H4885 and private sales post 8/1


A lot of guys (about 70 in fact) thought it was lawful of them to assemble armed in the pre-dawn hours on Lexington Green with their militia company under the command of Captain John Parker. In fact, they saw it as their obligation to their community, and to their notion of Natural Law and Liberty. Hey--it was an honest mistake--they thought they were within their rights.

As it turns out, the British Officer in charge of the troops which sought to disarm them and confiscate their stores of powder informed them that--in his educated and superior English opinion--they were completely mistaken. That they were criminals. The rest, of course, is History. It all just goes to show you how even educated opinions can differ dramatically.

I'm not going to pretend that I understand all the in's and out's of MA law, it's all pretty confusing because it was all written by half-wit retards who are incompetent at crafting laws--but I'd suggest that your law-abiding friend proceed in innocent and guileless adherence to MA law as written--to wit: he should pay the man what he asks for the firearm in any legal tender of his choice. Then--IF the seller desires to offer and/or retain a detailed, written bill of sale, great. His obligation (as buyer) is clear. The LAW as WRITTEN informs him that he MUST REGISTER his ownership of that new firearm, and to do so within ONE YEAR to the MA REGISTRY OF FIREARMS (a registry which does not as of yet even exist). But it will exist some day. So he absolutely can and should do that, dutifully, as the law requires, within ONE CALENDAR YEAR AFTER THE REGISTRY IS CREATED.

That is what MA law requires of him--so that is what I personally think he should do.

Before the most recent changes to MA law it was perfectly legal for citizens to own AR-15 receivers. They could buy as many as they wanted. They could give them away to perfect strangers. One didn't even need a license to possess one--because under MA law they were not legally considered "firearms". I advised everyone who I know and everyone who would listen to go buy one--or two, or seven. I reminded them that they were Free and Law-Abiding Citizens, and there was absolutely nothing wrong with behaving AS free men in such a law abiding fashion.

If at some later date MA later tries to make him, a law-abiding citizen, into a criminal, if it calls him a villian and a rebel and tells him to disperse, well--as History shows again and again, sometimes it's good to own a gun. As opposed to not.

That's my .02 and pretty much sums up my feelings on the matter.

One caveat. If firearms ownership to you has nothing to do with Liberty or Freedom or Rights, if there is nothing there worth dying for and you are basically just a dirt-shooting retard who likes to turn money into noise and thinks he's "gangsta" for owning a "badass gat"--maybe go find a different hobby. The dirt in your world isn't actually worth the squeeze.

Good luck.
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Really??? Then why do all the local gun shops in my area confirm after 8/1 they are no longer allowed to sell or transfer any ARs period. They are stuck with their inventory and left eating the cost with out being able to get rid of inventory. Multiple stores confirmed that the only way to legally get an AR in Massachusetts is via private sales now. Even then you have to make sure that the gun doesn't violate any current state bans due to later modifications made to it.

My friend has a AR he registered in 2023 but due to restrictions from Healey in 2016. He isn't sure if he is able to actually sell the gun to another individual. This is all thanks to the vague nature of wording and from that 2016 ban. Most places recognize that ARs lawfully owned before the 2016 ban can be sold and transferred but those afterwards are left in limbo. Again this being confirmed from multiple stores in the greater Boston area.

Also the 08/01 ban prevents the the transfer of ARs from FFL dealers/stores to individuals. So private is the only way to go and I am trying to figure out the nuances of how to make sure that is legally done.

I'm here trying to get clarification for people on how to appropriately get an AR firearm legally in MA.

If you think you're actually right, that you can legally buy an AR from a store, go right ahead. I'm sure you and your friends will find out how quickly you will lose your second amendment rights.

If you're not familiar with the recent changes to the laws , then may be don't confuse others and risk them losing their rights the way you seem to gamble with yours. I would not trust any store that tells you they can blatantly break the law...
I am not here to convince you of anything. I can tell you how I read the law. I can tell you how my lawyer reads the law. I can tell you that my lawyer is the BEST firearms attorney in MA by a VERY long way and I would listen to no other lawyer in MA.

I am a dealer (@Dean Safety ). I can tell you what I do as a dealer (sell 8/1/24 ARs). The state knows I sell ARs because while I have no legal obligation to do so, it is most convenient for me to still do FA10s at the time of sale (I will not go into why it is convenient in this post, but it helps satisfy legal requirements I do have as a dealer in one easy step). No on in my local licensing authority (Littleton PD) or the state (FRB/DCJIS) is in any way confused about what I sell and to whom.

I have never been arrested. I have never had my FFL or MA dealer's license threatened. I am on a "list" I am sure of dealers to watch to see if I do cross the line so they can nail me. Not going to happen since I know where the line is. Well, it could happen since they could try and mess with me but if they know anything, my pockets are deep and willingness to fight for what is lawful is known.

So you do you. If you believe dealer's that won't sell you ARs, then don't buy ARs. That is your choice. It is still (mostly) a free country. You are allowed to make incorrect uninformed decisions.
Really??? Then why do all the local gun shops in my area confirm after 8/1 they are no longer allowed to sell or transfer any ARs period. They are stuck with their inventory and left eating the cost with out being able to get rid of inventory. Multiple stores confirmed that the only way to legally get an AR in Massachusetts is via private sales now. Even then you have to make sure that the gun doesn't violate any current state bans due to later modifications made to it.

I cannot help what other stores sell, dont sell, say, think is legal/illegal. Most gun shops are run by FUDDS with no clear understanding of the law. They have black magic formulas for how they conduct business. Usually this means they often think perfectly legal things are illegal and don't do them. But there are certain things that most shops in MA have done for years that are in fact very illegal, they just don't know it. It all comes from not being actually conversant in the law.
My friend has a AR he registered in 2023 but due to restrictions from Healey in 2016. He isn't sure if he is able to actually sell the gun to another individual. This is all thanks to the vague nature of wording and from that 2016 ban. Most places recognize that ARs lawfully owned before the 2016 ban can be sold and transferred but those afterwards are left in limbo. Again this being confirmed from multiple stores in the greater Boston area.

Stores are not a source of legal advice. Lawyers are. Well, good lawyers are. Most lawyers in MA are ignorant of gun laws and even those that purport to be gun lawyers are pretty dim.

a) no one registered a gun in 2023. MA did not have registration prior to the current law. Previously we "recorded transactions". This is a LONG way from actual registration. We still do not have registration because the state has not implemented the EFRS required under MGL chap 140 sec 121B.
b) Healey was the AG and not a competent court of law capable of interpreting the law. The executive branch enforces, it cannot interpret. The fact that she held a press conference that starts with "I have reinterpreted the assault weapons ban" and ends with "I expect voluntary compliance" tells you everything you need to know. Her press conference meant nothing. We all ignored it. Nothing happened. I sold ARs non-stop during the "Healey Ban" and the state new it.

I am sorry your source is FUDD shops and you are so misinformed.

Also the 08/01 ban prevents the the transfer of ARs from FFL dealers/stores to individuals. So private is the only way to go and I am trying to figure out the nuances of how to make sure that is legally done.

Please locate the law you are referencing. I want to read it. Ok, I know you cannot. MGL 140 121 defines what an assault style firearm (ASF) is. MGL 140 131M says
a) ASFs are illegal to own, sell, transfer, etc
b) (a) shall not apply if the ASF was lawfully possessed in the commonwealth by a MA dealer or LTC holder on 8/1/24

So your assertion is facially incorrect. ALL 8/1 objects lawfully possessed are completely lawful to own, sell, transfer, etc as the law that would otherwise make them illegal does not apply.

But hey, keep making statements repeating what ignorant people have told you. Im just a source of misinformation...
I'm here trying to get clarification for people on how to appropriately get an AR firearm legally in MA.

There are a lot of threads on this topic and everything you are asking as been asked and answered before. You got an answer in my post 5. You then argued. So clearly you did not come here to ASK or GET CLARIFICATION, you came to argue. You have no basis for your position other then "gun stores told me". You know nothing and can reference nothing.
If you think you're actually right, that you can legally buy an AR from a store, go right ahead. I'm sure you and your friends will find out how quickly you will lose your second amendment rights.

I am a dealer and have sold in excess 4000 ARs or AR lowers since 2016. I have not stopped selling them since the new law took effect on 10/2 but I can no longer sell post 8/1 models. The state knows who I am as does everyone here on NES. I am VERY open about what I do. If I have broken the law, they would have arrested me long ago. They know they cannot. I have email from the state indicating what I do is perfectly legal. Their website may say something else, but that is written by political dweebs to scare people.
If you're not familiar with the recent changes to the laws , then may be don't confuse others and risk them losing their rights the way you seem to gamble with yours. I would not trust any store that tells you they can blatantly break the law...

I am confusing no one. What I am not doing is tolerating people who are confused and spouting their confusion like it means something. You are confused. Spend some more time reading previous posts here on NES and you might learn something. But I doubt it given you are more concerned with arguing then asking/learning.
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