GW Bush greets returning soliders at DFW


i posed a thread a long time ago about how he'd personally meet with the parents of fallen service members.... i'll try and dig it up..
There are a couple of airports that see a LOT of military traffic. The USO has a tremendous presence in those airports.

If you are looking for a way to donate to an organization that DIRECTLY impacts the lives of Soldiers, either the USO or the American Red Cross are two fine options. I can't tell you how helpful both of those groups have been to Soldiers who I know.
What's tragic about this is that if Clinton did something similar, it'd be pasted in every newspaper in this country. The guy (GWB that is) has class!
There are a couple of airports that see a LOT of military traffic. The USO has a tremendous presence in those airports.

If you are looking for a way to donate to an organization that DIRECTLY impacts the lives of Soldiers, either the USO or the American Red Cross are two fine options. I can't tell you how helpful both of those groups have been to Soldiers who I know.

yup. and the too. [wink]
There is no way I could imagine Clinton or Obama meeting troops with that look of genuine happiness and appreciation on either of their faces.
I was never a Bush fan, but I was always touched by his genuine concern for our nations servicemen and women. After the last couple of years, I look back with a sense of nostalgia at the times when there was a grownup in the White House. I can't believe I'm seeing it that way now. He's still a class act.
I had, and still have, serious issues with what Bush did as a POTUS, but he certainly had class and respected the office. Showed up early to work, gave up his golf game, etc. Not like this holier than though elitist schoolboy we have now who doesn't give a ratsass about this country or the people he's serving.

+1 Didn't like a lot of what his administration did; did like his dedication and respect for those of whom he asked everything.
I've always had a lot of respect for George Bush...didn't always agree with him but I voted for him 2 times and truly feel he gave and did a lot more for this country than he received credit for. As a veteran I hold him in even higher esteem because I think he never stopped caring for the ordinary soldier.

here's something my brother-in-law sent me....hope he didn't steal it from somewhere but if he did I give the author all the credit and my thanks for an article well written

We know a few things about George W. Bush.

For instance, we know that George Bush is kind of a classy guy. When he took over the White House, he received a building that had been vandalized by exiting Clinton staffers. There were reports of holes in walls, “W’s” missing from computer keyboards, and graffiti greeting the new President. We know that he said nothing about it. We know that he made peace with Bill Clinton and eventually resurrected Clinton from relative exile to serve as an American ambassador of good will.

We know that he had inherited a recession that he dutifully repaired without going through pains to blame his predecessor. We know that when he was forced to fight a war using National Guardsmen, Reserves, and a limited, overtaxed military (unlike previous presidents) he never publicly lamented that his predecessor had left him with a decimated military.

We know that when he attended Correta Scott King’s funeral in Atlanta, and prominent democrats took the podium to make political cheap-shots at him when they should have been eulogizing the late civil rights leader, he simply took it on the chin, knowing that stooping to their level would have been equally classless. We know that George W. Bush, much to the chagrin of his party, was not real big on defending his image.

We know that he was insistent on the importance of the war in Iraq, when his critics clamored that the real war was Afghanistan and that Iraq was insignificant. But why? Why did he downplay Afghanistan and place so much emphasis on a country that was not involved in the attacks of 911?

We know that Saudi Arabia had been our strategic Arab ally in the Middle East. We know that the 911 attackers and Osama Bin Laden were Saudis. We know that the funding for the 911 attacks came from Saudis. We know that Bush repeatedly stated “911 changed everything”. We know that the Saudis could no longer be trusted. We know that the dangers of Islamic extremism are rooted in the region’s tyranny, oppression, poverty and poor education.

As Monday morning quarterbacks, we know that Iraq is ripe for democracy and has great potential to form a stable ally. We also know that Afghanistan may just be un-winnable. We know this now, as Monday morning quarterbacks. Did George W. Bush know this back in 2002?

Democrats and even many Republicans have maintained that George W. Bush is not one of the brighter bulbs on the porch. I’d have to disagree.
Sure it's a classy thing to do greeting returning soldiers. The flip side of that coin is that they never would have left in the first place if it were not for that monkey in a suit that sent them in the first place. 2 pointless wars and a broken economy later, Bush is now regarded as the second worst president in history only because of the current knucklhead in chief.

Thousands of dead American soldiers later, people are just realizing that Iraq was a total waste brought about by a presidential lie and that Afghanistan is unwinnable. Ask yourselves if the world is a safer place today because of those 2 wars? Will it Afghanistan be safer in 10 years? 20? Of course not because our American morals will not let us fight it the way it needs to be fought.

Every man, woman and child in those 2 countries are not worth the first American that died for them.
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Sure it's a classy thing to do greeting returning soldiers. The flip side of that coin is that they never would have left in the first place if it were not for that monkey in a suit that sent them in the first place. 2 pointless wars and a broken economy later, Bush is now regarded as the second worst president in history only because of the current knucklhead in chief.

Thousands of dead American soldiers later, people are just realizing that Iraq was a total waste brought about by a presidential lie and that Afghanistan is unwinnable. Ask yourselves if the world is a safer place today because of those 2 wars? Will it Afghanistan be safer in 10 years? 20? Of course not because our American morals will not let us fight it the way it needs to be fought.

Every man, woman and child in those 2 countries are not worth the first American that died for them.

Every so often someone posts an incredible display of geopolitic ignorance on a breathtaking scale.

Today it was your turn to do so.
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