How fast does a gun cycle

Aug 14, 2005
in 1st Place
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Here a 2 consecutive shots at 60fps from todays match.
The first is right at full cycle, the slide is all the way back and the case is just being ejected, but there is only one shot on the steel target.

The next shot shows the slide closing and the hit on the steel plate.

I'm shooting 115gr 9mm at about 1200fps, I would have thought the bullet would have hit the target befor the slide had moved its full distance


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I'll take a shot at it [rolleyes]:

Bill Laughridge of Cylinder and Slide claims that a 1911 in 45 acp with spit out a round, full auto, in 1/10th of a second . So let's say that most semi-auto pistols will hover right around that figure. Let's also say that the time it takes for the slide to travel fully backwards is the same as it takes to return foward to battery. Typical semi-auto pistols must close completely to fire the next round. A 'half cycle' would time out at 1/20 of a second (1/10 divided by 2) or .05 of a second. At 1200 feet per second it would take a projectile .05 seconds to hit the plate at 60 feet. The first picture seems to confirm this as the slide is at 'half cycle' and the plate shows the hit. The second picture would be consistent with this conclusion as the slide looks to be at 'half cycle' or slightly foward of it and a second round hit is evident on the plate. What does all this mean class:

Supermoto shoots wicked pissa fast![grin]
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