, watch it burn like a fuse and light your fire.

BP wont blow up if it isnt under pressure or in huge quantities.

BP is fine as long as it isn't wet. Once wet, BP is sh*t. Although it depends how wet, but in general, moisture and BP don't mix.

Smokeless is fine, it can handle moisture.
Black powder can explode right? If I put a fuse in the container and light it then boom
Spell your name with it* on the driveway, at night. Light one end on fire and watch it burn in a line. Video this and post it!

*or make some cool pattern
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