Howie Carr 4:38 Monday-Concealed Carry topic

Yep, I made in on right after the news break. Talked about gun control being more about control, taking a self-defense course and being a member of the Second Amendment Sisters. Howie loves gun-toting wimmin [wink]
reinbeau said:
Yep, I made in on right after the news break. Talked about gun control being more about control, taking a self-defense course and being a member of the Second Amendment Sisters. Howie loves gun-toting wimmin [wink]

You were the one shining moment in that segment.

I really liked the creepy security guard who liked to flash his iron at people who came to him with complaints [rolleyes]

And the guy with the revoked licence talking about the wonders of his machette. [rolleyes]

Usally these segments are MUCH I wasn't impressed. Except for Lady Reinbeau, you did great!

-Weer'd Beard
Reinbeau did good!

It's always good to get the Second Amendment women out front on this issue
I actually saw a piece moments ago on McNeil Lehrer about law enforcement in New Orleans that included women taking a pistol self defense course.
Of course, they let the cops slide about confiscating weapons from honest citizens, but still....
Thank you, Weer'd, I tried to make some sense. [wink]

I heard the security guard guy, he was way too full of himself. Unfortunately I had to get gas, so I didn't hear the rest. Howie does do a bit on gun control every once in awhile, he is very gun rights friendly.
Some of the dopes that call in, have to be about the worst gun show commandos that you could dredge up. I know our side has a bunch of morons, but sometimes I’m convinced that the gun control nuts call up and say stupid crap to make the vast majority of normal gun owners look like fools.

bpm990d said:
Some of the dopes that call in, have to be about the worst gun show commandos that you could dredge up. I know our side has a bunch of morons, but sometimes I’m convinced that the gun control nuts call up and say stupid crap to make the vast majority of normal gun owners look like fools.


Nah I'm guessing it was just a poorly represented day for the good gunnies. Howie opens the line to gun-owners about once a month, and to memory this is probably the worst show I've heard.

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