Healey Claims She Gave Fair Notice on New Interpretations

A couple of interesting things jumped out at me after reading that story.

First, she had an emotional reaction to a murder and changed the law based on that.

Second, according to her she wrote the enforcement notice and put it in place in 7 days. I'm calling bullshit on that.

Third, she admitted to adding two new tests which define a weapon. That in itself is a change in existing law.

Yes, but "guns!" *cue everyone to lose their minds and go batshit crazy*
Truth is obvious something with which she is not acquainted. The desired result justifies whatever means used. Hopefully, but not holding my breath, she gets slapped down for such nonsense in court.

This is the 2nd or 3rd time I've seen her finish an interview with the "ends justify the means" argument (weapons sales stopped). Comebacks to the "ends justify the means" statements need to be in our repertoire, and should harsh. Harsh in that they point that out times this was used in the context of history, and harsh in the rule of law relative to her job to enforce laws and uphold the Constitution.

The shocking nature of this and the creation of new laws makes her unfit for office and she should be judged as such.
A couple of interesting things jumped out at me after reading that story.

First, she had an emotional reaction to a murder and changed the law based on that.

Second, according to her she wrote the enforcement notice and put it in place in 7 days. I'm calling bullshit on that.

Third, she admitted to adding two new tests which define a weapon. That in itself is a change in existing law.

Mike, the First and Third issues that you cite were discussed by others in the original thread on this. Now that you mentioned it, maybe the Second issue noting that the enforcement action was written in 7 days is true because of how poorly written and thought out the enforcement action was from day one. Either that, she just rushed out poorly written crap to make sure it happened prior to the DNC convention for political motives. OTOH, the whole thing might just be a bluff, but it would need someone with megabucks to test that theory out.

In addition, when has it ever happened that a politician did something like this and stated that from this date certain, 7/20/16, you are a felon if caught, but 18 or 22 years before this it was still illegal until she decides if it isn't (ex post facto crap that she has/had no legal authority to do, in the first place).
It is time to sue the state for violation of Posse Comitatus. By using Healey's own logic, since the police are armed with military grade weapons, they are soldiers and troops. It did not take much to see during the marathon bombing, the armored and assault vehicles. Do we really have to wait for Maura Hitley to build the gas chambers and ovens?

It terms of us having 18 years to comply... All those weapons permitted and approved beg to differ, especially since they accepted all the registrations, etc.
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This is the 2nd or 3rd time I've seen her finish an interview with the "ends justify the means" argument (weapons sales stopped).
"Ends justify...." is being presented both as a political and legal justification for ignoring the law.
her claim is that the law is as plain as day, so we had 18 years to comply.... it was just that everyone but her was too stupid to understand it.

Right. And by that she effectively called the ATF and 5 preceding AGs that have come out in support too stupid to understand it as well!!
From the article.....
[FONT=&quot]"This is not a fight about the Second Amendment,” Ms. Healey said. “There are lines we draw all the time around the kinds of weapons that we allow people to have. We don’t allow them to go out and buy machine guns......"

Right.... how could an AG be so ignorant...or maybe she just says it and most people believe it so than it must be true.[/FONT]
From the article.....
[FONT=&amp]"This is not a fight about the Second Amendment,” Ms. Healey said. “There are lines we draw all the time around the kinds of weapons that we allow people to have. We don’t allow them to go out and buy machine guns......"

Right.... how could an AG be so ignorant...or maybe she just says it and most people believe it so than it must be true.[/FONT]

FU !!!!!! My blood pressure can not take that statement. STOP ****ing drawing lines around MY RIGHTS !!!
From the article.....
[FONT=&amp]"This is not a fight about the Second Amendment,” Ms. Healey said. “There are lines we draw all the time around the kinds of weapons that we allow people to have. We don’t allow them to go out and buy machine guns......"

Right.... how could an AG be so ignorant...or maybe she just says it and most people believe it so than it must be true.[/FONT]

She's never actually read that part of the constitution, so I'm sure she actually has no idea what it really says. [banghead]
I think she was really dumb to make the machine gun and grenade statement when both items are legal in MA and by federal law with the right paperwork and tax stamps.
From the article.....
[FONT=&amp]"This is not a fight about the Second Amendment,” Ms. Healey said. “There are lines we draw all the time around the kinds of weapons that we allow people to have. We don’t allow them to go out and buy machine guns......"

Right.... how could an AG be so ignorant...or maybe she just says it and most people believe it so than it must be true.[/FONT]
How could she be so ignorant? Just look at her. She's an out-of-control mental case. I really believe that. She is all about her protected class status... and she thinks she can get away with anything because of it.

And guess what? Bizarre as it is to us brand new Massachusetts felons, so far she has gotten away with it. [thinking]
She's wrong and she knows she's wrong.
Like her predecessor she has no problem whatsoever destroying some innocent persons life in what she hopes will be career advancement.
In the time I grew up in , we'd call that an evil human being.
I know you and your lackeys read this forum Maura.
Are Mom and Dad proud of the kind of person you turned out to be?
I think she was really dumb to make the machine gun and grenade statement when both items are legal in MA and by federal law with the right paperwork and tax stamps.

Let's not keep posting this. No one on the other side was aware that ARs were legal in MA until we told them. Let's not do their work for them.
She can't lose on this issue. If she wins the court case she's banned most semi auto rifles in MA by decree successfully. If she loses in court she tried to take action and was beaten back by the evil "gun lobby". Then the legislature probably re-writes the AWB the way she wants it and she wins long term.
She can't lose on this issue. If she wins the court case she's banned most semi auto rifles in MA by decree successfully. If she loses in court she tried to take action and was beaten back by the evil "gun lobby". Then the legislature probably re-writes the AWB the way she wants it and she wins long term.
I hope you are wrong. I hope this brings down the entire BS AWB in Mass etc...
Let's not keep posting this. No one on the other side was aware that ARs were legal in MA until we told them. Let's not do their work for them.

The fact the State issues machine gun licenses makes it hard for them to not know. The legislature was fully aware ARs were legal two years ago during 9+ hours of testimony and amendments banning them being voted down. The "we didn't know" claim is a bold face lie abetted by a lapdog local media. We have plenty of news archives of antis whining in 2014 that an AR ban couldn't pass. DeLeo for all his bluster is a giant pussy and would rather let the AG fight the battle than take heat himself. Keeps his hands clean with plausible deniability.
"Are Mom and Dad proud of the kind of person you turned out to be?[/QUOTE]

given the type of lib/nazi she is, i'm guessing she had training starting in the crib.

so i would say yes, her parents probably are over-joyed at what they've produced
Let's not keep posting this. No one on the other side was aware that ARs were legal in MA until we told them. Let's not do their work for them.

sorry, not factual. they darn well knew it. nothing to do with nes or mfs

i know you didn't mention mfs, just being pre-emptive, mfs already caught enough s**t in other threads

to your point though, you are partially correct. these idiots on beacon hill didn't know that .22 is the caliber ar's shoot until they read it here and changed the wording to exclude rim-fire to the directive from der commisar
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I hope you are wrong. I hope this brings down the entire BS AWB in Mass etc...

I'd love that but zero chance. Best case she loses in court and we can apply enough pressure that the legislature doesn't act and re-write the ban. Remember that this case isn't about the constitutionality of the AWB but her re-interpretation of it.

Even if she loses on both fronts she's a winner among the Democrats for taking on the gun lobby.
I wasn't aware that Ms. Healey ever said those words, new interpretations. Didn't she say on more than one occasion that she was now enforcing the law as it was originally written ? If that's true, and we all know it's not, then who will be held responsible for not enforcing the law for all those years. Will it be Riley, Coakley, Healey or all of the above. ? How many hundreds of thousands of AR's and AK's have been sold over those years ? Suddenly Ms. Healey doesn't look like a hero of the people anymore, but an idiot, just like those who served before her. Using the AG's office own foolish numbers tell me how many people have died because the AG's office refused to enforce the law. The only felons I see are those who call themselves public servants, the ones who manipulate the law to advance their own political careers.
If she loses in federal district most likely we go back to 7/19 with EOPS being given supremacy over the AG when it comes to firearm regulations. The AWB isn't likely going anywhere with this case.
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