I was today years old when...

Most people probably last 3 yrs or less. During covid the # of sig expats I talked to with that recurring theme was off the charts. Rather than maintaining a steady state, they do the anorexic binge purge thing. Not a bastion of job security. Lots of dysfunction. Sig is a place you go work while you're in between jobs or something.
That totally sucks. The old saying is true that any business is only as good as it's people.
Sure, you can put systems and some standardization in place that can help, but at the end of the day, if your people suck, so do you.
Just ask Bill Belichick. For years we heard that it was all about the system. People used to say Belichick could take a 25 year old bagger at Market Basket and win championships. How is that working out for them?
That totally sucks. The old saying is true that any business is only as good as it's people.
Sure, you can put systems and some standardization in place that can help, but at the end of the day, if your people suck, so do you.
Just ask Bill Belichick. For years we heard that it was all about the system. People used to say Belichick could take a 25 year old bagger at Market Basket and win championships. How is that working out for them?
TIL we northerners hate winning so much we'll send our most promising MB baggers to FL.
Some of what you're describing is true. Some is more damning than you realize. The point of "value engineering" is to do more with less.

As design engineers, we have a million little levers to pull, many you call out. If your FCU barely stays together outside the grip frame until the user wrestles the former into the latter, you've done a bad job at optimizing all those variables. In the best case, this speaks to not caring about customer experience.

And yes, AvE's BOLTRs are an awesome peek into the world of consumer product design.
I was being a bit hyperbolic on the 'falls apart on the cleaning mat' thing aiming for a chuckle... Where I was trying to go was, they look like they will but they, generally, don't and that's kind of amazing.

That said, yes, the problem with value engineering (as @drgrant was, I think getting at), is when the definition of 'sufficiently durable/reliable/consistent' gets pushed down at the same time as the optimizations get pushed up.

"With some TLC, probably still working in a hundred years" isn't a thing anymore the way, for example, it was on a Broom Handle Mauser. Arguably, this is because, not being able to precisely model when a thing would fail, they had to over-engineer. And, lacking the precision/optimization at scale, it was a side effect that one could have a reasonable hope of making parts later. Seeing a watchmaker hand-make a long-since unavailable part for an old Patek is an amazing thing but nobody's going to do that for a G-Shock, or Glock (or 320 etc.) in the same way 100 years from now.
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I was being a bit hyperbolic on the 'falls apart on the cleaning mat' thing aiming for a chuckle... Where I was trying to go was, they look like they will but they, generally, don't and that
s kind of amazing.

That said, yes, the problem with value engineering (as @drgrant was, I think getting at), is when the definition of 'sufficiently durable/reliable/consistent' gets pushed down at the same time as the optimizations get pushed up.

"With some TLC, probably still working in a hundred years" isn't a thing anymore the way, for example, it was on a Broom Handle Mauser. Arguably, this is because, not being able to precisely model when a thing would fail, they had to over-engineer. And, lacking the precision/optimization at scale, it was a side effect that one could have a reasonable hope of making parts later. Seeing a watchmaker hand-make a long-since unavailable part for an old Patek is an amazing thing but nobody's going to do that for a G-Shock, or Glock (or 320 etc.) in the same way 100 years from now.
Yes. This is the difference between consumables and durable goods. And yes, the secret is that engineers of the past weren't designing for reliability, they over designed so they could focus on functionality.

That's basically a truism. Generation 1 - if you can get it to work, nothing will fail...fast forward...until it fails, everything works.
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TIL we northerners hate winning so much we'll send our most promising MB baggers to FL.
Arrogance and ego. They should have given Brady everything he wanted and more until the day he started collecting social security. And Belichick is largely given a pass for letting him walk.
You can have the best battle plans, and the best training in the world, but at the end of the day, someone has to execute. Sure, the training and planning make a difference, but what it really comes down to is the sheer will of someone in the field. You have to have one guy, that will do whatever it takes to win and will not accept failure, that can motivate and inspire those around him to rise to the occasion. Guys like Major Dick Winters of the 101st Airborne -506 PIR. And on the football field, guys like Tom Brady.
It's an absolute crime that Brady did not retire a Patriot. And the fact that he left and won another ring was a great big f*** you to Belichick and Kraft. The end of his career should have had one purpose. To find, and groom a worthy replacement, and Brady should have been the guy to do it. But Belichick's ego was to large to admit that someone else might be better suited to the task. Belichick and the Krafts should never be forgiven.
You call it value engineering I call it " corporatism and profit optimization without really giving a f*** about the customer beyond the ability to keep wooing them. "
I constantly tell clients that "value engineering" ultimately comes down to removing things you need to meet an arbitrary budget number, only to add them back at the end of the job taking twice the time and cost.

My partners (and back in the day, my supervisor) hated it, but no one ever got me to stop doing it.

Meaning and use of the phrase "I was today years old" on social media

The phrase is often used when someone comes across a piece of information, a fact, or a life hack that is deemed interesting or mind-blowing. By saying "I was today years old when I found out," the person is emphasizing their delayed realization or the sense of astonishment they experienced upon learning something that seems obvious or widely known to others.

The phrase has become popular in online discussions and memes, often accompanied by humorous or sarcastic reactions to various realizations or discoveries. It serves as a light-hearted way to share and engage with newfound information or insights, while also acknowledging the humor in delayed realizations.
“So don’t I” I had a gf say that once, I knew right then the relationship was over.
It's a Massholia, thing like myan. "Your car is blue, but myan is red"
The other weird one around here is "loam". On the entire rest of the planet loam rhymes foam. Around here the natives pronounce it "loom" for some annoying reason.
It's a Massholia, thing like myan. "Your car is blue, but myan is red"
The other weird one around here is "loam". On the entire rest of the planet loam rhymes foam. Around here the natives pronounce it "loom" for some annoying reason.
Doesn't everyone like foom in their dunkins coffee?
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Arrogance and ego. They should have given Brady everything he wanted and more until the day he started collecting social security. And Belichick is largely given a pass for letting him walk.
You can have the best battle plans, and the best training in the world, but at the end of the day, someone has to execute. Sure, the training and planning make a difference, but what it really comes down to is the sheer will of someone in the field. You have to have one guy, that will do whatever it takes to win and will not accept failure, that can motivate and inspire those around him to rise to the occasion. Guys like Major Dick Winters of the 101st Airborne -506 PIR. And on the football field, guys like Tom Brady.
It's an absolute crime that Brady did not retire a Patriot. And the fact that he left and won another ring was a great big f*** you to Belichick and Kraft. The end of his career should have had one purpose. To find, and groom a worthy replacement, and Brady should have been the guy to do it. But Belichick's ego was to large to admit that someone else might be better suited to the task. Belichick and the Krafts should never be forgiven.
I’m convinced that Belichick wanted Brady gone, and that it was all about Belichick‘s ego. He wanted to prove that he was the main driver behind the Patriots’ dynasty, by creating another star quarterback from scratch and winning more Super Bowls.

Didn't turn out very well for Belichick, too bad he couldn’t keep his massive ego in check. Fun to watch him get embarrassed, but crappy to see Brady finish his career eksewhere.
“ i’m sorry you feel that way“

That one might actually coxes me into violence
I was today years old when I learned that, according to Sig Sauer, your Classic Line should drip lube...

Ok, not really, he wipes it off, but damn, look at this clip, I thought I was generous with the oil but damn.

OP was today's years old when he found out it is not called a "clip".

Yes, today I learned that a short video is called magazine, unless it's played on a Gerand or used to push video into a STANAG magazine for playback.. What's the frame rate and resolution of your favorite gun?
It's a Massholia, thing like myan. "Your car is blue, but myan is red"
The other weird one around here is "loam". On the entire rest of the planet loam rhymes foam. Around here the natives pronounce it "loom" for some annoying reason.

". . . or no?" It's OR NOT YOU DUMB TWIT!

At least we pronounce ruff. . . rffff. . . . roof correctly.
Anyhow - I spent my entire adult life thinking I'm a moron and had to learn practically EVERYHTING myself. But you know what? I love learning. So it doesn't bother me in the least anymore. Maybe the last 5-10 years, it's been a hoot. To admit I'm clueless about X and just asking for help. It's so freeing.

So congrats, OP. You found something else. You learned. You grew your brain. Don't stop. Ever. Expecting to turn 25 or 30 or 35 or 54 and know everything??? It's not reality.

I always like to say I try to learn something new every day.

Invariably, someone will say "what did you learn today?"

"Not to touch your wiener to the toaster oven when wearing wool socks", will prevent them from ever asking again.
Who's grandma's room are you in?
That’s my master bedroom designed and built 18 years ago.
The quilt was made by my wife who was next to me and has been there for the last 35+ years. I don’t need to explain a damn thing to anyone but I hand you the baton should you prefer. 😂

Should I keep going??
That’s my master bedroom designed and built 18 years ago.
The quilt was made by my wife who was next to me and has been there for the last 35+ years. I don’t need to explain a damn thing to anyone but I hand you the baton should you prefer. 😂

Should I keep going??
I was raw under the sheet. 😂
Happy now?
I don't get the trend. . . in terms of shouting it loud and proud. Not specifically this, but in general.

HEre's the deal: My dad taught me zip. ZIP! He just chucked me into hte deep end of the swimming pool in life. To quote Staind - I cannot blame this on my father - he did the best he could for me. A truly broken man. I never had a good relationship with my grandfather, but looking at my dad, he was a son of a bitch.

Anyhow - I spent my entire adult life thinking I'm a moron and had to learn practically EVERYHTING myself. But you know what? I love learning. So it doesn't bother me in the least anymore. Maybe the last 5-10 years, it's been a hoot. To admit I'm clueless about X and just asking for help. It's so freeing.

So congrats, OP. You found something else. You learned. You grew your brain. Don't stop. Ever. Expecting to turn 25 or 30 or 35 or 54 and know everything??? It's not reality.
I grew up watching my father work on everything. He really wasn't a patient man(something I inherited, but working on it), so I would just watch. He tried bringing me on side jobs when i was a little older but i would just end up cleaning the site instead of learning about electricity. When I got my car and something broke, quite often with a 72 LTD, I would ask him how to repair it and he would tell me what his father told him," Go to the library and get a repair manual." It seemed like a dick move but what he was teaching me was self sufficiency. He would wait until I was just about to light the car up and would come out and show me , but other than that it was book learnin'.
Grease is better than oil. I put that shit everywhere.
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