I don't know all the details of the MA AWB, and I'm sure the M10-762 has too many evil features. But I Googled and couldn't find a definitive answer.
Is the M10-762 MA compliant? It's a Romanian AK47 with all-new parts including Tapco muzzle-break, trigger, stock, a nice grip and PKM style sights with chrome lined barrel and gas tube. It includes rails and is compatable with most AK47 aftermarket parts. It's at a good price, around $600.
If it is, I'll pick one up tomorrow. The internet says it's CA compliant, and their AWB is worse than ours so I have hope. The only link I've found for it is on Atlantic Firearms.
Is the M10-762 MA compliant? It's a Romanian AK47 with all-new parts including Tapco muzzle-break, trigger, stock, a nice grip and PKM style sights with chrome lined barrel and gas tube. It includes rails and is compatable with most AK47 aftermarket parts. It's at a good price, around $600.
If it is, I'll pick one up tomorrow. The internet says it's CA compliant, and their AWB is worse than ours so I have hope. The only link I've found for it is on Atlantic Firearms.