I like this part of the NES forum...


Forum Curmudgeon
NES Member
Feb 15, 2009
Albuquerque, NM
Feedback: 3 / 0 / 0
Because whatever I post here.....Scrivener can't say shit!

Where did this guy come from? He has obviously never served in the military!

Don't be too sure of that. One of the lawyers has served,just don't remember which one.[wink][laugh]
Cross-X was a Captain in the USAF JAG corps, IIRC.

He is the only guy who gave me a bad rep on this site. I can't believe he was ever in the service!

If he says he did, I would bet he is a poser![rofl][rofl][rofl]
Well, first off, he's never said that he has served, AFAIK. And I have no idea what his being in the service would have to do with getting a negative rep point. Obviously, he took issue with something you said. I've certainly gotten neg rep points from both civilians and mil. So what?

It happens. Suck it up and ignore it.
Thanks Ross, I knew it was one of them, just couldn't remember which one.[wink][laugh]
As far as neg reps go, If you get one from me it has to be really bad.[laugh][laugh] I don't very often give them out.[laugh]
Ahhh, Scriv is okay most of the time. You just don't let him give you any grief.

Remember, if you ain't airborne, you ain't shiite!
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