Here it is AGAIN Boys Press Conference @ 11:55

He also said that he would cut the defecit he "inherited" in half in his first term. It went from $10T to $16.4T

He also said that there would be transperency in govt and that the Obamacare would be negotiated on CSPAN. Instead we got the "Cornhusker Kickback" and the "Louisanna Purchase" and over 1200 exemptions to this supposedly great law.

He also said that there would be accountibility in govt. He and no one in his administration has taken responsibility for anything as they all blame Bush or the Congress or Global Warming or Guns or the weather.

So, excuse me if I don't believe one work that this authoritarian socialist spews.
Anyone else notice that he keeps nailing that "If they want to give me the responsibility" line... seems like he has said that ALOT.

He wants King like powers...
At least it has moved on to important things, like how many woman/minorities are on his cabinet, as opposed to, you know, the most qualified lol.
President Obama on gun control: "I'm confident that there's some steps that we can take that don't require legislation and that are within my authority as president. And where you get a step that has the opportunity to reduce the possibility of gun violence then I want to go ahead and take it."
This is the same guy that said the middle class taxes would not go up so I guess you can read it from there![frown]
Can we get an executive order to hire more workers at Lake City so I can get more M855? [smile]

Well put. I think he talked about guns than I thought he would have but it could have gone a lot worse. But no way I'm letting my guard down. Barry is very sneaky and he says one thing and completely comes back and shoves it down our throats. He still doesn't understand 2A and it's ****ing infuriating.
Isn't it tomorrow or Thursday where they were going to talk about Biden's findings in a new AWB?

- - - Updated - - -

So, will there be another press conference then???
Next comes an EO infringing on the Fourth Amendment because the .gov will need to search for all those dangerous "assault weapons".

Then comes comes an EO restricting the 1st. Amendment (hate speech, anti-gov, ext..).

Where does it end?
Next comes an EO infringing on the Fourth Amendment because the .gov will need to search for all those dangerous "assault weapons".

Then comes comes an EO restricting the 1st. Amendment (hate speech, anti-gov, ext..).

Where does it end?

With go time and immediate "meaningful action". And like MichaelJR said, it's not a joke and no one is ****ing around. The line in the sand is drawn, and if they step over 1 micrometer I'm off the grid.
Next comes an EO infringing on the Fourth Amendment because the .gov will need to search for all those dangerous "assault weapons".

Then comes comes an EO restricting the 1st. Amendment (hate speech, anti-gov, ext..).

Where does it end?

Do you really want to know the answer? If History is any precedent then the potential is deadly. Not Saying we are gonna head down that road but the turn is coming up and there is a chance we do make that turn
Do you really want to know the answer? If History is any precedent then the potential is deadly. Not Saying we are gonna head down that road but the turn is coming up and there is a chance we do make that turn

Oh, I am well aware of that answer. Us patriots cannot allow it to happen.
Want to know what a treasonous domestic enemy of the state sounds like:

"My understanding is the vice president's going to provide a range of steps that we can take to reduce gun violence," said Obama. "Some of them will require legislation, some of them I can accomplish through executive action. And so I will be reviewing those today, and as I said, I will speak in more detail to what we're going to go ahead and propose later in the week. But I'm confident that there are some steps that we can take that don't require legislation and that are within my authority as president, and where you get a step that, has the opportunity to reduce the possibility of gun violence, then i want to go ahead and take it."
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