History Channel puts firearms in a favorable light.

Jun 5, 2006
Salem, MA
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The other night I watched Sharpshooters on the History Channel, and thought they did an outstanding job. Since then I have seen a documentary on Snipers, and one on Machine Guns, and have noticed that not only does the History Channel not dwell on the usual liberal media crap surrounding firearms, but puts in factoids that actually support firearms. In the documentary Modern Marvels: Machine Guns, a factoid stated that since 1934, only ONE legally owned machine gun was used in a murder, and that crime was commited by a Law Enforcement Officer! How terrific is that! Tell that to the Brady-worshipers who say there is no need for the public to lawfully own fully automatic machine guns! I think the History Channel has done a terrific job portraying firearms, without all the hype, and look forward to watching more shows.
I was going to mention that fact about MGs and murders. I thought that was pretty cool, They also said that half the nations MGs are owned by military and law enforcement.
I had to go out for food shopping when the AK47 Tales of the Gun episode came on. But I have it on tape somewhere. Its too bad the whole DVD set costs $$$ or else I'd order it.
rapture said:
Since then I have seen a documentary on Snipers, and one on Machine Guns, and have noticed that not only does the History Channel not dwell on the usual liberal media crap surrounding firearms, but puts in factoids that actually support firearms.

The History Channel is great like that.
I agree the History Channel has lots of great shows. I am fascinated by WWII documentaries and movies but some times I think the "H" on the bottom of the screen stands for "Hitler". I like it when they focus on other things some times, and it's great that they are biased in the appropriate direction. Imagine where we'd be, historically, if not for firearms...
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