"I can't tell you about that"

My mom's half-brother ( he was 22 when she was born ) was a bomber pilot in WWII & Korea, my grandfather told me he flew the hump ( Himalayas I think ). He never said a word about his time served. Before he enlisted he was an avid duck hunter as was my grandfather, but when he got back he told my grandfather he would never duck hunt again. He died a few years back and my mom showed me a bunch of his papers and medals. I didn't understand a lot of it. I had about 3 minutes to scan a manila folder full of papers and pictures with different planes. I'll try to get my hands on it again for more than 3 minutes this time.
In my travels around the country, I've run into quite a few people who said they were ASA or ASA/NSA. (Most ASA never worked for NSA.) More than I would really expect!

I've never found one that gave me any reason to doubt them. Maybe because were were a relatively small group in a high security environment. It would be very easy to 'out' them, if they were posers.
In my travels around the country, I've run into quite a few people who said they were ASA or ASA/NSA. (Most ASA never worked for NSA.) More than I would really expect!

I've never found one that gave me any reason to doubt them. Maybe because were were a relatively small group in a high security environment. It would be very easy to 'out' them, if they were posers.

So true. Especially now that there are groups where you can ask, and if like us you still have friends in low places.[laugh][wink]
There is a FB group for us. Field Station Berlin, plus most that don't know about it think all we did was go to the field.[rofl]
I got a kick out of a fat dude I met in a bar years ago.....he was spouting off about his service in Vietnam.

I played dumb and asked what unit he served in. He told me he was in SOG.

So I asked him what SOG was.

He said "Special Operations Group."

I couldn't help myself....i busted out laughing and told him......."Yeah, I saw that TV show too!"[rofl][rofl]
I'm a doctor, I'm a lawyer. I'm a movie star, I'm an astronaut and I own this bar.Yeah I'd lie to you for your love and thats the truth.
Best one I've heard at a bar; "I'm an in flight missile technician" and sadly, some people believe them. My brother's former ANGLICO and I'm an 11B in 10th MTN... it's always easy to spot someone who isn't really a trigger puller, they don't realize the best stories have nothing to do with combat. In the end everything that's "classified" is almost always techno b.s.

The fun stuff is the conversations on guard, the pranks inside the trucks and tents... the moments of (almost) complete innocence in a mundane existence.

At least that's what we always talk about in this sub-arctic wasteland.
Best one I've heard at a bar; "I'm an in flight missile technician" and sadly, some people believe them. My brother's former ANGLICO and I'm an 11B in 10th MTN... it's always easy to spot someone who isn't really a trigger puller, they don't realize the best stories have nothing to do with combat. In the end everything that's "classified" is almost always techno b.s.

The fun stuff is the conversations on guard, the pranks inside the trucks and tents... the moments of (almost) complete innocence in a mundane existence.

At least that's what we always talk about in this sub-arctic wasteland.
Your just saying that because you can't tell us about it.....
Your not fooling me!
Oh you just brought back a few quick "ville" memories. Yeah, THOSE missions have to stay quiet.

I liked the "Steam and Cream" missions to Phu Cat Airbase....saver than going to the "ville"[smile]

(What are you doing today Bill?.......let's get together and raise some hell!)
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Makes you wonder if the person who created it was joking or full of $hit?

Ok...so, let me get this straight...a reservist shows up at the base housing office, says that he's an aid to the Chief of SpecOps Command, that his boss said he needs base housing immediately but he can't produce his orders because they're top secret, and that didn't raise any flags for the woman in charge of base housing? She's an idiot.
:) Good thing I never saw any women in my line of work when I was part of the Big Green. I have a LEO friend that always asks "What is she doing off dispatch?" whenever he sees a woman cop on patrol.
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