Ham Radio / Morse Code / Straight Key Night

That doesn't look like a Navy flame proof key. It looks like a Nye Viking.

Yes! It is a NV- SpeedX!

Many, many years ago i worked at a ham radio store in the Boston area. (1970s). I met Bill Nye who owned Nye Viking. He sent me a gold plated Nye Viking key as a gift! I think I still have it. We sold tons of his tuners, paddles and hand keys.
The SpeedX feels way better than the Navy key....

The K4D is quite a radio. I've only touched the surface but it has a very quiet receiver and the signals just jump off of the noise floor. I don't know how ir really works on SSB although I have made a few contacts on SSB with good reports. Just not 'my jam."
I don't hear anything bad about them at all.
Okay, I called CQ and fumbled through an awkward QSO. I missed most of what he sent but that was on me. He had a good fist. He didn't use any spacers like BT so I got lost in what he was saying. Also I've been trying to copy all day long and my brain is tired. Oh well, #1 is in the log.

My sending was at least good enough for the RBN to understand me, so that's good. I thought I was going really slow, but it was 14WPM which I don't consider REALLY slow.
>>Long Dahs seems to be the theme today<<

Drives me nuts! I find some bug and/or straight key users impossible to understand. Unfortunately, this makes sending CQ difficult, as you never know who's going to come back to you.
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