If you're looking for a place to retire

I never had scrapple, but I actually do like grits. I've got some in the cupboard and make it now and again.

But I also like cooking bouillabaisse, or rack of lamb served over an onion-chevre compote, or shrimp salad in a citrus marinade, or Hamersley's roast chicken, or oriental grilled striped bass, or..., darn it's a long way until dinner and d*mn this fricking diet [sad]
It's all a matter of preference. I came from KY, it's "culture" shock going either direction.
Absolutely. I agree 100%. I'm not saying here is better than KY -- there's lots of things I hate about MA. I'm saying New England is better for me than KY.
I could live right nicely in Essex Junction Vt or just about anywhere just outside Jackson Hole WY (South of the town preferably.) I also like Alta WY or Driggs ID. But you have to like wide open spaces, harsh winters, and fighting for water rights.
D-............. We have work to do.

Fixing the few problems with our CCW law and passing statewide firearms regulation preemption should land Ohio right into F territory.
M1911 said:
I never had scrapple, but I actually do like grits. I've got some in the cupboard and make it now and again.

But I also like cooking bouillabaisse, or rack of lamb served over an onion-chevre compote, or shrimp salad in a citrus marinade, or Hamersley's roast chicken, or oriental grilled striped bass, or..., darn it's a long way until dinner and d*mn this fricking diet [sad]
There's a LOT more to Kentucky that the coal hills. Your opinion is based on a tiny, teeny slice of the state. Without having been to Louisville, Frankfort, or Lexington, the view you got doesn't amount to much.
Mike508 said:
With a "Brady A+" going to any state that can chase away all those who are pro-RKBA.

By packing them in behind razor wire fences and shooting them.
M1911 said:
Brazil?!? Very onerous firearms laws, incredibly high violent crime rate, terribly corrupt and violent police, huge poverty.

No thanks, not for me.

Sexy women. Beaches. Fishing. Bikinis. Thongs. Sexy women. Girls gone wild 24/7. I'm one horny toad. [smile]
Mike508 said:
Would Brazil get a "Brady A+?"

They just had a big vote down there where severe gun control laws where overwhelmingly voted down. I guess the NRA had a big hand in this. Translated all their US literature to Portuguese and sent it on down. Now all the natives are insisting they have a right to keep and bear arms. [smile]
senorFrog said:
They just had a big vote down there where severe gun control laws where overwhelmingly voted down. I guess the NRA had a big hand in this. Translated all their US literature to Portuguese and sent it on down. Now all the natives are insisting they have a right to keep and bear arms. [smile]
Read that in "The Global War on Your Guns." Interesting how that defeat went down. Still, those poor law-abiding citizens down there have it pretty tough.
senorFrog said:
Sexy women. Beaches. Fishing. Bikinis. Thongs. Sexy women. Girls gone wild 24/7. I'm one horny toad. [smile]

I went to a bachelor party in Providence which was a lot like that, only without the fishing.
Chris said:
I could live right nicely in Essex Junction Vt or just about anywhere just outside Jackson Hole WY (South of the town preferably.) I also like Alta WY or Driggs ID. But you have to like wide open spaces, harsh winters, and fighting for water rights.

OK, I'll bite, why Essex Jct? Just so you know, I work a couple of miles from the fairgrounds. I live in Bristol now. (33 miles each way)

Also, the BMW MOA National Rally was at the Essex Jct fairgrounds last week.
I think when I heard the joke it was about Maine. Either way though i do love kentucky, scrapple, and Maine too.
Nickle said:
OK, I'll bite, why Essex Jct?

Seemed like it was surrounded by a very nice rural style community, not too far from everything like Burlington, Ski areas, etc. Could easily see myself out cycling the roads in the area.

Just seemed like a nice location. Have to admit that I've only been there a few days, so my impression may have been unrealistic, but struck me as a decent location.

And now, I hear there are some nice people up that way too..... (^_^)
Arizona Colorado or maybe New Mexico had enough snow cold etc. Wife needs a warmer climate.Went to Az very warm but very dry oddly enough most that I talked to were trans plants from else where. yeah the old chestnut of its a dry heat is true.
Average temp 105 but felt like 90 here
PatMcD said:
People who live in glass houses, reinbeau.[wink]
I married a flatlander, they don't even consider him a true Mainer [smile] (You have to be born north of Bangor, I think, for them to consider you a true Mainer). Born in Sanford, though, and that *is* in Maine!

Although I do like to remind hm he's really from Northern Massachusetts [rofl]

To steer this a bit back on topic, we will be retiring up there. So all you snowbirds go south and leave us in peace up there! [laugh]
Chris said:
Originally Posted by Nickle
OK, I'll bite, why Essex Jct?
Seemed like it was surrounded by a very nice rural style community, not too far from everything like Burlington, Ski areas, etc. Could easily see myself out cycling the roads in the area.

Just seemed like a nice location. Have to admit that I've only been there a few days, so my impression may have been unrealistic, but struck me as a decent location.

And now, I hear there are some nice people up that way too..... (^_^)

Essex is the 2nd largest community in the state, after Burlington and just ahead of Colchester. You want to see rural, go to Addison County, where I live. I'm currently out in the sticks, with a few neighbors and lots of trees.
ROFL, this list shows you how EXTREME the Brady retards are, when
they only gave a place like NJ an "A-" rating, when it basically has the
WORST gun laws in the entire country, save for a few places like
Chicago, etc, where there are full blown handgun bans.

If I ever move out of MA, I'm definitely looking at finding a D or lower
state, thats for sure. I would prefer F- , if such a state
existed. VT is pretty close to that aside from the retardation about
sound supressors. So I'll probably "settle" for NH.

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