Hunter forced to defend her lifestyle after receiving death threats

People don't eat Coyotes, but folks hunt/kill them all the time.

People don't eat Lions, or Elephants, or other 'trophy' game, either. Lots of folks hunt and kill things they don't 'really' eat....and we all know that.

I think deer are cute, and I also think they are tasty. I've no problem hunting and eating them, but everyone draws their own personal line in the sand.

I have SERIOUS problem with people hunting feral hogs, and leaving all that absolutely tasty pork to rot in a field somewhere....that's just a level of stupidity I can't respect. It's unethical.

As for elephants, yes, people do eat them, and one elephant can feed a starving village for a long time. While your portfolio manager on a trip to africa might not eat it, when he kills it that meat is feeding loads of people. And the exorbitant fee he paid for a license to kill it goes to support preserves. Plus he employed a lot of guides and such.

Pigs are a non native, invasive species with 0 predators in North America that breed at incredible rates and do some nasty things. You have to kill tons of them to even make a dent in the population. Yes it's a shame that a hunter can't always bring the hog home to either eat or donate but other factors come into play too (diseased hog, too much meat already, couldn't find a runner, couldn't get to it after it died, etc), and anything that the hunter doesn't take, scavengers will. I don't like coyotes, but I don't have anything to change your mind with other than they're varmint.
I know what feral hogs are doing - but we have people starving in this country. Free pork is free....and my freezer and grill would welcome several pounds of it.
Few things about that - the adults aren't that great to eat. Very lean, very gamey. On top of that, unlike Europe, it's often not legal to sell game in the US. It wasn't where I grew up. So mostly people hunted what they could eat or give away, but farmers shot pigs destroying their crops and left them to rot, and I think that's fine.

Also, just about nobody is starving in this country. Hell, almost nobody is starving in the world. The people who are starving here are either choosing to starve or have extremely terrible parents
I never understood the distaste some have wirth dressing game or fish. It's not a big deal to me at all. When I'm in the middle of field dressing a deer or rabbit or whatever......I'm just thinking about the meals it's going to make. And for those of you who have never done really is not a big deal

In fairness my wife doesn't like prepping raw meat either....

When I was a kid I disliked dealing with raw meat because I just didn't understand it or it's texture. Now that I can think of it in terms of the corresponding part of an animal it's not weird. Maybe some day I will get the pleasure of dressing an animal I hunted.
In fairness my wife doesn't like prepping raw meat either....

When I was a kid I disliked dealing with raw meat because I just didn't understand it or it's texture. Now that I can think of it in terms of the corresponding part of an animal it's not weird. Maybe some day I will get the pleasure of dressing an animal I hunted.
I have to admit, sometimes I look at a piece of meat and think "I'm eating rotting animal carcass". Then it's delicious and I don't care
People don't eat Coyotes, but folks hunt/kill them all the time.

People don't eat Lions, or Elephants, or other 'trophy' game, either. Lots of folks hunt and kill things they don't 'really' eat....and we all know that.

I think deer are cute, and I also think they are tasty. I've no problem hunting and eating them, but everyone draws their own personal line in the sand.

I have SERIOUS problem with people hunting feral hogs, and leaving all that absolutely tasty pork to rot in a field somewhere....that's just a level of stupidity I can't respect. It's unethical.

They do 3 billion dollars a year in crop damage.
I many places it's not even considered hunting, it's pest control.
In some places , like parts of Texas where a guy I know lives , they are crawling with parasites and he would eat a rat before he ate one of those pigs.
Where I use to go to hunt them however , they were fine eating.
People don't eat Coyotes, but folks hunt/kill them all the time.

People don't eat Lions, or Elephants, or other 'trophy' game, either. Lots of folks hunt and kill things they don't 'really' eat....and we all know that.

The last time we were at a very expensive, upscale French restaurant in St. Maarten, the owner was telling us that he would have roasted lion on the menu the next week (after we left). So yes people (mostly in other countries) eat all sorts of game animals that Americans probably can't eat due to many laws about what can be served publicly or not.

I have eaten Ostrich and Bear at that same restaurant in the past.

Way back as a kid, I ate whale steak at Yokum's . . . when it was legal to hunt them.
The left doesn't partake in rational thought. Once again they show their "Tolerance".

I've had a front row seat to this show and the hypocrisy is on display for anybody who looks. As far as hunting (and trapping) go, most people that I know have no problem with it, those that do and act like this are a minority. I've been threated by animal rights kooks in the past and it was nearly always in a venue where they had some kind of protection, like a public meeting. The several times that they tried this bullshit in a different setting ended much differently.

I will not apologize to anybody for who I am and what I do. Period.
Huh, post something you like on the interwebs and someone will post back they don't like it. What a crazy unheard of phenomena.
hunter: I like to use a bow, it more sporting.
Anti: what kind of weapon is the deer carrying.
hunter: same as the cow

OK, I stole this from an episode of Law and Order (hunter=detective, anti=LT).
so i see you have no friends who were farmers and lost a $20K crop due to the destruction those hogs did!

Same with pocket gopher hunting and ground squirrels out west. They make holes in the ground and livestock fall and break legs before they reach mature slaughtering age. Costs the ranchers big $. They shoot em and leave em. I'm ok with that type of varmint hunting.

Perfect reason for a rancher to have a 17hmr rifle and thin those things out.
hunter: I like to use a bow, it more sporting.
Anti: what kind of weapon is the deer carrying.
hunter: same as the cow

OK, I stole this from an episode of Law and Order (hunter=detective, anti=LT).
I love that one!
hunter: I like to use a bow, it more sporting.
Anti: what kind of weapon is the deer carrying.
hunter: same as the cow

OK, I stole this from an episode of Law and Order (hunter=detective, anti=LT).
Where I grew up people still hunt pigs with dogs, the dogs pin the pig and the hunter finishes it off with a knife, spear, or pistol. It's a pretty "natural" way to hunt, but liberals don't like the brutality to the pig and the dogs. The dogs do get injured occasionally, but they absolutely love it. If the dogs had a choice, they would choose to hunt - is that really animal cruelty?
I blame Disney for making everyone think that animals are human and talk to us and sing and dance when we aren’t looking.

They’re animals. Whatever. Cow, hog, dog, bird, lunch.

Freaking snowflakes.
Where I grew up people still hunt pigs with dogs, the dogs pin the pig and the hunter finishes it off with a knife, spear, or pistol. It's a pretty "natural" way to hunt, but liberals don't like the brutality to the pig and the dogs. The dogs do get injured occasionally, but they absolutely love it. If the dogs had a choice, they would choose to hunt - is that really animal cruelty?

Like humans, it depends on the dogs. Some dogs are probably happier with their toenails painted wearing cashmere sweaters and attending teas with other social-dogs. Not this dog.
51 posts and no "definitely not guilty post", man you guys are slipping!! Hottie who hunts and (probably) has money, sign me up!!

As for the pigs, I completely understand why in some parts they are shot and left to rot. Personally I like to eat them. I have killed and eaten dozens of pigs and I also disagree that the adults are not good eating. As with all game animals some are better than others, no question. I have an acquaintance with a ranch in Texas who twice a year rents a chopper and lights up the pigs on his property. All are left to rot. I always say damn, I wish I could have a couple of them but I understand his position of pest control.

Same with pocket gopher hunting and ground squirrels out west. They make holes in the ground and livestock fall and break legs before they reach mature slaughtering age. Costs the ranchers big $. They shoot em and leave em. I'm ok with that type of varmint hunting.

Perfect reason for a rancher to have a 17hmr rifle and thin those things out.

My buddy used to take a trip to SD every summer to shoot prairie dogs. I asked him about it and he said he just leaves them for the birds to pick at. The alternative in a lot of areas is mandatory poisoning to prevent your rodents from spreading to other ranches. Poisoned prairie dogs also die in the open and are eaten by the birds, who now have ingested the poison as well. So from what he told me the alternatives are: quick death and birds get fed or slow death and birds get fed and poisoned, too.
Hunting, by-and-large, is losing popularity with the general public. Considering how disconnected Society is from nature in-general, I don't know how this could have gone any-other way.

If you engage Social Media with something controversial and/or unpopular, teenagers with access to a computer and no filtering are going to post some awful things.

Is this a surprise for some people here?
Ah I have two examples that really disagree with that statement but f*** opening that box of bullshit
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