Help First M.G. Purchase.

"on any given day you can get two totally different answers from ATFE as to what is legal and what is not".

Thats my line and I'm sticking with it. I've seen it in action.

Take it Easy, Dumb ass!
BDMerc1, I have been patient up to this point and tried to relatively politely correct you...and I should probably just listen to Jimmy2Times and ignore this all...BUT before you get someone in real trouble, you need to shut the F up and look into what you are talking about...because again you are either ignoratn of what you speak of or intentionally "f-ing" things up...
...A semi-auto host HK will not take a M.G. trigger pack unless the receiver (where the front push pin would be installed on a M.G.) has been machined down to allow its installation. This is one of several features of the semi-auto HK guns that allowed them to be imported and sold, per ATFE, so as to prevent "basement tinkerers" from converting the guns from semi-auto to full auto with ease!
WE ARE NOT TALKING ABOUT "FACTORY" PUSH PIN GUNS, WE ARE TALKING REGISTERED SEARS. You do realize what you just wrote there is ONLY legal if you are a SOT building a "postie"??? Because even if you have a registered sear (or a Reg Rec w/ shelf) the machining/drilling for that front push pin is ILLEGAL manufacture of an MG. Registered sears work in the "notched" semi type packs...(back on original topic) just like registered UZI bolts work in uzi's with the "blocking bar"...
...a Compliance Agent has told me is not legal.
Compliance Agents aren't the Tech want THE ANSWER ask tech, not a compliance agent, not your local branch, not the NFA branch, but tech...
... What machine guns do you own that you can share actual experience with, rather than what you believe to be true?
Here...some of these are mine, not all in that pic are mine, and not all of mine are in that where are yours???
Securityboy.. How long have you had the m79?? What kind is it? It looks VERY familiar...

I've had it for 2-3 years now, I bought it from Jimmy2Times, so you may have seen it before...Only thing I did to it was swap out the plastic stock for wood...

M79 was one of those guns that was on my "need it" list from when I first got into NFA...happy 2 say there are really only about 2ish guns left on that list for me (well not that that will stop me from getting "extra" toys) but still need an MP40 and M60 (though I'd go for an MG42, too)...
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It just looks like the 79 I used to have... the timing sounds about right as well.. Is it marked Den's guns??

I have the mp40.. love it.
I think I hooked securityboy when he shot my mp-40 at the "Kraut Day" shoot from a coupla years ago. Chris, you still have that video? (with you on my XMG beltfed?) and for the record, between securityboy, jimmy2timnes and myself we own a truckload of NFA weapons and it is clear that BDMerc1 does not understand NFA laws.
I think I hooked securityboy when he shot my mp-40 at the "Kraut Day" shoot from a coupla years ago. Chris, you still have that video? (with you on my XMG beltfed?) and for the record, between securityboy, jimmy2timnes and myself we own a truckload of NFA weapons and it is clear that BDMerc1 does not understand NFA laws.

I need to hook up with you sir. I want to lay a couple bags of beef jerky on you.
It just looks like the 79 I used to have... the timing sounds about right as well.. Is it marked Den's guns??

I have the mp40.. love it.

No its not marked Dens originally looked the way you see it second from the right in Jimmy2Times pic (thats it befor I "stole" it and put wood on it)...

I think I hooked securityboy when he shot my mp-40 at the "Kraut Day" shoot from a coupla years ago. Chris, you still have that video? (with you on my XMG beltfed?) and for the record, between securityboy, jimmy2timnes and myself we own a truckload of NFA weapons and it is clear that BDMerc1 does not understand NFA laws.
Jim... I don't personnally have the video, but I think its on youtube some place, "kraut Day" was awesome, we might have to do another some time soon...And yes I'll be honest your MP40 certainly didn't help with my addiction. But its funny the MP40 is and always has been #1 on my list, yet still I don't have one, I've passed on a few i guess I am just looking for the "right one"...
The MP40 is without a doubt one of history's great subguns. And a blast to shoot, no pun intended.

Throwing this out there as a long shot..... I have a couple of mags that my 40 just doesn't like. It is possible they need to be modded a bit to fit my gun. But, if any of you have a mag or two that your gun doesn't like, maybe we can do some swapping..

On thinking a bit.... I bought these as MP40 mags.. But I think the little "window" cut out on the back is not there.. So, they may be a variant of some sort..
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Found the vid: securityboy with his way cool mp-44 Sturmgewehr, and shooting my mp-40, my mg-34 (XMG) and the worlds fastest shooting Thompson 8mm is definitely a mans caliber, esp on full auto
I almost forgot about the WICKED AWESOME [rolleyes] music he put with it...and how fast he had that thompson cranked up...but yeah I remember your XMG catching me off guard a bit...good times...
I would grab a Registered Rec AR15 or if you have the extra cash buy a Colt 614 or a M16A1, there are some bargains out there now..... Now you can shoot 5.56, 9mm, .22lr, etc , etc. One gun, tons of uppers! Tactial Innovations has a American Arms 180 upper for the M16 platform. Drum sizes are 177 and 275 Lexan. I have test fired on e and it is awesome!
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