Gura at it again: Maryland carry permits


Apr 13, 2007
Needham, MA
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SAF and Alan Gura have filed their next case. This one challenges the non-renewal of a carry permit for failure to demonstrate need. They issued the permit after the plaintiff's house was broken in to and renewed it after the perpetrator was released. The perpetrator now lives only a few miles away. Somehow this is no longer good cause.

The suit seeks a permanent injunction against the requirement to show cause.

This case again shows Gura's strategy of carefully chosen plaintiffs, facts, and law. Hopefully this will be another win for him, and us.

SAF press release :
MD is nuts... you basically have to be in an electric wheelchair with only use of one arm before those rat bastards will give someone a permit.

I hope Gura destroys them.

SAF has about a dozen cases in the hopper all around the country and about 6 out there right now. This will be a very productive few years coming up.
MD is nuts... you basically have to be in an electric wheelchair with only use of one arm before those rat bastards will give someone a permit.

In Mass, such a disability would be reason for denial of a permit if you couldn't show proper handling and proficiency with a handgun. [sad2]
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