Harvard Shotgun Match?

Nov 18, 2005
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Harvard is having a shotgun match on July 30th. Is there any information about it yet? Number of stages, round count, and how many slugs if needed???
We're planning to build 6 stages of which one will be a slug stage. I'll post information regarding round counts later. The slug stage will likely be less than 20 and the 5 birdshot stages should total less than 100 rounds.

We'll be designing the stages for a fun day in the sun with a scattergun. No stress, big smiles. It's not final yet, but we'll likely establish simple Divisions such as
Open (optics, comps, mega-tubes),
Limited (irons, no comps, maximum 8 round tubes), and
Manual (pumps, irons, no comps, 8 round tubes).

Maybe we should even add a Division for break-open two-barrel guns; sort of a Homeland Defense category to match up with the Single Stack Division.

I hope everyone can bring (beg, borrow, steal) a trusty smoothbore for some down-home blasting.
Looking forward to the match! Although no stress and BIG smiles sounds difficult for me......[smile]
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Will be there -- found a Mossberg "Marine" pump 12 ga. at the back of the gunsafe. Ammo -- the hunt is on!

Beer and pizza after??? [smile]

Be there, aloha,
I still have yet to buy any shotgun shell holders. Maybe a call to 3GunGear tomorrow will allow me time to get them in before Sunday?

Another question... Do I need to remove the choke tube in order to shoot slugs? I have a Benelli M1 that I've only shot once since I've owned it.

PistolPete said:
I still have yet to buy any shotgun shell holders. Maybe a call to 3GunGear tomorrow will allow me time to get them in before Sunday?

Another question... Do I need to remove the choke tube in order to shoot slugs? I have a Benelli M1 that I've only shot once since I've owned it.


Leave the choke in! Improved Cylinder is what you want. I saw that Dillon is carrying 3gun gear stuff. Either that or call Cactus Tactical and they should be able to get you going.
PistolPete said:
I still have yet to buy any shotgun shell holders. Maybe a call to 3GunGear tomorrow will allow me time to get them in before Sunday?


Use a nail bag or a trap shooters pouch. It will work until you get comfortable with something.
PistolPete said:
I still have yet to buy any shotgun shell holders. Maybe a call to 3GunGear tomorrow will allow me time to get them in before Sunday?

I've read a bunch of stuff about 3gunGear taking a long time. You can buy the Cal Comp Work shell holders from Brownells and have them tomorrow. Another idea ( a free one!) is to borrow the stuff from people in your squad that already have it.
We'll just lend him the broken stuff. That will teach him to wait till the last minute. He's probably looking to see who can work on his Benelli before Sunday....
Pete, just teasin. Bring your shotgun, and ammo. We'll make sure you can shoot.
I actually ordered a bunch of stuff today from BlackHawk. Hopefully they will arrive by Sat. They are in CT so I would expect them to. What's funny is when I got my JP Rifle I tried for several weeks to get all the gear from 3gungear but was unable to get in touch with them. Being frustrated I just gave up on it and now months later it's biting me in the arse... LOL


I'll be breaking out the old 11-87 Police for this one! I have not shot it since the 3-Gun at Harvard last year.

This will be a fun one for sure!

How'd your brother make out? Para? Something more fancy?


I think my brother is going to go the Glock route believe it or not. It will keep his costs down and he can try it for a year or so and upgrade if he chooses. He found a company that fully customizes the Glocks so if he does decide to get into the game he will prob. send the gun to him and have it reworked.

Not a bad place to start. He can shoot just about any class he wants with it and doesn't even really need to do much to it. Plus I think they are great for developing safety skills and marksmenship. No need to worry about the manual safety and single action of a 1911 type pistol. Good for various matches. What caliber is he looking at?

I am fired up about the shotgun match. I like checking out everybodys SGs. Have you heard on what we are going to need for rounds yet?
Dan S said:
Check out the beginning of the thread for some info.

Nothing for sure yet that I have seen.

We're planning to build 6 stages of which one will be a slug stage. I'll post information regarding round counts later. The slug stage will likely be less than 20 and the 5 birdshot stages should total less than 100 rounds.

He must be practicing for the night of 08-04
I wish I could tell y'all that I could post specific stage diagrams, but I can't. We'll be looking at roughly 75 birdshot spread over 5 stages with both field courses and speed shoots. Bring 125 in case I'm wrong and in case you need a re-shoot. There will also be a slug stage of roughly 20 rounds in a field course format. The weather forecast is looking good. I hope you can make it. I think it'll be a lot of fun.
Dan Hurley said:
I wish I could tell y'all that I could post specific stage diagrams, but I can't. We'll be looking at roughly 75 birdshot spread over 5 stages with both field courses and speed shoots. Bring 125 in case I'm wrong and in case you need a re-shoot. There will also be a slug stage of roughly 20 rounds in a field course format. The weather forecast is looking good. I hope you can make it. I think it'll be a lot of fun.

Well, I know it will be a good match. They always are. I will not make it there, I have to heal up for AWARE. Ankle and wrist injury at a job this week that need a little rest and an extra trip to Acupuncture.

See you at Stowe and don't forget to call [grin] Gramps will be disappointed
I got my Blackhawk shell holder order in today. Looks like one of the items is on backorder so they were only able to send the 8 round arm shellholder. Looks like I best be wearing pants with big pockets on Sunday. LOL What is the highest round count on a single stage?

PistolPete said:
I got my Blackhawk shell holder order in today. Looks like one of the items is on backorder so they were only able to send the 8 round arm shellholder. Looks like I best be wearing pants with big pockets on Sunday. LOL What is the highest round count on a single stage?


Any gun shop will have a bag similar to this for Trap Shooters. It will serve the purpose until what you ordered shows up.

PistolPete said:
I got my Blackhawk shell holder order in today. Looks like one of the items is on backorder so they were only able to send the 8 round arm shellholder. Looks like I best be wearing pants with big pockets on Sunday. LOL What is the highest round count on a single stage?


Highest round count on a single stage will be less than 30, but probably not much less.

I don't know if anybody will be reading this stuff on an absolutely gorgeous Saturday afternoon/evening, but here goes.

We've got the 6 stages set-up. Here's the rundown; don't shoot me if I missed a detail or two:
Stage 1: 18 Birdshot (#7, 8, or 9) in shooting gallery style.
Stage 2: 18 Slug at various distances out to about 40 yards.
Stage 3: 18 Birdshot (getting monotonous here, eh?) in a medium field course.
Stage 4: 12 Birdshot in a medium field course.
Stage 5: 7 Birdshot in a speed shoot.
Stage 6: 30 Birdshot in a long field course.

So we're looking at about 85 shotshells and 18 slugs. Hope you can make it!
Man, what a great time this match was today!!!! Too bad my shell holders didn't show up in time. Loading from the dump pouch proved VERY SLOW!!! I never knew how much fun running around shooting things with a shotgun could be. I can't wait for the rifle match. These matches are so much fun because they are such a change from the norm. Thanks again for another great day!!!

We hope that everybody had as good a time as Pete, I know I did. Thanks to everybody who came to the match and special thanks to those who could take the time to help us break-down the stages.

We apologize that the results won't be available as quickly as usual; it will likely be a couple of days. We scored on paper (rather than Palms) and we have a couple of key people on vacation, so therein lies the delay.
Grins and Giggles

Hey Dan,

No worries about the late scores -- like I need to see that I finished DFL with my 5-shot Mossy 500 pump sooner rather than later? [crying]

Anybody got a 20-round extension tube for a Benelli M2? Anybody got a new right shoulder? [smile]

It was a real hoot yesterday -- but I never knew what it took to set up a match and then take it down. There is now a great deal of respect and admiration to all of those who take the time and effort host these shindigs. BTW, working in the hot sun on Saturday morning to help set-up stages is a great hang-over cure. Trust me. [wink]

Many thanks for a great week-end to all the folks at Harvard Action Shooters. Sign me up for the next one.


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