Instructors - Do you charge more or less per person for Private vs Public classes?


NES Member
Nov 11, 2005
Northern, MA
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For those of you that teach both public and private sessions of the same class - Do you charge more or less per person when you teach a private vs. public class?
Take this with a salt shaker since my experience in teaching was for competitive swim lessons, nothing firearms related... I charged much more per person for private lessons than public. I think I made $40/hr for group lessons (3-6 kids) and $60-80/hr for private lessons (60 for 1 person, 80 for 2). Could have gotten away with up to $120/hr for private but could not have increased the group rates. Usually lessons were 30 minutes, and this was all around the 2003-2005 timeframe.
I no longer do large groups,so I charge the same for one person,as for six.
Whats everybody doing now with the NRA and their "blended" course where they are getting $60 for the online and we are supposed to basically quiz them and do live fire. My attitude is since I am reviewing everything from the online section and then doing live fire my actual course and expenses are the same
Whats everybody doing now with the NRA and their "blended" course where they are getting $60 for the online and we are supposed to basically quiz them and do live fire. My attitude is since I am reviewing everything from the online section and then doing live fire my actual course and expenses are the same

I don't teach Basic Pistol any more. I switched to Home Firearm Safety.
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