Is a new AWB inevitable?

no matter what we do.... its a matter of time before the AWB comes back to all states. Our time is limited. We live in a Liberal world and its just getting worse

The chances of the Fed ban coming back in the -near- future
are pretty limited. The reason being is that politically gun
control is a loser issue; and the dems paid dearly the last time
the AWB was passed. Some will forget that but the insiders
know that the pols with vulnerable seats will not vote for another
AWB. That's why so far, we've only seen poorly-supported
moonbat bills from people like McCarthy. Most of congress
realizes that gun control is a loser issue that has more risk than
"reward" attached to it. (For starters, the number of people that
truly support gun control (eg, like the women who didn't
show up for the MMM in DC) is actually small... Hell, if the dems
had a clue they would ditch the gun control platform altogether,
who is that 2% of the population going to vote for, dennis kucinich?
[rofl] [laugh2]

Yes, I realize there are more antis than that, but the
rest of them outside of the moonbat realm don't care enough about
the issue to base their entire vote around it, it's an issue of
convenience to them. The dems would gain FAR more voters
than they would lose by throwing gun control off their
agenda. (Just ask the pro-gun dems that flipped republican
seats, apparently those guys are switched on and have somewhat
of a clue; eg, that screwing with peoples gun rights is more
unpopular than not.).

Don't get me wrong, I'm not talking about getting complacent
here... I think itll come back to rear its head eventually, but I
think in the near term the shit that the states do with their laws is
generally going to be far more problematic for citizens in general.


I wish I shared your optimism.

When Hillary! wins next November, there will be legislation drafted. Count on it.

Dem president + Dem congress + Dem Senate = BOHICA. You can take that to the bank...
I think the only real reason they have not tried to pass a new AWB yet is because they want to get the presidency and don't want too much controversy on this issue until they get it. Ranting about the war in Iraq and such is a safer issue than gun control at the moment...
I think the only real reason they have not tried to pass a new AWB yet is because they want to get the presidency and don't want too much controversy on this issue until they get it. Ranting about the war in Iraq and such is a safer issue than gun control at the moment...

Bingo. They'll avoid the topic like the black plague UNTIL they get in. Once they have control of all three branches, look out.

Two years is several political lifetimes. If they pass even a draconian AWB in 2008, it's two years until the next election. By then they'll have re-drawn districts to insure their re-election practically forever...


I wish I shared your optimism.

When Hillary! wins next November, there will be legislation drafted. Count on it.

Dem president + Dem congress + Dem Senate = BOHICA. You can take that to the bank...

Yeah, but the seats that flipped in the last election, IIRC, nearly
all went to pro gun dems. That means that the actual balance
(as far as we're concerned) hasn't really changed. A lot of these
seats are ones where the voters still give a rats ass about
gun rights, too, so any of these newbs voting for an AWB would
basically be suicidal.

Not sure what the current span is in the Senate, but it's probably
close. In the house an AWB renewal would still have a much
tougher road to hoe. However, if a lot of seats change, it
could get them closer to being able to play a ban.

The impression I get is that the dems are trying to take
advantage of their windfall to advance the rest of their
socialist policy.... farting around with gun control would
interrupt the socialist pork machine they have operating now.

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