Thanks for the info guys. I don't mind company, just not into waiting for a lane/station if I can avoid it. I'm at MRA now, and last couple times I've been there on weekends there it has been very crowded (a wait for a lane last trip). I'd like to keep membership there just for Loeb range (really can't beat 24/7 access that accommodates handgun and centerfire rifle), but other than that, looking for a nice outdoor club.
What's the best way to get sponsored at HSC? I have heard about Wednesday night meetings for ISPC or something of that nature, but unfortunately due to work schedule, it is tough for me to get there at that particular time. Are there any weekend functions, meetings, etc. that I could attend to meet someone?
Thanks for any info.
Monthly breakfasts are another great way to meet members. There is one tomorrow, come anytime from around 8 to 10:30.