How far do we go to help our neighbors?

In Norway, back in the day, people have historically lived in very isolated, small groups. You might go months, even years at a time without seeing someone that wasn't a family member.

One crisp, clear, Spring morning (in like, July), two Norwegians happened to be out enjoying the nice weather and climbed out of their respective valleys, happening to reach the top of a pair of peaks at about the same time. They stood, each on their own peak, and noticed the other standing there. After a moment, they raised their right hands and waved to the other, shouting "Go Away!".

And that's how it should be!
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I would still help without expecting anything in return. (Is like our KARMAs here) I would stop at the point that I beleive the safety of family may be compromised.


nevermind just weather related items, they might be able to help you out with something else in the future, that is how I see it.
If you think you are going to survive on your own you are fooling yourself. You cant run 24 hr security and get all the things done that need to get done to survive. Whether you like it or not your neighbors are going to be vital to your survival.

All my immediate neighbors burn wood or have chimneys. I will gladly let them cut on my woodlot so they can stay warm and stay in their homes. Any house without a chimney is going to be vacant by the winter. I have more seed than land to plant it. I will hand it out so my neighbors have their own food. The other advantage to this is that I grow heirloom s so if I can control what is planted in the area I can hopefully keep my seed true. I will show them where the old apple orchard is and what to do with acorns to make them edible. I have some extra material to make a couple more well buckets to ensure fresh water. Proper sanitation is key so that my family stays healthy. I have printouts on basic sanitation so hopefully the water supply doesn’t get polluted. I have information and materials to make some rocket stoves so folks can efficiently cook. I will do whatever I need to do to keep that left wing hippie doctor who lives up the road in her house as she is a huge asset to the community.

The idea is to be selfish. I have a better chance at survival working with the folks around instead of against them. Its about getting that father with the hungry kids out working rather than sitting in his cold house plotting. If you don’t work with them, and they know you have stuff, they will come get it and being alone you aren’t going to successfully defend against a group of people. Make yourself the center of the perimeter. If all the neighbors several houses around me stay then that is several houses any bad guys have to get through to get to me. It means that there will be others keeping watch while am gardening so I don’t have to try to do both at once. It really isn’t about keeping the neighbors alive so much as keeping my family alive.
If you think you are going to survive on your own you are fooling yourself. You cant run 24 hr security and get all the things done that need to get done to survive. Whether you like it or not your neighbors are going to be vital to your survival.

All my immediate neighbors burn wood or have chimneys. I will gladly let them cut on my woodlot so they can stay warm and stay in their homes. Any house without a chimney is going to be vacant by the winter. I have more seed than land to plant it. I will hand it out so my neighbors have their own food. The other advantage to this is that I grow heirloom s so if I can control what is planted in the area I can hopefully keep my seed true. I will show them where the old apple orchard is and what to do with acorns to make them edible. I have some extra material to make a couple more well buckets to ensure fresh water. Proper sanitation is key so that my family stays healthy. I have printouts on basic sanitation so hopefully the water supply doesn’t get polluted. I have information and materials to make some rocket stoves so folks can efficiently cook. I will do whatever I need to do to keep that left wing hippie doctor who lives up the road in her house as she is a huge asset to the community.

The idea is to be selfish. I have a better chance at survival working with the folks around instead of against them. Its about getting that father with the hungry kids out working rather than sitting in his cold house plotting. If you don’t work with them, and they know you have stuff, they will come get it and being alone you aren’t going to successfully defend against a group of people. Make yourself the center of the perimeter. If all the neighbors several houses around me stay then that is several houses any bad guys have to get through to get to me. It means that there will be others keeping watch while am gardening so I don’t have to try to do both at once. It really isn’t about keeping the neighbors alive so much as keeping my family alive.

Sounds about like any small community pre-1900 thereabouts.
Coastie, I agree with your sentiments and ideas. However, you can't just assume that in an emergency scenario that your neighbors will coalesce around the idea of sharing or grouping together. In order to do that, you would do best by having an informal get-together to gauge their willingness to work together to survive together. Everyone would then know what their responsibility would be and if they would be willing to provide security within your neighborhood to protect all of your assets. This is what we have done in our small group. I’ll bet a donut, however, that you’ll find a few that think you’ve grown two heads and might even be considered “dangerous” to your neighborhood. Not everyone thinks they need to be prepared because Big Brother will be there to rescue them in their time of need.

In Norway, back in the day, people have historically lived in very isolated, small groups. You might go months, even years at a time without seeing someone that wasn't a family member. One crisp, clear, Spring morning (in like, July), two Norwegians happened to be out enjoying the nice weather and climbed out of their respective valleys, happening to reach the top of a pair of peaks at about the same time. They stood, each on their own peak, and noticed the other standing there. After a moment, they raised their right hands and waved to the other, shouting "Go Away!".

And that's how it should be!

I was thinking they both climbed the same peak from different sides. Now THAT would make a situation.
I have lived in my house over twenty years and only one family on our street has a clue about our "Prepperness", but we're pretty good friends. The Husband just got his LTC on my wife is working on his wife to get hers as well.

One of my Drivers @ work is in the National Guard and he did a year in Afghanistan. His family had a welcome home party/cookout for him last summer at the American Legion. His Mom invited me to come. I didn't really know anybody and just kind of hung out by the grille in the back parking lot while my Driver made the rounds inside and out thanking everyone for their support. While my Driver was inside there was a Zombie Apocalypse discussion going on between the young people and one of his sister's turned to me and asked if I was her brother's boss. I nodded and she exclaimed, my brother has a plan for the Zombie Apocalypse , we're going to your house [shocked] ! It took a minute to gather my thoughts and I said you'd better bring some food & water because the only thing I have extra of is bullets. I have heard this from other people a few times since.

I don't plan to make a stand @ my house, I hope to be up North or at least have a place up North so I have somewhere to bug out to. I just hope we get a different President so the country and the economy get some false hope, buying me the time I need. Otherwise, I may have to make a stand @ my house [sad2] .
Coastie, I agree with your sentiments and ideas. However, you can't just assume that in an emergency scenario that your neighbors will coalesce around the idea of sharing or grouping together. In order to do that, you would do best by having an informal get-together to gauge their willingness to work together to survive together. Everyone would then know what their responsibility would be and if they would be willing to provide security within your neighborhood to protect all of your assets. This is what we have done in our small group. I’ll bet a donut, however, that you’ll find a few that think you’ve grown two heads and might even be considered “dangerous” to your neighborhood. Not everyone thinks they need to be prepared because Big Brother will be there to rescue them in their time of need.


There are actually a couple of us that have discussed this issue. TO the extent of looking at possible defensive positions, where we would need to block areas, What area could be expanded for growing food. What food is available within a 1/2 mile etc. We know who has gardens, chickens, wood heat and some of the hunters in the immediate area. Some of the unique issues include a field that is on the other side of my property. I cant see it from my house so it would be useless to plant anything there as it would probably get stolen. 2 of the houses that are near it, both with wood heat, garden. I would offer them that field to expand their gardens and give them seed if they needed it. This would help cover the back door to our property if we could get them to stay. It is a challenge to discuss this stuff with people openly without sounding like a nut or revealing the extent of your preps. I am fortunate in that most of my neighbors have been in the area for years and alerady garden, hunt etc.

Our big issue is the development right near us. It is about 45 houses and only 5 of them have wood heat. Most of these folks are from Mass and dont have a clue. They live on little postage stamp lots and spend huge amounts of money trying to grow grass on crappy topsoil. I can only hope that if something truly catastrophic happens we can convince those folks to evacuate to shelters
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