Huge Drug/Gun Bust in Longmeadow MA


Retired Zoomie
NES Life Member
NES Member
Apr 29, 2005
Western Mass
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WWLP reported on a drug/gun bust this morning with an astounding "$500,000" worth of guns/parts seized. The picture of this haul makes me envious.

I don’t wanna say where we saw these clowns but I’m pretty sure we’ve seen these guys before.

Hard to tell because it’s been so many years but that guy on the right you’re telling me none of you recognize him?
WWLP reported on a drug/gun bust this morning with an astounding "$500,000" worth of guns/parts seized. The picture of this haul makes me envious.

The guy on the left look a little like Nick Cage. Lord of War?
I don’t wanna say where we saw these clowns but I’m pretty sure we’ve seen these guys before.

Hard to tell because it’s been so many years but that guy on the right you’re telling me none of you recognize him?
Now I am intrigued😂
WWLP reported on a drug/gun bust this morning with an astounding "$500,000" worth of guns/parts seized. The picture of this haul makes me envious.

Isn’t Longmeadow the mucky muck town?
It seems it's a family business, he's been in the news before.

Fusco is the son of imprisoned Genovese mob soldier Emilio Fusco, serving a 25-year sentence for racketeering after a 2012 trial.

There's something I don't get. We get pictures and stories of these kinds of busts in the news from time to time. They show all the guns, drugs and money seized. Um, why the frack do you have the guns if you're not going to go out in a blaze of glory in a shoot out with police. What's the reason to amass guns if you're just going to let them sit and not be used while all your stash gets seized? Makes absolutely no sense. If you're going to have that stuff, be prepared to use it.
There's something I don't get. We get pictures and stories of these kinds of busts in the news from time to time. They show all the guns, drugs and money seized. Um, why the frack do you have the guns if you're not going to go out in a blaze of glory in a shoot out with police. What's the reason to amass guns if you're just going to let them sit and not be used while all your stash gets seized? Makes absolutely no sense. If you're going to have that stuff, be prepared to use it.
It’s a status symbol like a Glock switch. Did you see that f***ing explosion the other day where the guy gas leaked the building and they came to get them with a warrant they blew the place up now that’s a blaze of glory.

Except for I find that to be pathetic the goal is always to live
It seems it's a family business, he's been in the news before.

Fusco is the son of imprisoned Genovese mob soldier Emilio Fusco, serving a 25-year sentence for racketeering after a 2012 trial.

I thought mafia guys were smart, careful and crafty? This kid sounds really stupid.
It seems it's a family business, he's been in the news before.

Fusco is the son of imprisoned Genovese mob soldier Emilio Fusco, serving a 25-year sentence for racketeering after a 2012 trial.

Makes sense now.
Story and pic was on Channel 40 too.
Nice SBR's there, I would like those please.
Finally, a really real arsenal!
Once again the media gets it wrong:

“‘Ghost guns’ are firearms without serial numbers, making them untraceable and illegal to possess.”

It is still the case in MA that only guns with defaced serial numbers are illegal to possess. Homemade guns without serial numbers are perfectly legal.
There's something I don't get. We get pictures and stories of these kinds of busts in the news from time to time. They show all the guns, drugs and money seized. Um, why the frack do you have the guns if you're not going to go out in a blaze of glory in a shoot out with police. What's the reason to amass guns if you're just going to let them sit and not be used while all your stash gets seized? Makes absolutely no sense. If you're going to have that stuff, be prepared to use it.
The guns are there to be used against other drug dealers, not against the cops.
WWLP reported on a drug/gun bust this morning with an astounding "$500,000" worth of guns/parts seized. The picture of this haul makes me envious.

Had to click in and play "do I have more ar15's than a gun dealer?"

The answer was "maybe"
So the whole "Down with the PoPo!" is just all talk no action? Guess they are no better than the internet commandos who talk a good game.
I think that most criminals don't want to die. They know that if they get in a shootout with police that they are going to lose. On the other hand, they are more than willing to do a drive-by against their rivals.
WWLP reported on a drug/gun bust this morning with an astounding "$500,000" worth of guns/parts seized. The picture of this haul makes me envious.


Even with a fairly liberal markup for “street value”, I’m looking at about $100k for the guns, frames, slides, uppers, and body armor. Add in a few $k extra for various accessories. I just don’t see how they get anywhere close to $500k.

Also, LOL
What's the reason to amass guns if you're just going to let them sit and not be used while all your stash gets seized? Makes absolutely no sense. If you're going to have that stuff, be prepared to use it.

That describes a large fraction of the members on here
Let's see. Previous felon in possession of firearms. Illegal.
Possession of illegal narcotics. Illegal.
Possession with intent to distribute. Illegal
Possession of Mass banned assault rifles. Illegal.

But we're supposed to believe that more laws will solve the problem.

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