HUGE gun rights victory in Ohio!!



At midnight today, House Bill 347 became the law of the land in Ohio.

That means that CHL holders no longer need to expose their handgun for all to see while driving (or alternatively lock it up).

That means that Ohio CHL holders can now withhold their personal information from the press.

That means that our CHL is valid for five, instead of four, years.

That means that a HUGE number of anti-gun local ordinances ranging from pistol licenses, to permits to purchase, to restrictions on cheap handguns, to restrictions on CCW in parks, to "assault weapon" bans in the most libtard cities in Ohio are now null and void.

There is more work to do to improve our CCW, but this is a HUGE step in the right direction.

We won this through intense lobbying of the General Assembly to override the veto of our dickhead, RINO ex-governor Bob Taft. And I'm sure that his chief bootlicker Highway Patrol Commissioner Colonel Paul McClellan is steaming that his precious "open carry" requirement has been shitcanned by the people of Ohio.

McClellan, you statist a**h***, WE tell you what the law is going to be. Not the other way around.
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Read about our major tool ex-governor
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At midnight today, House Bill 347 became the law of the land in Ohio.

That means that CHL holders no longer need to expose their handgun for all to see while driving (or alternatively lock it up).

That means that Ohio CHL holders can now withhold their personal information from the press.

That means that our CHL is valid for five, instead of four, years.

That means that a HUGE number of anti-gun local ordinances ranging from pistol licenses, to permits to purchase, to restrictions on cheap handguns, to restrictions on CCW in parks, to "assault weapon" bans in the most libtard cities in Ohio are now null and void.

There is more work to do to improve our CCW, but this is a HUGE step in the right direction.

We won this through intense lobbying of the General Assembly to override the veto of our dickhead, RINO ex-governor Bob Taft. And I'm sure that his chief bootlicker Highway Patrol Commissioner Colonel Paul McClellan is steaming that his precious "open carry" requirement has been shitcanned by the people of Ohio.

McClellan, you statist a**h***, WE tell you what the law is going to be. Not the other way around.
[rockon] [banana] [rockon]
Is it contagious? Can we catch it up here?
Jose- that's just great.... now OH is actually within the realm of being
a normal CCW state. I hope that all the dumb lawsuits against
the bill fail. (Eg, I know cleveland is suing.... f them!)

Cleveland's lawsuit is against the state preemtpion of firearms regulation.

The law is written in a manner to make it ironclad to challenges due to home rule. The Ohio Constitution is very clear that any General Law enacted by the General Assembly overrides home rule. The law was drafted to meet all the Constitutional requirements of a General Law, so Cleveland is sure to fail.

What's more, HB 347 penalizes the sort of frivolous, vindictive lawsuits like Cleveland's by making the loser pay all court costs of the state.

Even in the very distant chance that Cleveland wins, the law's severability ensures that other provisions of HB 347 (such as CHL record privacy and true CCW in vehicles) will live on.
Bonus for Ohio [smile] Sounds like Ohio residents should go out and make a celebratory firearm purchase.

Wish I could be optimistic about Massachusetts future but I think we got a long road ahead of us. [sad]
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