Habits, good bad and stupid.


NES Member
Sep 20, 2006
Far North New Hampshire
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I tried to post this earlier, and don't know what happened (alibi in case of a dupe).

The hands in pockets thread in Off Topic got me thinking. We've all got our little habits we picked up in the service. I was thinking of some stupid things we do / don't do because of our time in. Here's mine -

Good - gig line. I'm not much of a fancy dresser, but I always make sure my pants, belt and shirt lines up. It amazes me how guys that dress 100 times better than me look retarded when their gig line is off.

Bad - umbrellas. To this day, I still won't use an umbrella. (I got out of the Army in 1994, I don't know if I could have used one in the Air Force, I never thought to ask)

Stupid - trash in the trash can. I still have an urge to keep trash cans empty. I'll put all my trash in a soda can / chip bag / whatever, but hate to put trash in my own trash can. I even pulled a piece of trash out of my trash can this morning to put in the janitor's cart so my trash can would stay empty. You know, in case a drill sergeant inspects my office or something.

What've you got?
Any change, or anything not absolutely necessary in my pockets makes me nuts - because it's a FOD hazard when doing aircraft maintenance. Haven't worked on an A-10 since 2006.

Misplaced tools also make me nuts, after years of inventory tool box, work jet, inventory again, find someone else to inventory it too. FOD again. Mind you, I'm not a particularly organized person, so it always bugs me now.

Gig line - hadn't thought about that one in years, tuna - but I realized I still check it.

Folding t-shirts in a less precise version of the way they taught us in basic. No idea why that stuck in my head.
Mix of military and police habits. Maybe some paranoia mixed in also.

I never carry anything in my shooting hand. Always keep it free.

Every time I get out of a car or walk in or out of a door, I scan my surroundings.

If a car behind me makes 3 of the same turns as me, I pull over and let them go by.

When I come home, I check every room, closet, under beds and behind shower curtain before I sit down. I’m in an apartment so this takes me less than two minutes.
How many of you still use “knife hand”? Anytime I’m designating something at a distance, I don’t point. Just knife hand.

Gig line, shining leather shoes/boots (no brushes, you bloody heathens), using the term “unf___k”, arriving at a meeting before “zero nine”.
Ditto on the gig line.

Any time I wear boots, I always tuck the laces in.

And I always feel compelled to button every button, be it shirts, pants or jackets - I often don't, but the brain is telling me to!
I refuse to fold my clothes now, I just toss them in the drawer, I think that's purposeful.
Never got in the habit of buttoning all buttons, no matter how much I got chewed out for it.
I still use "unf**k", and my kids think it's an awesome saying. It was priceless to hear my son tell a fellow baseball player in Little League to "Unf**k yourself and pay attention!" I explained it by saying that my wife is a veteran. (true - but he probably learned it from me, which I wasn't denying, I was just stating a fact that had nothing to do with the situation)

Our pastor was telling a bunch of us that when you point a finger at someone, three more point back at you. I told him that's why I knife hand, to put it all on the other person.
If you're not early, you're late.
I rarely wear a button down shirt, but when I need to my gig line is always squared away.
I do not wear a hat indoors, and my kids aren't allowed to.
Mix of military and police habits. Maybe some paranoia mixed in also.

I never carry anything in my shooting hand. Always keep it free.

Every time I get out of a car or walk in or out of a door, I scan my surroundings.

If a car behind me makes 3 of the same turns as me, I pull over and let them go by.

When I come home, I check every room, closet, under beds and behind shower curtain before I sit down. I’m in an apartment so this takes me less than two minutes.
All the above, but now I scan for acorns 🤪
I don't eat off segmented metal trays
I don't eat my meals most times with anyone other than my family, much less strangers
I never eat food that is dropped or thrown from a height of 6 to 18 inches away from my dish/tray
I never march
I never salute anyone or call them sir unless I think it appropriate
I don't wait in lines
I don't lay out my clothing on my bed for inspection by somebody else
I don't shine brass
I don't spit shine anything
I give zero f**** about my gig line
If wearing a shirt with buttoned pockets I don't give a f*** if they are unbuttoned
I don't shower with other guys (but will with women)
I don't stand out in the cold with my neighbors in formation
I don't march to work
I don;t clean latrines
I could go on....
I don't run for anyone or anything other than my own enjoyment.

I won't wait in a line for anything, especially for a cup of coffee at a Dunkin Donuts (which I have not patronized in 12 years)
I refuse to fold my clothes now, I just toss them in the drawer, I think that's purposeful.
Hah. I take no shower less than 10 minutes and I run the water hot and all the time.
Suck it, sea shower …

(Well, except when I’m sailing, then I still sea shower. Oh well, perfection escapes me again!)
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