Harvard Shotgun Match?

A real fun match, thanks to the Harvard crew for putting it on. For the shooters that have a shotgun with mag extension resting in their safe, come out for the next one. IPSC isn't just for open pistol :)
Pete, that will teach you to procrastinate. You've had the shotgun for months, you should have had your stuff for a while. Do you have carriers for your AR mags yet? :)
Frank, 20 round extensions are toooo long. It will get in the way. An 8 round extension (total round count 9) is sufficient. Glad you had a good time!

Had an awesome time and shot on the same squad as Pete. Each time I use the shotgun in a match like this (about once a year) I realize how difficult it is to remember your round count as you work through the stages and how difficult it is to RELOAD FAST. It certainly is easier to shoot and hit while moving. That combined with some good ol' blasting makes it extra fun too! For now... back to the pistol.
Hey Dan S,

What I really need is a 100-round Beta-Mag conversion for the new Benelli -- I never want to reload my shottie again! [wink]

You have a Benelli coming? That's great. Do you have an AR so you can shoot the 3 gun match in September?
OK, results are finally available, but the USPSA Northeast Section website is still temporarily busted. You will need to go to uspsa.org, enter into the "Members" area (using name and password), then click "Local Match Results," then under "Club" pick "Harvard Sportsmen's Club," then pick the "July 30" match date. Sounds simple, huh?

I have only two things to say.
The Blanchards have no right to come down out of the northwoods and win both Divisions. (Next time, they're both using pump guns.)
And second, I am so sick and tired of getting my butt whipped by Dan Sierpina. He looks like this reserved, distinguished gentleman who couldn't move quickly if the shotgun was pointed at HIM ... and then he wipes the floor with me once again.
OK, results are finally available, but the USPSA Northeast Section website is still temporarily busted. You will need to go to uspsa.org, enter into the "Members" area (using name and password), then click "Local Match Results," then under "Club" pick "Harvard Sportsmen's Club," then pick the "July 30" match date. Sounds simple, huh?

#1: If you're not a member, you can view results but will only see the last initial of each competitor's name.

#2: If you're a member of USPSA, update your profile/password and register an email address. The system will then automatically email you whenever ANY club in the US posts a match result which contains your member number.

Hey Dan,
I would hardly call one place whipping your butt! I just want to know, why is it, Middle Age Moments kick in at the sound of the beep????? I couldn't believe my fumbling on the stupid loading, well on most of the stages. Also, my shotgun isn't the fastest loading gun, I have to release the carrier in order to load it, then hit the button again before firing. But, that old Super X is built like a tank, and nice and smooth operating, a bit heavy though. Sigh.....it seems a sin to be going to a Benelli. That's for next year though.
One other thing, I do shoot trap weekly on a league, and some sporting clays too, so the shotgun isn't a sometime thing for me :) I even shot trap this week with my Super X......got some funny looks standing on the line with a 22" barreled shotgun....with a mag extension.
It was a great match. It's a shame so many shooters that have a shotgun in the safe, with a mag extension on them to boot, would skip something as much fun as a shotgun match!
Hey Hurley,

Thanks for giving me the great news -- DFL!!! [crying]

No more pump for me -- got the new Benelli M2, getting an extended mag piece, and more ammo. I'll show you guys. [smile]

Now that you have a "gamers gun" get to the reloading practice! Shotgun matches aren't like the old days where it was 10 or maaaybe 12 rounds on a stage. Side matches were the norm. Now, if it's a pistol stage, it can be a viable shotgun stage, the distances are esentially the same. I do feel that rifle matches shouldn't include many targets that you lean the muzzle brake against, and whack the trigger twice :)
Anyway, are you going to get an AR now, and shoot 3 gun / multigun??
Hey Dan S,

Why yes, yes I am. [smile]


Reel him in Dan, I think Frank is hooked
Once Frank gets to shoot all 3 guns at the same match, not to mention multiple guns in the same stage, that will really keep him hooked!
Also, I hope you're knees improve.
Also, I hope you're knees improve.

Thanks Dan. Too much work, I need a week or so off to heal up. Maybe October will slow down a little.

Frank said he was glad I sent him to Harvard. Don't know if SWMBO is glad, but she is a great Lady so I'm sure he is set.

I am all set for the Three gun in Sept and hope Frank tries it out. I know he has the gear.

Carbine match next week at Pioneer will be a great tune up. Three of us from Bass River have reserved our slots.


On the 20th, I'm headed to Granby, CT. for the multi gun match. I told Dan, that I'd help out on the A7 3 gun, but, can't shoot on Friday. So, I'll see you there on Saturday. I'm shooting on Sunday, with old friends, and one son :) Feels kinda strange when you've known someone longer than their children....LOL
See you in a couple weeks.
Hey Frank,
Simply call me Dan. I'll know whom you're talking to by my posts.
Now, Dan Hurley's reference of me......well.....distinguished gentleman....that's pretty low......LOL!
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