Importing a SPAS-12

Oct 9, 2007
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so, are you able to import a SPAS-12 at all? Im not considering one for ownership, bit someone on another forum said you cant and that they are specifically mentioned in the MA AWB.

So, can you or can you not?
Import into the state? Not a problem.

can you elaborate?

here was the response the person gave when I said "how is it illegal to bring to MA?":

"It's specifically listed on the Commonwealth's AWB list. It had to be registered/licensed in State before the Mass AWB was passed. Tried to bring in a pre-ban Galil a few years ago, was told by more than one MA FFL you cannot bring in what's not already here, same princple as our current handgun regs."

If Im reading his response correctly, isnt he a tad confused?
someone on another forum said you cant and that they are specifically mentioned in the MA AWB.

They are not specifically mentioned in the MA AWB, but they would certainly be defined as an Assault Weapon (semi-auto with pistol grip & 8 round fixed magazine).

I believe ATF has declared it "not fit for sporting purposes" and therefor no more imports are allowed (I believe they're out of production anyway). But there are some already in the US, and so you could purchase a pre-ban one and it would be legal here in MA.
can you elaborate?

here was the response the person gave when I said "how is it illegal to bring to MA?":

"It's specifically listed on the Commonwealth's AWB list. It had to be registered/licensed in State before the Mass AWB was passed. Tried to bring in a pre-ban Galil a few years ago, was told by more than one MA FFL you cannot bring in what's not already here, same princple as our current handgun regs."

If Im reading his response correctly, isnt he a tad confused?

Don't make me go Scriv on you.

It's no different than buying any other preban rifle or shotgun from out of state.

It's also not "importing." Importing is bringing it in from outside the country, and with the SPAS-12 that is no longer possible.
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