Is Congress actually doing anything about AWBs?

Where did you see this? Did you do any research on your own? Like use google? I’m assuming you know how to use google. Are you asking here because you’re to lazy to look yourself first?
Project 2025, Trump's Agenda 47 could worsen America's gun crisis This is from MSNBC which is why I’m asking here, this is the only news source I’ve seen even mention state AWBs which leads me to believe they pulled it out of their asses and it’s not true. So I’m asking for clarification if anyone has actually heard real news in regard to this stuff but I’m not holding my breath. Also this is from September but one can only hope.
MSNBC Is the night time version of The View. Can’t be taken. Very little real news. Lots of opinion and speculation.
Yeah, that’s what I figured sadly. Just trying to have some semblance of hope we get our gun rights here while we have the chance but it’s looking kinda unlikely.
Is this actually true? Is Congress doing anything about AWBs or is this just fear mongering nonsense to make people anti-2A?
While bills have been introduced to deregulate suppressors, create licensing reciprocity, and to repeal the NFA entirely, so far no bills have been introduced to override bans, and any such law would face a stiff 10th amendment challenge.
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