Hillary Clinton loses security clearance after server scandal

I'm not sure of all the crimes that Bill Clinton comitted , but pretty sure having to live with Hillary for the last 40 years is above and beyond cruel and unusual punishment, I'd gnaw my arm off if I woke up next to that thing every morning.
You really think they sleep in the same room.
It would have been better if the right people in the .gov had the balls or political leaning revoke it, but I'm certain she "let it lapse" only because she knew (or was told) she would have a legal fight trying to get it back. A nice public legal fight she would certainly lose.

I'm not faulting Trump for leaving her alone. He's got a lot of promises to keep and jailing her would take time and energy from stuff that has a real impact on the U.S. as well as gerring her wouldweakening his political cred by making him look petty and vengeful. Also, more house cleaning is needed at the FBI first. Meanwhile I'm sure she knows she and Bill have to STFU or the investigation resumes.

They're going on a speaking tour. Not locking her up is a major fail on Trump's part.

Bill, Hillary Clinton to embark on speaking tour amid #MeToo backlash -- with tickets topping $745
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