Home Invasion in Florida

Oct 13, 2006
Centrally located in the PRM
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Two teenagers were accused of gang raping a woman and forcing her 12-year-old son to join in the attack, then beating him and pouring cleaning solution into his eyes.

Authorities allege Avion Lawson, 14, and Nathan Walker, 16, were among a group of about 10 masked suspects who forced their way into the woman's apartment in a crime-ridden housing project the night of June 18.

The two were being held without bail Friday on suspicion of armed sexual battery by multiple perpetrators, sexual performance by a child, armed home invasion and aggravated battery. Both were arrested this week, but formal charges had not been filed.

"Any rape case is horrible but this takes it to another level, something you can't think of even in your worst dreams," police spokesman Ted White said.

According to the police report, a man knocked on the woman's door at about 9 p.m. and told her he had a flat tire. The mother and son, whom police have not identified, went outside and were ambushed by a group of gun-wielding suspects.

The victims told police they were forced back into their home and beaten and sexually assaulted. According to authorities, the men raped, sodomized and beat the woman, then forced her son to participate in the assault at gunpoint, making him have sex with his mother in front of them.

The boy was then beaten and had numerous household cleaning liquids poured into his eyes, according to the police report.

The suspects also stole a few hundred dollars worth of cash and jewelry, White said.

White said more arrests were pending, but he would not say if authorities had identified additional suspects. The teens in custody were not cooperating, but Lawson confessed to taking part in the attack, White said. Walker has denied involvement, White said.

DNA evidence in a condom found in the victims' home linked Lawson to the crime, police said. Investigators also say they found a palm print belonging to Walker at the scene.

The victims did not suffer life-threatening injuries and have been released from the hospital, White said.

"They're going through the county victim services for counseling," he said.

Lawson lived in Dunbar Village, the hardscrabble project where the attack occurred. Walker was apparently visiting a friend there, White said.

Authorities believe the suspects all knew each other from the neighborhood, but they don't think they knew the victims directly.

Prosecutors have 21 days from the time a suspect is arrested to formally file charges. Lawson was arrested Tuesday. Walker was arrested Thursday.

A call to Lawson's public defender was not immediately returned. It was not known if Walker has an attorney.

There are some F$*%ed up people in this world. Make sure you and your loved ones exercise proper (defensive) etiquette when answering the door.

Mods, not sure if this should be here or in the Off-topic section. Apologies if this is incorrect
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Two teenagers were accused of gang raping a woman and forcing her 12-year-old son to join in the attack, then beating him and pouring cleaning solution into his eyes.

The last thing this kid is going to see is the sight of his mother being raped by these animals and then having to rape her himself. Very sad and the truth is that this kid will be screwed emotionally for the rest of his life.
all those f***ers should have had there heads blow off. anybody breaks into my house there dead i would never hesitat to kill them, there going to have there heads blown off with 00 buckshot

Just a misguided youth that the system has failed.With the proper love and attention that he was so surely lacking,he can turn out to be a productive member of society.
there is no reason in the world to allow those individuals that committed this crime to be allowed to remain alive. I know rape is not a capital crime but this would be a good arguement for it.
all those f***ers should have had there heads blow off. anybody breaks into my house there dead i would never hesitat to kill them, there going to have there heads blown off with 00 buckshot

Have fun in jail.

Someone breaks into my house, I will point at them and give them .5 seconds to turn and run, assuming they don't have a weapon in hand. If they don't run or they have a weapon, tough luck.
Have fun in jail.

Someone breaks into my house, I will point at them and give them .5 seconds to turn and run, assuming they don't have a weapon in hand. If they don't run or they have a weapon, tough luck.

in MA if someone is "unlawfuly in your house ie-brakes in" you have the right to use deadly force. i may have to go to court but the chances are that i will be with in the law. chances are if a guy breaks in and trys to open your door with a crobar or brakes open your window at 3am he's not stopping by for tea.
in MA if someone is "unlawfuly in your house ie-brakes in" you have the right to use deadly force.
Try reading the entire Massachusetts statue, particularly the part about how you have to reasonably fear great bodily injury or death.
well i dont know about you but someone braking into my house scares the shit out of me and i would fear what they would do to me or my family so i would fear bodily injury. if they did not run when they saw my 12g pump in there face -i would then shoot.
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Like I said, have fun in jail. There is the law, and then there is the way the law is applied in practice.
Was this racially motivated?

Was this racially motivated?

If so it could be considered a hate crime.

Update: Some blog said the victims were from Haiti.

This is as disgusting as that incident in Knoxville Tennessee, where the white couple were BOTH raped and killed by a group of African Americans. They said it wasn't a hate crime though.

Also, this reminds me of the Witchita Massacre where some Christians were forced to has sex with each other and then gang raped by the Carr brothers.
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Try reading the entire Massachusetts statue, particularly the part about how you have to reasonably fear great bodily injury or death.

When people forcibly break into my occupied dwelling, I am immediately in fear of severe bodily harm not just for myself, but for my wife and child. There is plenty of evidence in the past that any reasonable person would make that inference.

As Jaxon said, it's all in how you tell the story. And leaving no one to contradict your story.
Also, this reminds me of the Wichita Massacre where some Christians were forced to has sex with each other and then gang raped by the Carr brothers.

Don't remind me of that. [angry2].

I lived there when that happened. But according to Queen Fat Ass Bitch DA Nola Foulston, it wasn't a hate crime. [angry]
Jose, things are different in other states. I don't disagree that my first reaction to a home intruder would probably be applying about 3 pounds of pressure to my 1911, but everyone in this state already expects to be tried for murder should they ever fire in self defense.
Truely sick... they should be killed in the most grotesque way possible... whatever that may be. [angry] I'm thinking a scene out of Hostel may be appropriate...
One of my favorites would be to hand and leg cuff them to a chain link fence in some dark part of town overnight, and pubish that location in the local paper.
Jose, things are different in other states. I don't disagree that my first reaction to a home intruder would probably be applying about 3 pounds of pressure to my 1911, but everyone in this state already expects to be tried for murder should they ever fire in self defense.

As has been said a number of times... I'd rather be tried by 12 then carried by 6.

Correct, shoot and kill someone breaking into your home in MA and expect to be arrested because that is the sad simple fact that MA is composed of morons that make and enforce the laws.


If im home with my wife and two children and someone kicks in my door, full well knowing that people are in the home, I would, IMO have reasonable fear of threat of immediate bodily harm to myself, wife and children and would act accordingly.

I see few juries that would convict on this. Granted... would most likely loose my LTC, but I'd take that risk.. and move to NH when it is all said and done [wink]
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