HEY GOAL - How about an invite for Sarah Palin?


NES Member
Apr 26, 2005
"Live Free or Die" Hampton, NH
Feedback: 30 / 0 / 0
Jim, Jon, Nancy:

When are you sending the invite? You've got Topsfield coming up, several gun shows including West Springfield, and several other events before election day.

Why not give it a shot? She could reach out to the "real americans" in New England, and would be guaranteed about 4,000 (+) visitors from this forum alone!

Or, are we a hopelessly Dem-controlled region, not worth her time?

I know this is asking alot, but the attempt would be appreciated.
Jim, Jon, Nancy:

When are you sending the invite? You've got Topsfield coming up, several gun shows including West Springfield, and several other events before election day.

Why not give it a shot? She could reach out to the "real americans" in New England, and would be guaranteed about 4,000 (+) visitors from this forum alone!

Or, are we a hopelessly Dem-controlled region, not worth her time?

I know this is asking alot, but the attempt would be appreciated.

A great idea, but we are probably considered a hopelessly Dem controlled region in the eyes of the national political view.
You do understand that of the registered voters in MA only 13% are registered to the GOP right?

There is little time before the election, MA has been a democratic state in the presidential election for probably 30+ years. Why the hell would the GOP waste precious time sending her to that socialist utopia?
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Its true, if you think MA will get any red areas anytime soon you're on crack. They're too busy getting high on the 'Teddy Teddy' chants.
You do understand that of the registered voters in MA only 13% are registered to the GOP right?

There is little time before the election, MA has been a democratic state in the presidential election for probably 30+ years. Why the hell would the GOP waste precious time sending her to that socialist utopia?

Most people I've talked to (even some registered Dems) are looking for a reason to vote against Obama. This could give them a reason to do just that.
You do understand that of the registered voters in MA only 13% are registered to the GOP right?

There is little time before the election, MA has been a democratic state in the presidential election for probably 30+ years. Why the hell would the GOP waste precious time sending her to that socialist utopia?

Welcome to Massachusetts, where we voted for the Democrat Communist losers time and time again!

Reagan vs. Dukakis:

Reagan vs. Mondale:

Well, you got me there: At least we voted for Ronaldus Magnus in 1984! [smile]

Yes, we suck, but McCain is the closest thing to a democrat the republicans have ever offered. For that matter he WAS one. Add a chick to the platform and Cambridge just might go for them. Hillary with the Bill....

Not saying it would go well for us, but its better than the alternative.
When I moved here from NYS, a close Democratic friend e-mailed me and said that he was glad that I moved to another state where my vote would still not count!

Damn, it's frustrating, but I still vote every time!
I AM ON CRACK! [smile]

There's no way I'll ever concede my home state to any party's candidate based on the unfortunate reality of its past and/or present.

I am registered autonomous and will not sit by with only my complaints to keep me warm in the cold darkness of the ignorance and blind faith another.

Better to try and fail...

Awesome suggestion USMA-82!
The registered republicans may only be 13% but there are more of them out there that you think. Un enrolled voters can be republicans or libertarians too.

THere are enough PO'd Hillary supporters out there that might have switched to McCain after Hillary was given the bums rush by the Dems to make MA a McCain state, but with Palin added to the ticket I think you are going to see more McCain votes, maybe enough to get McCain/Palin some electoral college votes. But then again McCain could win the state of MA and the electors could put all 13 electoral votes in the Democrats lap if they wanted to. Who cares what the populace wants right?

I'd love to see McCain and Palin come to MA or my new home state of NH.

I will vote the GOP nominees for President.

She is into guns, aviation, and is conservative. Put her on a motorcycle and I'd vote for HER for President!
It would be nice if McCain and Palin could give Osama and Mr. Hair Club a run for their money in Mass, but unfortunately it won't happen, and as Derek alluded to, it would be a waste of their efforts with such precious little time to the general election.

If she visits CT or northward, I would make the trip to see her. Shit, I'm drawn more to her than McCain. I can't deny she is easy on the eyes as well.
It would be nice if McCain and Palin could give Osama and Mr. Hair Club a run for their money in Mass, but unfortunately it won't happen, and as Derek alluded to, it would be a waste of their efforts with such precious little time to the general election.

If she visits CT or northward, I would make the trip to see her. Shit, I'm drawn more to her than McCain. I can't deny she is easy on the eyes as well.

Too many people, just in my small circle alone, are still undecided to say it's too close to election day. Hell I bet people will pick someone because it was the last name they heard on the radio on the way to the poll.

Don't be someone who could have an impact but sits back and says "it's not worth it because it's not probable." Silent endorsements speak volumes about who we really are.

BTW, my windows are cherry flavored ;)
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A great idea, but we are probably considered a hopelessly Dem controlled region in the eyes of the national political view.

You do understand that of the registered voters in MA only 13% are registered to the GOP right?

There is little time before the election, MA has been a democratic state in the presidential election for probably 30+ years. Why the hell would the GOP waste precious time sending her to that socialist utopia?

You both are so right!

Someone posted the McCain/Palin webpage for the Boston office. Reading the page they were looking for MA volunteers to be bussed to NH to go door-to-door campaigning for McCain/Palin. That should give you some hint that MA is a "lost cause" as far as the Rep party is concerned.

Didn't see where they were looking for MA volunteers to go door-to-door in MA for them! [thinking]
The registered republicans may only be 13% but there are more of them out there that you think. Un enrolled voters can be republicans or libertarians too.

Even if you got all those people out to vote and they did in the correct direction it still would not be enough to swing MA. This state is a democrat controlled sewer. IMO at this point even a full blown unrepentant socialist like Kucinich could win MA.

A long time ago Reagan bagged MA twice- one time it was by a razor thin margin... it's pretty safe to say that margin is far beyond dead. Also keep in mind that the guys Reagan was running against were basically garbage candidates- although that's somewhat consistent with Obama. [laugh]

To say MA is a lost cause just isn't right. Look at the poll that the Boston Globe is running...that paper's readers tend to lean to the left, yet McCain still has 35% of the votes thus far. A large number of the people I know, though they lean toward the liberal side of the fence, don't particularly care for the Obama/Biden ticket. Even if McCain/Palin made a 2 hour stop here on their way to a traditional red state like NH, that would have a profound effect on the way this state votes.

You don't see Obama running around MA "shaking hands and kissing babies" even though the state certainly is not a lost cause for him. It's been a red state before, and it can be again, but only if everyone works together. Push hard, make MA a red state this November.
To say MA is a lost cause just isn't right. Look at the poll that the Boston Globe is running...that paper's readers tend to lean to the left, yet McCain still has 35% of the votes thus far.

Yes, an internet poll that anyone can vote in, including people who aren't MA residents, that's accurate. Further, 35% of what? Does the poll ask the "voter" what their affiliation is? Doubt it. I won't even get into all the other problems with internet polling.

I hate to be the one to burst the bubble here, but this is the same state that just elected u-haul patrick for governor, a virtual obama clone (but even dumber!) and continues to reelect two of the most liberal hack senators in the senate, and many of the most liberal reps in the house.

It also doesn't help that many who look or think like a republican in any way shape or form are starting to flee the state in droves if they can. Gun owners are just the tip of the iceberg.

This state flipping to R in the 08 presidential race is pretty unlikely.

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