Hello? GOAL? Are you there?

We need dedicated professional marketing campaign management and PR. That's where I'd hope the national organizations could help out in s crisis. Otherwise it would be a huge chunk of a small local organization's budget.
Do not assume that nothing is happening just because you haven't heard from GOAL or Comm2A yet. Formulating a proper response takes time and involvement of the appropriate experts.
has goal heard from the NRA? has the NRA offered any type of help that people know about?
One more point - there are some things that GOAL, Comm2A, NRA, etc. may or may not do that may or may not be discussed until they are actually done. We're not going to send minutes of our internal discussions to the AGs office via NES.
Making noise then going silent is the OPs assertion.

I don't think anyone said Goal is the enemy in this thread nor are they attacking/bashing them. From my perspective, the conversation is quite the opposite and should be considered constructively. It's understood, they (Goal) have a lot going on. It's understood they have a small staff and difficult matters to consider. It's understood that they probably need a vacation. But, the potential community is large. Goal could leverage this. This is their moment to shine. There are lots of people listening. Perhaps, more memberships and contributions waiting in the wind. But the idea that the only way to help the cause is to drive membership numbers might not be the best strategy this day and age. How do you keep those people listening? Communication.

Along that line, I'm thinking that there are plenty here that will contribute time, resources, and/or money. If all Goal is seeking is memberships, then they (that is Goal) should communicate that. If they are seeking volunteers, then they need to communicate that. If they wish to delegate against a plan, ask for help. If they think they can manage the current situation with the staff on hand, ok. Tell us that. Then, what is the plan going forward? Even a "we don't know" is better than silence at this moment. A statement "we'll issue an update in a week", even better.

Again, I don't see anything in the thread that is bashing. It's called debate. It can be constructive.

Hey not bad, at least one of you actually read my post and comprehended it. You sir get a rep point!

If most of you weren't a bunch of defensive yentas we could probably have a meaningful discussion on what to do next. Instead I get a bunch of replies telling me how many people are on the staff and how they can't do much. That is why I am asking them to actually come out and publicly ask us for help. I don't understand why communication with its members and potential members must be so secretive. Maybe this is why membership is so low? I will say almost all the gun-owners I know have no idea who GOAL is or what they do, and 100% of them that do know what GOAL is only know because I told them. That is GOAL's fault, not the gun-owner. Put yourself out there and people will notice.

No where in my posts did I call GOAL the enemy. I am simply looking for the Gun Owners ACTION League to, you know, get some action going. 90% of the gun industry is stuck in the stone ages, GOAL definitely has that hurdle to overcome. There are 41k+ members on this site(some bots, some antis and some not from MA), here would probably be a good place to start. Message boards are the place where you will find the most passionate about the subject matter, the rest will follow.

Why should I have to seek GOAL out to be a member or help out? That is not the way it works with anything that plans to grow and be around for a while. No one offers to help, but if asked people will help. Blaming the 400k licensed gun-owners in the state is just denial and embarrassing to read, I am sure the overwhelming majority of non-members don't even know that GOAL exists. Why should they? Most people are happy to get a gun or go through the course, no one is reading junk mail or flyers that are shoved into their hands at an NRA course.

There are a lot of unlicensed owners too, who are either scared or not-suitable to get a license, yet another place to tap into for membership, these people would more than likely have an interest in reversing BS laws that made them criminals. So much potential, blaming the gun owners isn't going to get you anywhere.
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I don't understand why communication with its members and potential members must be so secretive.
Anything regarding strategy in a legal conflict must by its very nature remain secretive. That's why attorney-client privilege exists.
Anything regarding strategy in a legal conflict must by its very nature remain secretive. That's why attorney-client privilege exists.

Dude please read the posts before replying. Never mind the fact that legal conflict is supposed to be Comm2A's department, I am talking about rallies and ways to help GOAL from here on. I am not asking about legal cases, is that clear?
Anything regarding strategy in a legal conflict must by its very nature remain secretive. That's why attorney-client privilege exists.

with all due respect, when ever i hear terms such as legal anything and attorney-client privilege the first thing that pops in my head is LOTS of TIME something i feel is not on our side. the longer this drags out the less people will care. but hell im no expert
Anything regarding strategy in a legal conflict must by its very nature remain secretive. That's why attorney-client privilege exists.

Dude please read the posts before replying. Never mind the fact that legal conflict is supposed to be Comm2A's department, I am talking about rallies and ways to help GOAL from here on. I am not asking about legal cases, is that clear?

with all due respect, when ever i hear terms such as legal anything and attorney-client privilege the first thing that pops in my head is LOTS of TIME something i feel is not on our side. the longer this drags out the less people will care. but hell im no expert

Not trying to tread on anyone's opinions but you two guys realize he is one of the Co-Founders of Comm2a right?

I get that this has no bearing on rallies and requests for help from GOAL but if you are wondering why people from an organization are not giving you every detail all the time then his comments bear weight seeing as he is on the board of a group that fights for 2a rights in Mass.
has goal heard from the NRA? has the NRA offered any type of help that people know about?

I'm sure they have spoken with the NRA and I'm sure they aren't going to share any plans with us until they are ready. The AG's office reads NES.
with all due respect, when ever i hear terms such as legal anything and attorney-client privilege the first thing that pops in my head is LOTS of TIME something i feel is not on our side. the longer this drags out the less people will care. but hell im no expert

You are correct...legal action will take lots or time and money. If folks lose interest then (I guess) it was that important to them anyway. Let's dig in and protect our/children's rights for the long haul.
with all due respect, when ever i hear terms such as legal anything and attorney-client privilege the first thing that pops in my head is LOTS of TIME something i feel is not on our side. the longer this drags out the less people will care. but hell im no expert

If you go to court with a half-baked lawsuit, not only do you lose, but you have created a precedent and typically you never a second bite at that apple.

You have to get the lawsuit right the first time. This takes a great deal of work -- researching law, researching precedent, considering alternative strategies and predicting the AG's legal responses. All of that takes time. And Comm2A can not share the progress of that research with the public, as that would help the AG.

This is the way that legal system works. It takes a very long time.
Not trying to tread on anyone's opinions but you two guys realize he is one of the Co-Founders of Comm2a right?

I get that this has no bearing on rallies and requests for help from GOAL but if you are wondering why people from an organization are not giving you every detail all the time then his comments bear weight seeing as he is on the board of a group that fights for 2a rights in Mass.

Again, I am not talking about whatever elbow rubbing they have to do behind closed doors. There has to be 2 sides to GOAL for their organization to work. The political side to deal with the politicians and the public side, which is the one that truly matters because that is what brings in membership. OK? So to say it again and I am sure I will have to at least 2 more times, I am not talking about any legal case, decision, trial, hypothesis, pending litigation, or even your legal opinion. None of that.

This is about GOAL, the public, and helping GOAL. What do they need help with? And why are they scared to say it publicly?
If you go to court with a half-baked lawsuit, not only do you lose, but you have created a precedent and typically you never a second bite at that apple.

You have to get the lawsuit right the first time. This takes a great deal of work -- researching law, researching precedent, considering alternative strategies and predicting the AG's legal responses. All of that takes time. And Comm2A can not share the progress of that research with the public, as that would help the AG.

This is the way that legal system works. It takes a very long time.

what is wrong with you? this thread has nothing to do with law suites the op was talking about another rally organizing to get more people there. not sure why people keep talking legalities find another thread. no one is even asking about comm2a. the only reason i asked if goal heard from the NRA is because they are 4 people and could probably use some help organizing people at least this is the argument that keeps getting stated.
Again, I am not talking about whatever elbow rubbing they have to do behind closed doors. There has to be 2 sides to GOAL for their organization to work. The political side to deal with the politicians and the public side, which is the one that truly matters because that is what brings in membership. OK? So to say it again and I am sure I will have to at least 2 more times, I am not talking about any legal case, decision, trial, hypothesis, pending litigation, or even your legal opinion. None of that.

This is about GOAL, the public, and helping GOAL. What do they need help with? And why are they scared to say it publicly?

they need help with a membership drive; that has always been a huge problem. They've tried drives at gun club meetings (where 60 or so people show up, at a club which has 1000 members); at gun stores, I've personally put info cards/applications at various MA & NH gun shops..("give the person an application when you sell them a gun"). There are a couple of hundred thousand gun owners in MA who own one or two firearms, don't attend a club meeting, don't belong to a club, simply renew their LTC and don't know Goal exists. Those are the people you need to find.

If you have an idea how to boost membership....go for it; call Jim Wallace, tell him you'll spearhead this. That's what it's all about. An organization is only as good as it's members.
they need help with a membership drive; that has always been a huge problem. They've tried drives at gun club meetings (where 60 or so people show up, at a club which has 1000 members); at gun stores, I've personally put info cards/applications at various MA & NH gun shops..("give the person an application when you sell them a gun"). There are a couple of hundred thousand gun owners in MA who own one or two firearms, don't attend a club meeting, don't belong to a club, simply renew their LTC and don't know Goal exists. Those are the people you need to find.

If you have an idea how to boost membership....go for it; call Jim Wallace, tell him you'll spearhead this. That's what it's all about. An organization is only as good as it's members.

I shouldn't have to call him, GOAL as the number 1 gun owners organization should have a presence on the number 1 message board for shooters in New England. They should already be here.
Go to car message boards, they are swamped with vendors when they have half the members of this site, and a lot run successful businesses through them. It gives them exposure to their core audience. GOAL has a relatively inactive account on here and as I hop around I see nothing to click on that is a link to their site or anything. These all seem like easy ways to get out there. This is what I was talking about with operating like its 1986 still. Why aren't they a sponsor over on the right side of the screen?

Stop making excuses for poor performance. Talking about it is the only way to fix it. Communication is key in everything business, marriage, friendship, etc. If GOAL wants to boost membership they should start right here convincing the people repping me saying GOAL is a waste of space and money. Prove those people wrong and get involved in your community or hand the reigns to someone that will. Either change with the times or change your name to GOL because there is little to no action.
they need help with a membership drive; that has always been a huge problem. They've tried drives at gun club meetings (where 60 or so people show up, at a club which has 1000 members); at gun stores, I've personally put info cards/applications at various MA & NH gun shops..("give the person an application when you sell them a gun"). There are a couple of hundred thousand gun owners in MA who own one or two firearms, don't attend a club meeting, don't belong to a club, simply renew their LTC and don't know Goal exists. Those are the people you need to find.

If you have an idea how to boost membership....go for it; call Jim Wallace, tell him you'll spearhead this. That's what it's all about. An organization is only as good as it's members.

Is it possible to do a mass mailing to all LTC holders in MA?
they need help with a membership drive; that has always been a huge problem. They've tried drives at gun club meetings (where 60 or so people show up, at a club which has 1000 members); at gun stores, I've personally put info cards/applications at various MA & NH gun shops..("give the person an application when you sell them a gun"). There are a couple of hundred thousand gun owners in MA who own one or two firearms, don't attend a club meeting, don't belong to a club, simply renew their LTC and don't know Goal exists. Those are the people you need to find.

If you have an idea how to boost membership....go for it; call Jim Wallace, tell him you'll spearhead this. That's what it's all about. An organization is only as good as it's members.

I plan on asking a bunch of people at my club:

Did you make it to the Rally Saturday?

No, did you get the email from GOAL about it?

Would you like me to send you the info so you can sign up, and become a member?

Plenty of people were talking/griping about it when I was there last Wednesday but I would bet most didn't go or didn't even know about it.
I don't have the ability to perform the tasks that we expect of GOAL and Comm2A.
I do have money, so I made additional donations to these and the NRA.
Is it possible to do a mass mailing to all LTC holders in MA?
LTC holder name/address information is protected. There is one technique to compel the state to release the info, but I don't know if it fits the game plan and I will not discuss it.
I'm not your enemy. GOAL isn't your enemy. The NRA isn't your enemy.

Take a deep breath.

They aren't going to tell you everything they are doing. This won't be over quickly.
Now you just putting words in my mouth. I'm not worked up an yes we are all on the same side. This whole thread is about a rally and getting People to show up. If there not going to talk about a rally don't complain when you only have 100 people. Working people need to plan and if I am going try to push people to go i need to give them more time than 2 days. But f it I give up
I'm not your enemy. GOAL isn't your enemy. The NRA isn't your enemy.

Take a deep breath.

They aren't going to tell you everything they are doing. This won't be over quickly.

Maybe not but you are running blocker for them. Why aren't they here to say it themselves? If they only have 16K members and this site has 41k+, is there really no one in their office that can see here would be a fantastic place to start? Easy access to people all over the state, who in fact know more people that live all over the state. Word of mouth is HUGE and most gun owners I know have no idea who GOAL is at all. They love guns, freedom and rights but have never been exposed to GOAL. GOAL needs to figure that out. It is easy to see why membership is low. A business blaming its customers for its failings is hilarious at best.

I am willing to bet the 4 staff members are of an older generation and not so inclined to using social media. That is ok. Which is exactly what my OP was all about, where does GOAL need help and how can we the community help? This site has lots of younger members that social media pros, they should be tapped into for that knowledge. "Wait and see" is no way to start building a movement of any sort.
I shouldn't have to call him, GOAL as the number 1 gun owners organization should have a presence on the number 1 message board for shooters in New England. They should already be here.
Go to car message boards, they are swamped with vendors when they have half the members of this site, and a lot run successful businesses through them. It gives them exposure to their core audience. GOAL has a relatively inactive account on here and as I hop around I see nothing to click on that is a link to their site or anything.

GOAL's social media guy, Mike S, is here on a regular basis. His last post was yesterday.

- - - Updated - - -

Now you just putting words in my mouth. I'm not worked up an yes we are all on the same side. This whole thread is about a rally and getting People to show up. If there not going to talk about a rally don't complain when you only have 100 people. Working people need to plan and if I am going try to push people to go i need to give them more time than 2 days. But f it I give up

Actually, if you go back over this thread it has covered several topics. And, no, I'm not putting words in your mouth.

You are angry. I get that. I share your anger. But you are misdirecting that anger. You seriously need to take a deep breath.

- - - Updated - - -

Maybe not but you are running blocker for them. Why aren't they here to say it themselves?

Mike S posts here on a regular basis.

I am willing to bet the 4 staff members are of an older generation and not so inclined to using social media.

You would lose that bet. Mike S's job is social media.

Guys, please, stop crapping on GOAL. If you think they should do something else, then call them up and offer to do that for them. It is easy to sit at a keyboard and complain that they are doing it wrong. It is harder to get up from your keyboard and go help them.
As for what they are doing right now, my guess is that they are working hard to try to convince the legislature to pass SD.2637. But, again, you don't do political lobbying in the spotlight.
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