Is it possible for my buddy to get his ltc licence back

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I've had a LTC for 35 years, and in all those years I have been trying to figure out exactly what UNSUITABLE really meant. Well I finally got my answer today. Your friend is clearly UNSUITABLE to own or carry a firearm. And it doesn't matter what state you live in, that's beside the point. And we wonder why some people think the average person shouldn't own a gun. As far as getting his LTC back all I can say about that is I hope not.

The torch has been passed.
Instead of losing his LTC for the the rest of his life for a mistake maybe they could have suspended it for a year and he would have to take the basic firearms class again to get it back? I mean no one got hurt so why punish him for the rest of his life. Just my 2 cents.
See my addition above, which indicates where you go off the rails.

The real crime you describe is theft of property. What the thief does with that property is irrelevant. Whether it's a gun or gold Rolex, the thief is only one step away turning that gold Rolex into a gun, or even the gun into a gold Rolex. Under Rick's logic, the guy that left his Rolex on the seat should be held responsible (in part) for a shooting that occurred because the guy traded the Rolex for a gun and shot somebody.

To anybody that thinks this guy is unsuitable, keep in mind that every one of you breaks the law every day. Have you ever left a round of ammo or even a spent brass case unlocked in your own house? If so, you've committed a storage violation. Should you be deemed 'unsuitable'?

You bring up some very good points Eddie. I guess I hadn't thought that example through to that level. BTW, just for the record, I wasn't one of the guys saying he should lose his rights because of what he had done, I was just commenting on my interpretation of Rick's argument. I do understand what he is thinking, but obviously he has taken it to the extreme. My only real agreement was saying that I do believe stupid stuff like this casts a bad shadow on the rest of us, and no one can really deny that with the way things currently are politically.
Instead of losing his LTC for the the rest of his life for a mistake maybe they could have suspended it for a year and he would have to take the basic firearms class again to get it back? I mean no one got hurt so why punish him for the rest of his life. Just my 2 cents.

This is a good, common sense idea inmo, however, you likely will be put on the chopping block for somehow advocating that the law is right by your suggestion. Get your armor on!
BTW, I do NOT think the law is right! I do not think he should have lost it but he did and I was just making a suggestion as to maybe these idiot law makers can use some common sense and not hang someone for a mistake. I mean even drunk drivers can get their licenses back at some point.
BTW, I do NOT think the law is right! I do not think he should have lost it but he did and I was just making a suggestion as to maybe these idiot law makers can use some common sense and not hang someone for a mistake. I mean even drunk drivers can get their licenses back at some point.

True, but for some reason they still lose their firearms rights for life. That sure makes sense, huh? I really never understood how something so unrelated can be legally applied to a civil right, when even something like driver's license, which is considered a "privilege" can/will be restored.
Instead of losing his LTC for the the rest of his life for a mistake maybe they could have suspended it for a year and he would have to take the basic firearms class again to get it back? I mean no one got hurt so why punish him for the rest of his life. Just my 2 cents.
So if you make a mistake while speaking should you have your 1a rights suspended for a year, then take a speech therapy class to regain your rights? If something can be suspended or revoked then it is not a right.
True, but for some reason they still lose their firearms rights for life. That sure makes sense, huh? I really never understood how something so unrelated can be legally applied to a civil right, when even something like driver's license, which is considered a "privilege" can/will be restored.

Because this isn't 1791. You don't need a firearm to put food on the table. You could argue that unless you have access to public transportation you need a drivers license to be prosperous. I lose my guns it would suck but I guess I'll have more money and time to play golf on the weekends instead of going to the range.
... you know the Founders didn't put the 2A in there because they were concerned about hunting deer, right?

Because this isn't 1791. You don't need a firearm to put food on the table. You could argue that unless you have access to public transportation you need a drivers license to be prosperous. I lose my guns it would suck but I guess I'll have more money and time to play golf on the weekends instead of going to the range.
... you know the Founders didn't put the 2A in there because they were concerned about hunting deer, right?

Yes I do it was to protect the citizen from a tyrannical government. I can't say in a typical day I ever worry about that.
I'm not sure if there have been many threads that so thoroughly outed people as this one.
So if you make a mistake while speaking should you have your 1a rights suspended for a year, then take a speech therapy class to regain your rights? If something can be suspended or revoked then it is not a right.

Like I said I do not agree with the law and I do NOT think it's right. But the fact is he lost his LTC, I don't agree with it but he did and from what I gather he will probably never be able to get it back. This is Massachusetts and this needing a license to carry/own a firearm is NEVER going away no matter who we vote in. I simply came up with an idea on how someone who lost their right to own/carry a firearm might be able to get it back. BTW our first amendment rights are slowly being taken away / restricted.
Could this ever happen in MA?

LEO: "Excuse me sir, is that your handgun on the front seat of your car".
Guy: "Oh my gosh officer, yes it is. It must have slipped out of my holster when getting out of my car".
LEO: "Sir, please step away from the vehicle and for the record, please let me see your LTC, drivers license, and registration. LEO takes possession of the firearm, unloads and clears, etc."
Guy: "Yes officer, here is my paperwork".
LEO: "LTC looks valid, please stand by while I verify on the computer. (He also does a warrant search, etc.)."
Guy: "Sweating bullets in the hot sun waiting for the LEO to return with information".
LEO: "Well sir, everything looks fine. Please try and be more careful with your weapon. We'll let it go this time."
While walking away, LEO breaks guy's tail light and writes him up a repair ticket. Routine traffic stop for busted tail light. Done. End of story. Guy goes home and changes his diaper and will NEVER leave his toy laying around in plain sight unattended. Lesson learned.

Could what happen in MA... police abuse? What should really happen is nothing at all. Why should a cop destroy property, assess fines and "scare" a person because there is a gun in their car? You're part of the problem too.
no shit.

every time i find myself clicking on it i go "wow" at an entirely new person or justification as they see it.

so sad.

Thank God we are on the same side. I am actually beyond words that can bee printed here.
This is what is going through my mind as I read this whole thread, a little Pink Floyd:
Harmlessly passing your time in the grassland away;
Only dimly aware of a certain unease in the air.
You better watch out,
There may be dogs about
I've looked over Jordan, and I have seen
Things are not what they seem.

What do you get for pretending the danger's not real.
Meek and obedient you follow the leader
Down well trodden corridors into the valley of steel.
What a surprise!
A look of terminal shock in your eyes.
Now things are really what they seem.
No, this is no bad dream.

I have got to get out of this state.
This is Massachusetts and this needing a license to carry/own a firearm is NEVER going away [STRIKE=no]no matter who we vote in. I simply came up with an idea on how someone who lost their right to own/carry a firearm might be able to get it back. BTW our first amendment rights are slowly being taken away / restricted.[/STRIKE] unless the people who are governed by those laws stop accepting them as the law of the land and start trying to change them.

It is this "lay down and take it in the ass" attitude that you carry combined with people like Rick and firecontrol who choose not to question laws but rather take them as The Gospel that totally screw 2A rights advocates in this state called Massachusetts.

Do NOT accept laws that restrict your rights as a human being as permanent. Do something about it. And I don't mean "belligerently disobey them." That will harm you. Instead, take action against them. Before this happens, you have to mentally and verbally take this opposing stance.

The first step, obviously, is to educate gun owners that your 2nd Amendment Rights are just that- they are your right to have as a human being.

Since many of you people obviously haven't read the Bill of Rights, I suggest pointing your browser to Wikipedia. It's not lengthy reading, and it summarizes it well:

The Bill of Rights is the collective name for the first ten amendments to the United States Constitution. These limitations serve to protect the natural rights of liberty and property. They guarantee a number of personal freedoms, limit the government's power in judicial and other proceedings, and reserve some powers to the states and the public.

Now riddle me this: at which point do you accept a government to regulate one of your naturally born rights with laws that restrict and prohibit you from bearing arms as a human being?

Answer: you don't. Which all so many of you fail to realize.
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It is this "lay down and take it in the ass" attitude that you carry combined with people like Rick and firecontrol who choose not to question laws but rather take them as The Gospel that totally screw 2A rights advocates in this state called Massachusetts.

Do NOT accept it as permanent. Do something about it.

I do not recall where I had written or said that I agreed with Rick but if you say so it must be true.

Well I have said for along time this country is heading for another revolution.
It is this "lay down and take it in the ass" attitude that you carry combined with people like Rick and firecontrol who choose not to question laws but rather take them as The Gospel that totally screw 2A rights advocates in this state called Massachusetts.

Do NOT accept laws that restrict your rights as a human being as permanent. Do something about it. And I don't mean "belligerently disobey them." That will harm you. Instead, take action against them. Before this happens, you have to mentally and verbally take this opposing stance.

The first step, obviously, is to educate gun owners that your 2nd Amendment Rights are just that- they are your right to have as a human being.

Since many of you people obviously haven't read the Bill of Rights, I suggest pointing your browser to Wikipedia. It's not lengthy reading, and it summarizes it well:

Now riddle me this: at which point do you accept a government to regulate one of your naturally born rights with laws that restrict and prohibit you from bearing arms as a human being?

Answer: you don't. Which all so many of you fail to realize.

required reading for all new members.

come on, guys. wake up!
I do not recall where I had written or said that I agreed with Rick but if you say so it must be true.

Well I have said for along time this country is heading for another revolution.

Well, your first post suggesting a suspension of his LTC and stating your acceptance of these laws as permanent had me make a few assumptions that were incorrect. Rather than suggest suspension, you'd have been more clear with your intentions by stating (which you did later, now that I have been more thorough in my reading) that the laws are unjust.

My apologies.

As far as "revolution" goes, these laws can change without such a strong movement. Education of current gun owners is the start to an intelligent movement towards better things.
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Well, your first post suggesting a suspension of his LTC and stating your acceptance of these laws as permanent had me make a few assumptions that were incorrect. Rather than suggest suspension, you'd have been more clear with your intentions by stating (which you did later, now that I have been more thorough in my reading) that the laws are unjust.

My apologies.

Not a problem I do like a good argument [grin]. I should have worded it better so that is my bad.
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