How to handle this

Nov 13, 2008
Texas. See ya later Suckachusetts
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If you look at the wood grips for my 22S


they are significantly longer then the factory plastics. They actually have a 1 inch "hole" that if I am seating a magazine, I have to push it in, and then use a finger and shove it a bit deeper into the hole to get the magazine all the way up there(boy this would make for a riveting erotic story LOL).

Any suggestions for how to deal with this so I don't have to push it and can just palm the magazine up?

Someone said "sand down the grip", but I'd really prefer not to do that, because it is pretty comfortable the way it is right now, and its sorta nice looking the way it is.

Add some rubber to the bottom of the mags. It will also help them drop free as well as add weight to the gun.
I would suggest your self or someone who is a wood working wiz. cut out 2 up side down "U" grooves on each side of the handle so you can get at it better and have a acsess point to pull out a jammed mag.
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