Another Auckland gunstore owner said: "I know the law. I know what I am and am not allowed to do, and I'm not allowed to have a loaded weapon behind the counter."
The qouted a couple of other gun store owners (i.e., competitors) who sounded like real hoplophobes. "Oh, I wouldn't use a gun; that wouldn't be right. I'd run away." WTF are these clowns doing selling guns in the first place if that's their attitude. Sounds like they work in the "sporting goods" department of the local PRofMA Wally-World.
The qouted a couple of other gun store owners (i.e., competitors) who sounded like real hoplophobes. "Oh, I wouldn't use a gun; that wouldn't be right. I'd run away." WTF are these clowns doing selling guns in the first place if that's their attitude. Sounds like they work in the "sporting goods" department of the local PRofMA Wally-World.
+1. I couldn't believe that one "store owner" who said he would have locked himself in a room if confronted by a situation like that. Because if I was in a situation where a crazed maniac had access to a huge supply of firearms and ammo lord knows I'd want to be locked in a small room.