NES Member
So I have a few of these old moulds
Most of which were rode hard their whole lives. I have one gem that must have been a backup because it’s in OK condition compared to the others. I’ll keep that one original.
So I decided to mill one down a couple lube grooves and make about an 80 grain waductter from one of the ugly moulds.
Let me tell you it wasn’t worth it. Shave off 1/4” of steel and the mould still weighs a metric ton. Damn near through out my shoulder each time I filled the mould. The end result is serviceable but the mould is so beat that it’s not a really pretty bullet.
I guess I need to find a modern brass mould in a 75 or 112 grain wadcutter
I had some flashing on the bases but I didn’t really pick the nicest sprue plate. I have half a dozen spares to choose from and this one was on top of the pile. I think cleaning that up a bit could solve some issues.
Anywhere here’s a zoomed in pic of bullet taken under an LED bulb with lots of glare but you get the idea.