Here it is AGAIN Boys Press Conference @ 11:55

I really believe that he won't touch a new AWB. But what's been scaring the hell out of me is this: I believe the dems will be telling the sheep to vote the republicans out of office in the beginning months of 2014. With the republicans out, they'll control both houses. That thought is enough for go-time.
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Fox news brought this up, this is great:

Here are Obama’s thoughts on the debt limit in 2006, when he voted against increasing the ceiling:

"The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the U.S. Government can’t pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government’s reckless fiscal policies. … Increasing America’s debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that ‘the buck stops here. Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better."

Today's conference call:

"Not rising it would be a "self-inflicted wound on the economy." He added "To even entertain the idea [of not raising the debt ceiling], it's absurd."
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"Responsible gun owners – people who have a gun for protection, for hunting, for sportsmanship -- they don’t have anything to worry about," he said.

Everybody take note of that statement so we can reference it and can call him on his BS
President Obama on gun control: "I'm confident that there's some steps that we can take that don't require legislation and that are within my authority as president. And where you get a step that has the opportunity to reduce the possibility of gun violence then I want to go ahead and take it."

A sheer cliff to a rock floor come to mind.
I use a machine gun and 100 round mags for "sportsmanship" does that mean its all good? [thinking]

Create a new game, call it "The United States 100 Round Mag Dump Association". The rules are simple.

1) Dump 100 rounds into target on auto.
2) Grin like an idiot.
3) You win!
Create a new game, call it "The United States 100 Round Mag Dump Association". The rules are simple.

1) Dump 100 rounds into target on auto.
2) Grin like an idiot.
3) You win!
3-gun and sub-gun competitions already routinely do this - nothing new needs to be created.

Personally, I most frequently play "how fast can you shoot dozens of Mt Dew bottles filled with water?" I win every time...

I've also played "how fast can you shoot through a 9 (or 11 hole) barricade"

All are a lot of fun and as essential to my health and well being as hunting for trophy.

Of course there is that pesky issue that 2A HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH HUNTING.
The gang-bangers will get to keep their guns.

Barack Obama in 2008 made this promise to his supporters.

“I believe in the Second Amendment. I will not take your shotgun away. I will not take your rifle away. I won’t take your handgun away… But I am not going to take your guns away. So if you want to find an excuse not to vote for me, don’t use that one because it just ain’t true. It ain’t true.”

So he's not lying , if he's saying he won't take the guns away from his supporters (inner city gang members? democratic legislators?)
he won't really do it.
they won't confiscate.
no way the NRA lets them get away with it!
you guys are wearing a little too much tin foil
it'll never happen!!

(said a lot of people on this board...)

get off your ASSES!!!

Sent from my Obamaphone
he won't really do it.
they won't confiscate.
no way the NRA lets them get away with it!
you guys are wearing a little too much tin foil
it'll never happen!!

(said a lot of people on this board...)

get off your ASSES!!!

Sent from my Obamaphone

the NRA is not the champion of second amendment rights that a lot of folks think they are.
the NRA is not the champion of second amendment rights that a lot of folks think they are.
I will concede to them that they are trying harder than they have in a half century.

I will also concede to them that the reason they are able to do so is a lot of people woke up. To Lobby you have to either bring votes to your supporters or take votes away from your detractors.

Either case requires that you can show them the votes... Gun owners have been sitting on their ass waiting for someone else to do it.

A good chunk of them are Democrats who were telling us "gun control was a dead issue" prior to the election so it was presumably safe to vote for their blue dog again. Another good chunk were/are fudds with their "hunter's rights" nonsense.

Which leaves "the gun nuts" and we've just been trying to do our own thing.
I will concede to them that they are trying harder than they have in a half century.

I will also concede to them that the reason they are able to do so is a lot of people woke up. To Lobby you have to either bring votes to your supporters or take votes away from your detractors.

Either case requires that you can show them the votes... Gun owners have been sitting on their ass waiting for someone else to do it.

A good chunk of them are Democrats who were telling us "gun control was a dead issue" prior to the election so it was presumably safe to vote for their blue dog again. Another good chunk were/are fudds with their "hunter's rights" nonsense.

Which leaves "the gun nuts" and we've just been trying to do our own thing.

I think the NRA is really trying this time.

Me too. I sent them a donation. I have refused to renew after what they did to NH. But, if they manage to put this beast to rest and get us out of this mess, I might just become a life member. I'm impressed, so far.
I think the NRA is really trying this time.
They are going through some growing pains though from all the decades of deflection and dissembling...

They fell into the trap of "doing something" when the best thing to do "right now" is nothing at all. Where there are genuine issues here to be addressed, they are about parenting, community and healthcare and they are not things that are easily fixed or should even be targeted with changing this outcome.

There needs to be a broader question of medication, more understanding of parents of the mentally ill what is at stake and there needs to be broader respect for the concept of self defense so that anyone brave enough to lunge at an active shooter can do so with more effective tools and save some lives.

I think we fail if we allow them to cast this as a "quick-fix" "do something" moment when it is a very big problem and frankly one that is and will always be with us as a species. Intelligent creatures can do a lot of damage in short order when they detach from society.
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