Is it ugly or just awkward?

not helpful enough anymore. Its the MAGS that are illegal.
In mass yes. Other states it's the combo of semi auto and 30 rounds. Don't worry......your a typical angry ma**h***......contrary to your beliefs......there is a whole f***ing world that exists outside of Massachusetts. It's not just about you. 😂
I understand that everyone is going for lever gun popularity, and the mix of .300 Blackout, threaded barrel, and gasless operation for ultimate quiet, while still retaining fast repeating operation.

Wouldn't a pump action make more sense? No issues with lever/magazine interference. It's just as fast as a lever. And it can be just as "blued steel and polished wood" as you'd care to have.

Might give up some rail space, though.
Why do we not have an animated gif of the Rifleman doing that rapid fire scene? It would have gone soooooooo good on a loop with my drum mag question.
I've got you, boo.
I understand that everyone is going for lever gun popularity, and the mix of .300 Blackout, threaded barrel, and gasless operation for ultimate quiet, while still retaining fast repeating operation.

Wouldn't a pump action make more sense? No issues with lever/magazine interference. It's just as fast as a lever. And it can be just as "blued steel and polished wood" as you'd care to have.

Might give up some rail space, though.
300 Blackout or 350 Legend wood stocked pump rifle.....hell yeah. Shut up and take my money. Fast with that short cartridge it would be super fast.

I have a remington 760 in .300 Sav, and Savage model 170 in 30-30. Both are fun as hell.

As far as I know its not a huge market...I don't think there is anyone making a real fudd type pump rifle anymore, unless Remington has brought the 7600 back.
I have really enjoyed reading all the ideas and opinions on this. This is exactly what I hoped for and has been very entertaining.
I think for now I am deciding it is just to damn ugly for me and I am moving on.
Thank you to all who participated and made this as interesting as possible.
Was just watching a video from the Shot Show and they were showing Henry’s new lever action. It was god awful ugly. Collapsibe stock, AR for-end, picatinny rail and it had an extended barrel with a silencer. It comes in 45/70. It’s so new that they haven’t named it yet. Not sure who’s going to line that.
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