I open carried in Boston today

You should have approached one of the BPD officers you mentioned that you passed and asked him/her to take your photo. Pictures can be a better way to prove a point. In fact, should have had that officer's partner in the photo with you!

At least, that's my suggestion for the next time you do this.

OP, I had an even better idea earlier this morning that could actually make you some money... VIDEO your open carry interactions with people in Boston — including police officers — and put it on YouTube!

Start with neighborhoods you're familiar with, and as you progress you could expand to other areas in Boston (I suggest Mattapan) and possibly even start carrying long guns too. Personally, I think it's risky, but there's no reward in life without taking on some risk, and that would be very interesting to watch. If it goes well, you could try doing the same in Worcester, Springfield, Watertown, etc.

Once you've perfected your craft, you could even expand to New York, Washington DC, Los Angeles... the possibilities are endless!

A new YouTube star is born. If it works, I bet you could make a lot of money! You're welcome.

(This is NOT legal, financial, or business advice. In fact, it's not serious advice at all.)
Just yesterday I was shopping in East Springfield on Boston road at Lowes and Harbor Freight. There was a guy in the parking lot dressed plain clothed leaning up against a car smoking a cigarette. He was open carrying.

It caught my attention as I was walking into the store, it caught my wife's attention also as she waited in the truck. There was a bank nearby and she said she noticed him hold the door open for some customers as they entered the bank. He was obviously private security working for the bank and taking a smoke break as we pulled in. We sat there for awhile and people just walked by going into the stores and while they must of noticed (I did catch a few glances) nobody reacted.

Picton is correct, people in MA are conditioned to believe that anyone who has a gun strapped to their side is an undercover cop or in someway "authorized".

I 100% believe the OP's story, but I don't have the balls to try it myself.

I do suspect a rifle would be much different.

But a guy OCing a rifle would probably still be fine here, provided he was dressed "tactically" and walking around looking like he was competent. They'd probably assume he was LE.
OP, I had an even better idea earlier this morning that could actually make you some money... VIDEO your open carry interactions with people in Boston — including police officers — and put it on YouTube!

Start with neighborhoods you're familiar with, and as you progress you could expand to other areas in Boston (I suggest Mattapan) and possibly even start carrying long guns too. Personally, I think it's risky, but there's no reward in life without taking on some risk, and that would be very interesting to watch. If it goes well, you could try doing the same in Worcester, Springfield, Watertown, etc.

Once you've perfected your craft, you could even expand to New York, Washington DC, Los Angeles... the possibilities are endless!

A new YouTube star is born. If it works, I bet you could make a lot of money! You're welcome.

(This is NOT legal, financial, or business advice. In fact, it's not serious advice at all.)
I would unironically be willing to do this in a “man on the street” style video if someone would like to be my cameraman :)
I do suspect a rifle would be much different.

But a guy OCing a rifle would probably still be fine here, provided he was dressed "tactically" and walking around looking like he was competent. They'd probably assume he was LE.
There are specific prohibitions against carrying a long arm

Whether tacticool gear will give an imprimatur of sufficient awesomeness, is another thing....
I do suspect a rifle would be much different.

But a guy OCing a rifle would probably still be fine here, provided he was dressed "tactically" and walking around looking like he was competent. They'd probably assume he was LE.
There's a law in MA against loaded long guns on a public way (absent exceptions like parades cops etc) so rifles that are useable are basically out if the question.
Eta: Thx @MisterHappy for the cite
If there isn't one, they will more than likely make one up incorporating a gray area in an already gray area statue. I wouldn't waste my time with any useless government entity. I'd rather spend more of my very valuable time here on NES!

Learn context.

You did this on the Thursday before the Marathon. Try it on Marathon Monday. Let us see how you fare.
You have been here for 18 years,. Can we please change your fat avatar? :-)

As soon as I change him out I'd get 38 PMs askingg wtf is going on in my life and I need help or something. [rofl] Somewhere I have a slightly different one of him from the man with the golden gun. Also @FormerlyIndifferent and some of my other bond cronies around here would be deeply disappointed. The only other avatar that I had for awhile was Sherilyn Fenn ripping a cigarette. That was like 10+ yrs ago. I also had 47 up for awhile too, at the very beginning. The thousand yard stare, aloof 47 not the pissed off 47 of today....

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J8rJ1TOREj0

As soon as I change him out I'd get 38 PMs askingg wtf is going on in my life and I need help or something. [rofl] Somewhere I have a slightly different one of him from the man with the golden gun. Also @FormerlyIndifferent and some of my other bond cronies around here would be deeply disappointed. The only other avatar that I had for awhile was Sherilyn Fenn ripping a cigarette. That was like 10+ yrs ago. I also had 47 up for awhile too, at the very beginning. The thousand yard stare, aloof 47 not the pissed off 47 of today....

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J8rJ1TOREj0

Hehee, I am sorry drgrant, but it is the very beginning of this video I channel when I see your fat avatar...

View: https://youtu.be/vDEsyHqDTh0

Now you know where it comes from.
So based on my reading of this statute, if I were to put an unloaded MA/Boston-compliant AR-15 style rifle in a solid, locket yet see-through case and walk around Boston, that would be legal?

That said, if you DO decide to do it, please make sure to have a go-pro and a friend with a go-pro, for the youtube video.
I have just reached out to the MBTA asking for a MGL or CMR prohibiting the possession of a firearm by an individual who holds an LTC on/at MBTA property. Stay tuned.
Never heard back from the MBTA!

GOAL had corresponded with the chief of the MBTA PD back in the early 2000's I believe. That letter stated that duly licensed individuals were not prohibited from carrying firearms on the MBTA.
Never heard back from the MBTA!

GOAL had corresponded with the chief of the MBTA PD back in the early 2000's I believe. That letter stated that duly licensed individuals were not prohibited from carrying firearms on the MBTA.
Send a cert/return letter to the MBTA, include the following
I have not received a response to my letter of xx/xx/xxxx, copy enclosed.
I have obtained a copy of your letter of xx/xx/2000 stating that possession by an LTC holder in permitted on MBTA property, copy enclosed.
Absent additional information from you, it would be clear that this is still the position of the MBTA, if this is incorrect please be sure to respond within 10 days.

On the 20th day after confirmed delivers, record your attempt to access the MBTA while carrying. Friendly press coverage is good, recorded by someone other than you is a must.

Of course I'm not a lawyer and doing any of this could has serious consequences, including, but not limited to, getting your ass thrown in jail, losing your LTC, and possibly becoming a PP. So talk to a real f'ing lawyer.
I've personally seen someone OC into a diner in Boston. No one seemed to notice. I assumed he was a plainclothes cop.

I also know someone who was carrying concealed in Boston but either he was printing or the wind blew his jacket open, not really sure. Some Karen called the cops on a "man with a gun" and BPD showed up guns drawn, disarmed him, and interrogated him. Eventually they let him go but then they tried to pressure his town's CoP to pull his LTC for being unsuitable (thankfully the CoP told them to go kick rocks).

I've personally seen someone OC into a diner in Boston. No one seemed to notice. I assumed he was a plainclothes cop.

I also know someone who was carrying concealed in Boston but either he was printing or the wind blew his jacket open, not really sure. Some Karen called the cops on a "man with a gun" and BPD showed up guns drawn, disarmed him, and interrogated him. Eventually they let him go but then they tried to pressure his town's CoP to pull his LTC for being unsuitable (thankfully the CoP told them to go kick rocks).

I think this shows the major point, OC in Boston is going to go one way or the other, neutral or negative. Those that support individual acts of OC in Boston will say it's about normalizing guns (I'll accept any correction on this by those that have OCed in Boston).

So it comes down to a few points, fist is what is the likely hood of a neutral, positive, or negation reaction. I'd say a positive reaction is near zero, and the negative/neutral ration of likely reaction is at least 10:1.

Then we have, what could those reactions might be. For the neutral it's, well, nothing, it's neutral. For the negative it's being made unsuitable and/or legislative action. The positive would be normalization of guns.
The likelihood of an anti 2a person in MA accepting guns as a normal thing based on seeing someone OC in Boston, I'm thinking as near zero as possible. On the other hand, the chances of an anti 2a, or even someone who claims to support 2a but also thinks the restrictions MA wants are OK, may do/say nothing, or they may call the cops (leading to a possible unsuitable) or support more legislative restrictions, is highly weighted toward a negative outcome.

And even if the OCer sees no reaction, that doesn't mean it was the best possible outcome (a neutral). The anti 2a types aren't going to say something to the person OC, they are backstabbing types that will go to the police and legislatures and push for something to be does.

So the best possible reaction in Boston is neutral and the worst is more legislative restrictions. Knowing this, is it worth it to the firearms community. I'd say no. It may stroke the individual's ego, but there is only a negative possible outcome.

Keep in mine this is specific to MA and Boston other states and cities YMMV.

And it's different for a well organized and regulated protest, that's a good idea. But proper presentation would be important. No tac gear, no long arms, no AR or AK pistols (things like that), basic revolvers and pistols, holstered, in what Bostonians would see as normal street clothes. The goal isn't to show off you 2a rights, it's to convert others. Slapping a person in the face isn't going to get them to accept you, showing that's its no big deal and they don't need to feel threatened will. In Boston it wouldn't be about screaming "my 2a rights", you've already lost that battle, it's about showing them you're just like them but with this nonthreatening tool hanging on your belt.

If you think converting others is giving in, well you best be happy with having lost MA because it won't change that way. You are part of a super minority and they will vote you rights away to nothing, and they only thing that will help you is converting others.
Its not about anti-2A people becoming accepting, its trying to reach the Normie's. Im not sure Boston proper is the place to begin. Better to start at the outer ring, make progress and work your way in.

The most likely negative scenario in Boston imo would be an anti becoming confrontational, calling 911 and then claiming the OC'r threatened them with the gun in some way, (this has happened already and puts the PD in a position of "arrest and let the courts figure it out") or a hood rat either doing the same or straight up trying to take the gun away.
Its not about anti-2A people becoming accepting, its trying to reach the Normie's. Im not sure Boston proper is the place to begin. Better to start at the outer ring, make progress and work your way in.

The most likely negative scenario in Boston imo would be an anti becoming confrontational, calling 911 and then claiming the OC'r threatened them with the gun in some way, (this has happened already and puts the PD in a position of "arrest and let the courts figure it out") or a hood rat either doing the same or straight up trying to take the gun away.
Let's start in Framingham, that would be so much fun. I don't have a MA LTC, but I'd be in and I'll bring snacks 😀
Not since a few years back. Their panic over a displayed firearm is not the concern of the person displaying the firearm.

True according to case law. Not so true according to street law. The law and Simkin v. FRB does not prevent a licensing official from suspending or revoking your LTC; it only gives your legal coun$el the basis for an argument in an appeal to get it back.

Referring to another case - do you think the Boston cops will not demand an LTC because open carry of a gun absent any other factors is not evidence that a crime is being committed, or about to be committed, and thus no stop is justified? (Comm. v. Simkin).
Its not about anti-2A people becoming accepting, its trying to reach the Normie's. Im not sure Boston proper is the place to begin. Better to start at the outer ring, make progress and work your way in.
A few years ago from my towns police blotter, in the local paper... 911 call

Caller: I'd like to report a man at Cumberland Farms with a gun.
911 : What is he doing?
Caller: He got a coffee and now he is pumping gas.
911: He is not breaking any laws. Call us back if he is actually committing a crime.
Caller: But he has a gun.
911: That is not a crime.
I saw a guy today open carrying a knife.

He was talking to himself and waving it around in loopy circles, then he kissed it and put it in his pack.

It was so bizarre I did call the police.
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