How to talk to CLEO about getting signoff for sbr?

Aug 7, 2011
Central, MA
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Anybody have any good information, tips, and/or ways to talk to your CLEO about getting a sign off? I was looking into doing a trust regardless but it seems now that the CLEO signature will be required for trusts also. Thanks!!
Is your chief gun friendly.
I am in the 413 near exit 8.
I was given the blank stare when I asked for the sign off, then I explained I was building a short rifle for competition.
I had printed off some of my USPSA and 3gun results and had a BCM catalog to show what I was planning on doing.
Got my signature and our town now has an SBR's in their rifle rack too...
Gun friendly yes in the sense sense that you just fill out the app and get your ltc a no questions questions asked. SBR'S though I do not know.
When I initially went in with my form 4 (Suppressor), in November 2012, I simply dropped it off, spoke with my resident trooper (I'm in CT), who was very nice, got printed and went on my way. In January 2013, I got a phonecall from the PD, asking me to come in for an interview, something not required by the form 4, but being a nice person, I obliged to drive down there. When I got to the PD, he had my form in hand, not signed by the state colonel. He said they had to call be in because of certain events which occurred in a town in western CT in December 2012. I was extremely displeased that he had essentially wasted two months, sitting on my form, and then called me in for discussion based on the events of some ****stick. Finally, in February 2013, the state signed my form.

Lesson learned, every place is different. Gonna be an interesting day when I go back for his sign off on my next form 4.
Trust rule change is NOT in effect... yet. 6/2014?

If you need "CLEO" sign-off, you have choices. Ask the following people in this order:

1. Your town's Police Chief
2. Your City DA
3. Your County Sheriff
4. Your County DA
5. Your County Judges (any judge who hears felony cases will work)
6. State Police Chief
7. State DA
8. State Judges

I was looking into doing a trust regardless but it seems now that the CLEO signature will be required for trusts also.
The proposed rulemaking (41P) has been published for public comment, but is still only just a proposal. The BATFE issued a rule change proposal to the White House, on August 20th, but formally announced it on September 9th for a 90-day review period, ending December 9th. Obama is clearly a backer of this change, however ATF just [thread=219564]updated 41P[/thread], target date is June 2014.
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bullpup vs. sbr

back when you could get a firearms trust [the lawyer wanted $1000 fee] i was going to go through all that bureaucracy but bought a bullpup instead [tavor]. bullpup configurations reduce a 16' barrel 26" oal weapon to the size of a ar with a 10" barrel [smile]
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If you need "CLEO" sign-off, you have choices. Ask the following people in this order:

1. Your town's Police Chief
2. Your City DA
3. Your County Sheriff
4. Your County DA
5. Your County Judges (any judge who hears felony cases will work)
6. State Police Chief
7. State DA
8. State Judges

The proposed rulemaking (41P) has been published for public comment, but is still only just a proposal. The BATFE issued a rule change proposal to the White House, on August 20th, but formally announced it on September 9th for a 90-day review period, ending December 9th. Obama is clearly a backer of this change, however ATF just [thread=219564]updated 41P[/thread], target date is June 2014.

The part about judges is wrong and you are repeating misinformation that has been going around for years. Any judge that has jurisdiction in the area of the transferee meets the requirement, the types of cases that they work on is not germane to the legality.
The part about judges is wrong and you are repeating misinformation that has been going around for years. Any judge that has jurisdiction in the area of the transferee meets the requirement, the types of cases that they work on is not germane to the legality.
I've been told that not just any "local judge" will do. If you look at the list quoted above, it does not say ONLY felony-hearing judges are acceptable.

The NFA handbook states in part:
NFA Handbook said:
6.2.4 Law enforcement certification. As provided by the regulations, the law enforcement certification located on the back of Form 1 must be completed and signed by the local chief of police or county sheriff, the head of the State police, the State or local district attorney or prosecutor, “or such other person whose certificate may in a particular case be acceptable to the Director.”
. . .
Examples of certifying officials, other than those specifically mentioned in the regulations, who have been found to be acceptable are State attorneys general, heads of district State police offices .and certain State court judges. Judges’ certifications have been accepted if the judges preside over courts of general jurisdiction having original jurisdiction in all civil and criminal cases or the authority to conduct criminal jury trials in felony cases.
See p-5320-8 chapter 6, Chapter 9, etc.
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