I've scheduled another (live) "How to Get an FFL" class for Tuesday December 17, 2024 from 6:30 to 8:30 PM.
The tuition is $40.
Click here to sign up: How To Get An FFL - MassGunOwnership.com
This class explains the benefits of getting an FFL, outlines the licensing process, and acts as a step-by-step guide to getting the necessary federal, state, and local licenses, permits, and other items you will need if you wish to do business selling and/or manufacturing firearms in Massachusetts.
Handout material will be downloadable from our resource page, which also contains all relevant FFL material assembled in electronic form.
While this class will be useful for anyone wishing to obtain an FFL, much of it will focus on the requirements for doing business in Massachusetts.
If you can't make this date, you can PM me to be notified about future classes. If you sign up and can't join live, the Webinar will be viewable online for 30 days afterward.
The tuition is $40.
Click here to sign up: How To Get An FFL - MassGunOwnership.com
This class explains the benefits of getting an FFL, outlines the licensing process, and acts as a step-by-step guide to getting the necessary federal, state, and local licenses, permits, and other items you will need if you wish to do business selling and/or manufacturing firearms in Massachusetts.
Handout material will be downloadable from our resource page, which also contains all relevant FFL material assembled in electronic form.
While this class will be useful for anyone wishing to obtain an FFL, much of it will focus on the requirements for doing business in Massachusetts.
If you can't make this date, you can PM me to be notified about future classes. If you sign up and can't join live, the Webinar will be viewable online for 30 days afterward.