As we've already told you, handgun retention systems have been developed in law enforcement circles and they simply will not put that information out into the public domain. Very few will even train people who are not in law enforcement.
So you won't find quality videos on YouTube.
As far as I can tell, you have never studied any of the handgun retention systems - systems that people have spent years to develop and which have a track record on the street. And without having any of this knowledge, you proclaim all of it to be wrong and put yourself forward as an expert, as you once again use the forum to try to promote your business.
You simply have zero credibility.
Then don't participate!!!
OfficerObie59 explained the PIN and Spin. That’s it, the trainers keep it simple, they have to be-cause there is no time. And as LenS mentioned, ( Even for LE training, I went thru this course (3-4 hours) ONCE in the Police Academy (30 yrs ago . . . I can hope it's different now). TTBOMK, it is not "continuous training" and you lose what you learn if you don't continue to train)
It’s not the trainers, they are paid to do what they are told and what they were taught. You get 60 guys going through the Academy, and you get the “One size fits all” KISS, sure the instructors know that there is much more the student can do, and some even mention it….But they can’t have guys try it because someone might get hurt, and if people keep getting hurt, their job is in jeopardy. Same ole.…. They bring in someone like me, a subcontractor and I can show the guys anything I want, because I don’t have to answer to anyone. A specialty class, further knowledge act.
There are cops out here who have taken the retention class and people just told about the Pin & Spin. That’s the standardized method taught all over the states. No Secrets!!!
For those guys who don’t trust anyone’s lip service or don’t believe there is some secret technique and want to try this stuff out and just find out for themself, then check this stuff out.
Then you can tell these guys what's up........From doing it with Aliveness and a resisting opponent..!!!
Get a good pair of jeans & strong belt and duct tape to rap your wrist for safety.( Rap’em tight).
Simulation drill 1..
Let’s use the standardized Pin and Spin move. The guys have already described it above.
Use your Blue gun, If you don't have a training gun but want to see what it is like, you can still try this drill.
As I said earlier there are only a few ways someone can grab, let’s use the worst case scenario, the op-ponent has a strong two handed grip on your hip weapon. You and your buddy go in the back yard, have your buddy get a good strong 2 handed grip on your belt or trainer, where you carry. Then you get a strong grip on his two hands. When your buddy's ready, at any time he can violently shove, pull, twist, or spin you all around the yard or take you to the ground. Try to use the P & S whenever you can. But your opponent says go!!! If you break away just start again.
Do 3, 1-minute rounds to simulate fatigue. Then switch and you grab hold your buddies belt “carry side” and move him around and fight..
Your gun or belt acts like a handle that controls your hip. Why people get f**ed up is because they can’t regain control of their own hip. If I control you hip I control your body. In boxing the hips gener-ate power, in judo they always try to get under the hips for throws and defending throws, Greco Ro-man wrestlers control the hips with double under hooks and body locks, BJJ all about hips.
Gun Retention falls under the category of Clinch
Simulation Drill 2.
This drill is done the same way except you opponent uses a one handed grab , let’s say he is facing you and is holding your gun/belt with his left hand, still with a solid grip, this time your opponent puts a boxing glove in his free hand, and you put in a mouth piece. Drill starts when your opponent starts punching your face…Yes you try the P & S.
This advanced training brings realism to the training and goes beyond what is generically taught.
There are no secrets, only knowledge and this is just a taste.