House Passes Democrat Bill Criminalizing Private Gun Sales

How much says that when you do your background check they will want to know the make/model/SN of the gun(s)? Now explain how that info is in ANY way relevant to a criminal background check. I'll wait.
All of these arguments are so easy to defeat. Unfortunately we are living in a time when facts and logic simply do not matter. Example:

Why do we need background checks at all when known, dangerous criminals should (and can) be removed from free society? There’s no good answer to that question!
When they claim that "You sold that gun to your friend without an FFL/background check, hands behind your back."
Why can't you say "I sold it to him before this all went into effect."
Who would know otherwise?

If there are enough laws everyone is guilty of something.

How much says that when you do your background check they will want to know the make/model/SN of the gun(s)? Now explain how that info is in ANY way relevant to a criminal background check. I'll wait.
Seems obvious to me. The FFL will have to do a 4473 and treat it like a transfer. Right up there on lines 1, 2, and 3 are all the info the Democrats will need to confiscate your guns at their leisure.
When they claim that "You sold that gun to your friend without an FFL/background check, hands behind your back."
Why can't you say "I sold it to him before this all went into effect."
Who would know otherwise?

Thing like the Mass eFA-10 portal complicate that here, natch. Some law, somewhere, can ALWAYS be found to make you a criminal.

"These same Democrats blocked legislation that would require ICE to be contacted when illegal aliens applied to buy a gun."

Gotta love it. Illegal aliens get more consideration than citizens.
You don't need to physically enforce it when you are able to fear monger your way to enforcement. Look at what Healey did with her edict.

Depends on how you look at it- IMHO it caused a bunch of crying towel/pant shitter types to step down, but a bunch of other people stepped up, as well.

Look at the compliance rates of things like CT/NY/NJ AWBs.... not exactly off the wall high numbers.
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This legislation is perfectly consistent with the barbed wire fences and the National Guard soldiers on "temporary" duty guarding them.

And perfectly consistent with my lulzy idea of what bloody tyranny and eventual revolution would look like. Orwell predicted 1984. We're just about 40 years off. I chalk that up to government incompetence and procedural deadlock.
If passed, this will not be reversed if the Rs take over the house and senate in a future election. Colorado went so far as to repeal those who brought that state a 15 round mag limit, but they have not even had a vote to try to repeal the law.
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