Marine Veteran
So, talking over a repeater is out? I can understand this concept with HF. But with 2m and 70cm, the only real way to talk over distance is through repeaters. Why is talking from a local repeater to another person OK. But talking into a repeater, then out one across the world any different? No Different than a networked set of repeaters...it's just that this networked set of repeaters are all over the US, or world....instead of just networked across MA or RI.
First off, nothing is "out". Just because I personally don't consider it to be true to the spirit of amateur radio as a hobby, doesn't mean it's not to be used. If you use it and enjoy it, that's completely cool with me. Second, using a repeater still means that the communication is being done wirelessly (excluding feedline and power cables and such). The primary medium that the transmission passes though is open air, or empty space in the case of EME. With IRLP, the primary medium is network cable. Refer to the picture below.

Forgive the crudeness of my illustration. I just pulled something off the internet and drew on it. But as you can see, most of the transmission path isn't even remotely related to radio propagation. I think that misses the point of what amateur radio is supposed to be.