Hello? GOAL? Are you there?

1) Do you belong to GOAL? If yes, great. If not, join.

2) Do all the LTC holders you know belong to GOAL? How can you tell? ask them. If they don't, they're part of the problem

3) At your next Club meeting, ask everyone there if they're GOAL members. Have your Club secretary send a message to every member, telling them to join.

4) if you have skills, call GOAL, and ask them if you can help.
GOAL is most certainly 'there' and I think that the rally and subsequent fallout demonstrate that. However, the power of GOAL is the membership. GOAL is relevant because their membership is made up of voters, voters who let their elected officials know what's important to them.

GOAL's success is based upon two things: 1) membership & 2) constituent engagement. An organization with X members is less compelling than an organization with 2X or 3X members. Numbers speak for themselves. But that's not enough. GOAL is successful if the phones ring and the inboxes fill up on Beacon Hill.

So, if you want GOAL to be 'there', do the following:

1) Join. Then sign up your spouse, parents, children, neighbors, etc.
2) Call or write. If you're not pinging you state reps on a regular basis, you're not doing your job and you're undermining GOAL's influence.

oops, lol.

I wish I read this far before I just made a donation. I didn't join, just tossed em this month's spending cash, while I wait patiently for a good idea for a next move.

Damn it.
Again, I am not talking about whatever elbow rubbing they have to do behind closed doors. There has to be 2 sides to GOAL for their organization to work. The political side to deal with the politicians and the public side, which is the one that truly matters because that is what brings in membership. OK? So to say it again and I am sure I will have to at least 2 more times, I am not talking about any legal case, decision, trial, hypothesis, pending litigation, or even your legal opinion. None of that.

This is about GOAL, the public, and helping GOAL. What do they need help with? And why are they scared to say it publicly?

As for what they are doing right now, my guess is that they are working hard to try to convince the legislature to pass SD.2637. But, again, you don't do political lobbying in the spotlight.
See above

People say GOAL has no membership. They say GOAL needs members to have power. If we want change we need memberships. GOAL has little presence on this site alone. GOAL putting posts under Mike S. is another part of the problem. How is anyone going to Google GOAL and its postings for information? He may be posting information as himself, but people need more updates from GOAL. My fiance tells me they are very active on Facebook. Which is great, but remember your audience. Lots and lots of NESers post how they won't go on Facebook ever, its almost a badge of honor here. [laugh]

Maybe I am biased because of how I learned of GOAL: Right here on NES. At that point I had gotten my restricted LTC from Brockton, joined Ames gun club and already purchased 3 guns before I found this site. Then I Googled GOAL because I saw a post referencing them. That is how I found GOAL, almost by accident. If I wasn't an enthusiast, like most here on this site, I still wouldn't know who they are(like most of the gun-owners I know).
GOAL is most certainly 'there' and I think that the rally and subsequent fallout demonstrate that. However, the power of GOAL is the membership. GOAL is relevant because their membership is made up of voters, voters who let their elected officials know what's important to them.

GOAL's success is based upon two things: 1) membership & 2) constituent engagement. An organization with X members is less compelling than an organization with 2X or 3X members. Numbers speak for themselves. But that's not enough. GOAL is successful if the phones ring and the inboxes fill up on Beacon Hill.

So, if you want GOAL to be 'there', do the following:

1) Join. Then sign up your spouse, parents, children, neighbors, etc.
2) Call or write. If you're not pinging you state reps on a regular basis, you're not doing your job and you're undermining GOAL's influence.
Plus 1
One more point - there are some things that GOAL, Comm2A, NRA, etc. may or may not do that may or may not be discussed until they are actually done. We're not going to send minutes of our internal discussions to the AGs office via NES.

Well said people should realize this but thanks for spelling it out
See above People say GOAL has no membership. They say GOAL needs members to have power. If we want change we need memberships. GOAL has little presence on this site alone. GOAL putting posts under Mike S. is another part of the problem. How is anyone going to Google GOAL and its postings for information? He may be posting information as himself, but people need more updates from GOAL. My fiance tells me they are very active on Facebook. Which is great, but remember your audience. Lots and lots of NESers post how they won't go on Facebook ever, its almost a badge of honor here. [laugh] Maybe I am biased because of how I learned of GOAL: Right here on NES. At that point I had gotten my restricted LTC from Brockton, joined Ames gun club and already purchased 3 guns before I found this site. Then I Googled GOAL because I saw a post referencing them. That is how I found GOAL, almost by accident. If I wasn't an enthusiast, like most here on this site, I still wouldn't know who they are(like most of the gun-owners I know).

Great. Then why don't you send GOAL a letter telling them how they can do it better and what you will do to help?
See above

People say GOAL has no membership. They say GOAL needs members to have power. If we want change we need memberships. GOAL has little presence on this site alone. GOAL putting posts under Mike S. is another part of the problem. How is anyone going to Google GOAL and its postings for information? He may be posting information as himself, but people need more updates from GOAL. My fiance tells me they are very active on Facebook. Which is great, but remember your audience. Lots and lots of NESers post how they won't go on Facebook ever, its almost a badge of honor here. [laugh]

Maybe I am biased because of how I learned of GOAL: Right here on NES. At that point I had gotten my restricted LTC from Brockton, joined Ames gun club and already purchased 3 guns before I found this site. Then I Googled GOAL because I saw a post referencing them. That is how I found GOAL, almost by accident. If I wasn't an enthusiast, like most here on this site, I still wouldn't know who they are(like most of the gun-owners I know).

The dealer(s), and the Club should be pushing GOAL membership, IMO
There is no magic wand that the NRA,Comm2A,or GOAL can wave to make this go away over night.The NRA,and GOAL dropped the ball many moons ago to get us were we are today.You NRA members should also be on the phone with them asking what are they going to do.Comm2A has put up some good fights in this State,I would put my money on them.As for GOAL I have no use for them they have dropped the ball to many times,and that news letter money thing really left a bad taste in my mouth.We have been sold out a long time ago boys,by the people we were paying to help us.
The dealer(s), and the Club should be pushing GOAL membership, IMO

One of my club's pre-requisites for membership is an NRA membership. Not sure how common that is. Maybe club's would be better off ditching that and making a GOAL membership necessary instead? Theyre working in our state and the NRA seems to of written off MA as a loss. Maybe it would be money better spent.
One of my club's pre-requisites for membership is an NRA membership. Not sure how common that is. Maybe club's would be better off ditching that and making a GOAL membership necessary instead? Theyre working in our state and the NRA seems to of written off MA as a loss. Maybe it would be money better spent.

Some clubs are associated with the NRA in order to get insurance via the NRA. These clubs require the member to also be NRA members.

https://mynrainsurance.com/club-insurance (there used to be details of requirements, that i do not see at this moment)
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Probably close to NES paid vs free membership. Everyone wants the benefit of what the service provides us all, but only a handful will actually give up a few cups of Starbucks and cough up a few bucks to help the service be all it can be. Imagine what GOAL could do if only 10% of gun owners were members?

This !!!!! Come on people, become a green member, join GOAL and donate to Comm2a.
It's the right thing to do.
Here is my problem with the NRA and Goal they both should have organized to have buses waiting to pick people up at every gun glub in mass to take them into boston and return them, they knew turn out would be lower if they relied on people to get themselves into the city. this is why i get pissed with all gun orgs. if your going to call for a rally take a lesson from the dems and plan the whole rally not just the time. you need people for a rally so you need to figure out how to get people to the rally. i would have been thrilled to take a buss and pay for it too i could have gotten more people to come with me too.

I agree,this should be happening. The NRA should foot the bill to get us to Boston!
We need to move people in great numbers from central and western Ma. into Boston for more Rallys.
I drove in from S. Worc. county. It would have been great to catch a bus at one of the many Rod and Gun clubs. I'm sure we could have swelled the numbers by at least a couple thousand. Also, I got there around 10:40 and the Rally was already wrapping up. Wrapping up?
What the hell, people were just arriving with me and it was done. Was that worth the 1 hr' trip.one way into Boston?
YES, it was. Mostly because of my conscience.
I've mentioned this before , at Cape Ann every member has joined GOAL (500+ members), you can not join or renew at the club if you're not a member of GOAL.
More clubs should do the same.
One of my club's pre-requisites for membership is an NRA membership. Not sure how common that is. Maybe club's would be better off ditching that and making a GOAL membership necessary instead? Theyre working in our state and the NRA seems to of written off MA as a loss. Maybe it would be money better spent.

I believe clubs require NRA membership for some kind of insurance issue, I believe it might be liability insurance or something along those lines. Got beat out as I was typing this.
How about a pay it forward/karma type membership for us on here and GOAL. We all know people who shoot and may not be active on here, and may not be members, so why not pay for one for someone but have them pay it forward for someone else who's not a member? Granted, I need to renew my own, but still lol.
People say GOAL has no membership. They say GOAL needs members to have power. If we want change we need memberships. GOAL has little presence on this site alone. GOAL putting posts under Mike S. is another part of the problem. How is anyone going to Google GOAL and its postings for information? He may be posting information as himself, but people need more updates from GOAL. My fiance tells me they are very active on Facebook. Which is great, but remember your audience. Lots and lots of NESers post how they won't go on Facebook ever, its almost a badge of honor here. [laugh]

Maybe I am biased because of how I learned of GOAL: Right here on NES. At that point I had gotten my restricted LTC from Brockton, joined Ames gun club and already purchased 3 guns before I found this site. Then I Googled GOAL because I saw a post referencing them. That is how I found GOAL, almost by accident. If I wasn't an enthusiast, like most here on this site, I still wouldn't know who they are(like most of the gun-owners I know).
Good, you're a member of GOAL. That means you are GOAL.
What did they say when you contacted them to volunteer after receiving their email alert, or after hearing about Healey's actions here or elsewhere?
Some clubs are associated with the NRA in order to get insurance via the NRA. These clubs require the member to also be NRA members.

https://mynrainsurance.com/club-insurance (there used to be details of requirements, that i do not see at this moment)

The NRA has no clout in Mass. They are not registered as a lobbying entity, Goal is. If your club is going to require membership in a gun organization, it should be Goal. The NRA dies shit for the gun owners/members in Massachusetts

- - - Updated - - -

For what it's worth, Mike S, from Goal, is on vacation in Wyoming.

As for the other employees, one handles membership, FAQ, incoming calls, events, etc. Mike handles the web, newsletter, Friday email, etc. Jon provides training classes, which provides a large income stream. And Jim is the legislature liason.

Let's talk about being stretched thin. If anyone has ANY IDEAS on how to be more effective, increase membership, etc GET OFF YOUR ASS AND CONTACT THEM!!
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Now I understand why everyone moves. You all have Stockholm syndrome to the fullest. Talk about being in denial: blaming gun shops, clubs and gun owners. If you want things to change, figure out what the real problem is first.What business blames the customers for not coming in?
The NRA has no clout in Mass. They are not registered as a lobbying entity, Goal is. If your club is going to require membership in a gun organization, it should be Goal. The NRA dies shit for the gun owners/members in Massachusetts!

Its not about what entity does what here in mass. Its about a club needing the proper insurance and insurance companies run away when firearms are involved. The NRA assists clubs with obtaining insurance. In return the NRA mandates that members of the club ALSO be members of the NRA. Its not really negotiable.

Also the NRA helps at the national level, Get a ban at the national level we will be affected. You could argue that the NRA was able to sunset the AWB94 and GOAL was unable to block the MA-AWB98.

Clubs have the option of supporting goal as well, when i was at southborough years ago, members were required to have NRA membership and part of your dues went to the goal association (and you would get a copy of the goal magazine).
Threads like this happened after the two 2013 Rallies at the State House and the Common. Lessons have been learned but this action by the AOG was so severe I don't think anyone could have predicted it. So more lessons are being learned.

In addition to MikeS posting, as an individual-read his signature, please be aware that the GOAL BOD/Staff and the COMM2A BOD as individuals are here on NES also. They know how we feel - no doubt about it.

Only a week has passed since this shit storm hit us and look at what has happened, positively and negatively. This action by AOG has solidified and forced the pols to take a stand on what they think about our civil rights and the matter of the AOG making laws up.

Take the time to learn who the BOD and Staff are at GOAL and COMM2A and you may be pleasantly surprised who they are. I will not 'out them' but it is all on their websites. After you do reading threads like this, and who is posting, becomes more clear.

Also, it is Tuesday and most MA, LGS are just opening for the first time since the rally. Stop in and talk to the owners and staff about this problem and not just shooting the shit. Support them now more than ever.

We need to stay a team to fight the good fight.


ETA: Note, this post is not to try and quell the questions you are all asking. They are legitimate and don't need my blessing. It is hopefully to get you to look into who the men and women working on our behalf are and see that we do not need to eat our own. Talk with a purpose to your LGS.


Get in touch with us

GOAL Headquarters is centrally located in Northborough Massachusetts, just off of Rt. 20 and just north of Rt. 9.

We are typically in the office M - F from 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM, if you are planning a visit, please call ahead to make sure someone will be here.

Address: 361 W. Main St, Northborough MA. 01532

Telephone: 508-393-5333

Fax: 508-393-5222


Board of Directors Meeting

Open to all GOAL members in good standing. Join us!

Thu Aug 11, 2016 6:30pm – 8:30pm Eastern Time

Gun Owners Action League, 361 West Main Street, Northborough, MA 01532, United States (map)
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Threads like this happened after the two 2013 Rallies at the State House and the Common. Lessons have been learned but this action by the AOG was so severe I don't think anyone could have predicted it. So more lessons are being learned.

In addition to MikeS posting, as an individual-read his signature, please be aware that the GOAL BOD/Staff and the COMM2A BOD as individuals are here on NES also. They know how we feel - no doubt about it.

Only a week has passed since this shit storm hit us and look at what has happened, positively and negatively. This action by AOG has solidified and forced the pols to take a stand on what they think about our civil rights and the matter of the AOG making laws up.

Take the time to learn who the BOD and Staff are at GOAL and COMM2A and you may be pleasantly surprised who they are. I will not 'out them' but it is all on their websites. After you do reading threads like this, and who is posting, becomes more clear.

Also, it is Tuesday and most MA, LGS are just opening for the first time since the rally. Stop in and talk to the owners and staff about this problem and not just shooting the shit. Support them now more than ever.

We need to stay a team to fight the good fight.



Well there are two ways to handle it, make some changes and stop blaming the community for low membership or continue on with the same ole same ole. The latter seems to be the plan. Either you engage your community or you fade away. Lots of people are reading this thread and seeing the same ole responses from the same ole group.

The current membership numbers doesn't even sound real, especially since some of you admit to signing up 3, 4 or even 5 other people. Members don't count if they don't even know they are members.

Of course all of you defensive folks have side-lined what this thread started over with your blame game. No one was blaming anyone, I don't understand what is so bad about asking GOaL publicly what they need and actually receiving a response. Why are they so active on facebook with 13K friends while there are over 40k members here? Doesn't simple math tell you here would reach more people?
Enough already. Put up or shut up. If GOAL can do something better, then get up from your keyboard and go show them how it is done.

I am so sick of people who are convinced they can do it better but don't do crap to help out.
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I'm going to go ahead and re-open this thread for a little while.

I've posted this before, but EVERYONE was suprised by the AG's action last Wednesday - espcially the Legislators, and they were/are still pissed. The AG played this very close to the vest. Nobody outside of her inner circle had any inkling what she was up to. It so happened that last week, only two (out of 4) staff members at GOAL were even around. One person had a medical/family issue, and another was taking a well-deserved vacation. On Wednesday when this thing broke, there were two people - Jim Wallace and Jon Green available, and they had to do everything.

Every phone line into GOAL was ringing non-stop, Jim was fielding a constant stream of questions and statement requests from the press - while reaching out to his contacts in the legislature to find out what they knew. Jon had to try to answer the deluge of phone calls from members (as well as non-members demanding answers) while trying to coordinate volunteers, draft a statement, and put together logisistcs for a rally that turned out to be Saturday (the date was firmed up only after Jim was able to confirm that the legislators would be in session). Jon was able to contact Mike S who cut his vacation short to help handle the social media, email all 150 affiliated clubs, and send out emails to all the members.

I'm not making excuses, I'm just trying to paint a picture of what it was like in the two days between the news of this breaking and the rally on the state house steps.

I saw this thread today and I literally laughed out loud when I read this:

Here is my problem with the NRA and Goal they both should have organized to have buses waiting to pick people up at every gun glub in mass to take them into boston and return them, they knew turn out would be lower if they relied on people to get themselves into the city. this is why i get pissed with all gun orgs. if your going to call for a rally take a lesson from the dems and plan the whole rally not just the time. you need people for a rally so you need to figure out how to get people to the rally. i would have been thrilled to take a buss and pay for it too i could have gotten more people to come with me too.

There was barely enough time and manpower to answer the phones and try to coordinate the volunteers that did call and did show up to help, and you want someone to stop by and pick you up? Really? You want someone to call first to get your Dunky order?

I realize it's been two days since the rally on the state hous steps, but we haven't been sitting around.

GOAL has been working with gun-friendly state legislators (like Senator Humason who drafted a bill to reign in the AG and the 58 reps and senators that signed the letter to Healey), as well as Comm 2A, the NRA, SAF, NSSF, and even other state organizations to formulate a plan going forward. It's important that we do it this way so everyone isn't stepping on someone else's dick.

If you want to do something to help right now, keep calling your legislators and especially the governor's office. Even if you've called them before, keep doing it.

Right now, there are plans in the works for more events, and as soon as I can I'll let all of you here know what's up. GOAL will do the same with its members and all the clubs (I don't understand why some people here think GOAL didn't notify the clubs. We did and we do. Whether the clubs notify their members is up to them. GOAL has no control over it).

Many of you have said you want to volunteer. That's awesome! We really appreciate it. Here's what you can do (and I'll start a new thread on this):

Send an email to [email protected], put "Volunteer" in the subject line (just that word only) and in the body of the message, include your name, phone number, and a brief description of your area of expertise (if you have one).

Thanks in advance. We are going to need your help.
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Send an email to [email protected], put "Volunteer" in the subject line (just that word only) and in the body of the message, include your name, phone number, and a brief description of your area of expertise (if you have one).

Thanks in advance. We are going to need your help.

Albeit optional, it would be cool to have a list of helpful things volunteers can do for GOAL. For example, if you need a bus driver (pun on above), it may make someone who drives buses say - "hey i can help" and motivate them to reach out.

Just a thought.
Albeit optional, it would be cool to have a list of helpful things volunteers can do for GOAL. For example, if you need a bus driver (pun on above), it may make someone who drives buses say - "hey i can help" and motivate them to reach out.

Just a thought.

We need everything. If a specific need arises, I'll be sure to post it. In the meantime, let us know what you're good at, and we'll find a way to take advantage of you (in a good way) [wink]

The GOAL Volunteer Thread
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I'm going to go ahead and re-open this thread for a little while.

I've posted this before, but EVERYONE was suprised by the AG's action last Wednesday - espcially the Legislators, and they were/are still pissed. The AG played this very close to the vest. Nobody outside of her inner circle had any inkling what she was up to. It so happened that last week, only two (out of 4) staff members at GOAL were even around. One person had a medical/family issue, and another was taking a well-deserved vacation. On Wednesday when this thing broke, there were two people - Jim Wallace and Jon Green available, and they had to do everything.

Every phone line into GOAL was ringing non-stop, Jim was fielding a constant stream of questions and statement requests from the press - while reaching out to his contacts in the legislature to find out what they knew. Jon had to try to answer the deluge of phone calls from members (as well as non-members demanding answers) while trying to coordinate volunteers, draft a statement, and put together logisistcs for a rally that turned out to be Saturday (the date was firmed up only after Jim was able to confirm that the legislators would be in session). Jon was able to contact Mike S who cut his vacation short to help handle the social media, email all 150 affiliated clubs, and send out emails to all the members.

I'm not making excuses, I'm just trying to paint a picture of what it was like in the two days between the news of this breaking and the rally on the state house steps.

I saw this thread today and I literally laughed out loud when I read this:

There was barely enough time and manpower to answer the phones and try to coordinate the volunteers that called and that showed up to help, and you want someone to stop by and pick you up? Really? You want someone to call first to get your Dunky order?

I realize it's been two days since the rally on the state hous steps, but we haven't been sitting around.

GOAL has been working with gun-friendly state legislators (like Senator Humason who drafted a bill to reign in the AG and the 58 reps and senators that signed the letter to Healey), as well as Comm 2A, the NRA, SAF, NSSF, and even other state organizations to formulate a plan going forward. It's important that we do it this way so everyone isn't stepping on someone else's dick.

If you want to do something to help right now, keep calling your legislators and especially the governor's office. Even if you've called them before, keep doing it.

Right now, there are plans in the works for more events, and as soon as I can I'll let all of you here know what's up. GOAL will do the same with its members and all the clubs (I don't understand why some people here think GOAL didn't notify the clubs. We did and we do. Whether the clubs notify their members is up to them. GOAL has no control over it).

Many of you have said you want to volunteer. That's awesome! We really appreciate it. Here's what you can do (and I'll start a new thread on this):

Send an email to [email protected], put "Volunteer" in the subject line (just that word only) and in the body of the message, include your name, phone number, and a brief description of your area of expertise (if you have one).

Thanks in advance. We are going to need your help.

when i wrote that it was in regards to multiple threads where people were complaining about turn out. when people were asking who is organizing this everybody says goal it wasn't until many many posts later I and other people found out goal is only 4 people not some larger organization. My point is still valid about getting large numbers of people to turn out. I know alot of elderly people who will not drive on the highways and sure as shit will not drive into boston. I filled every seat in my vehicle and showed up to the rally, i was just throwing out the idea of organizing a little better to get the people there who can not or will not make the cummute to the city. I am getting tired of losing this fight in this state its time we as group start doing something different or we can just get used to losing over and over again. thank you for posting an update for whats been going on.
We need everything. If a specific need arises, I'll be sure to post it. In the meantime, let us know what you're good at, and we'll find a way to take advantage of you (in a good way) [wink]

The GOAL Volunteer Thread

Thank you, this was the intention of my OP, 85% of responses in this thread either didn't read or understand the OP. Thank you to those that did
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